How to Maintain a Safe and Healthy Lifestyle While on HCG

How to Maintain a Safe and Healthy Lifestyle While on HCG

An HCG diet is a specialized one, which focuses on using hormones to diminish the hunger and weakness caused by low cal diets. Established in the 1950s, this theory was proposed by a British doctor Albert Simeons who was treating teens with gland related conditions during the year 1954. This hormone is said to redistribute and burn fat. The HCG is a diet which has rapidly gained popularity with extremely rapid loss of 1-2 pounds in a day. You can even beat hunger in the process. HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin is present in early pregnancy at high levels. This hormone is even used as a marker in home pregnancy kits. HCG is used to also cure infertility.

The Diet

Simeons proposed this ultra low cal diet which involves consumption of 500 calories in a day. HCG is administered through injections. HCG injections are also available in oral drops, sprays, and pellets. Countless websites and certain retail stores are also selling these. HCG is a hormone produced in early stages of pregnancy. The HCG uses the diet and the starvation level cal intake to initiate weight loss.

How It Works

HCG is a protein-based hormone generated during pregnancy. HCG maintains the important hormones like estrogen and progesterone essential for the development of the fetus and embryo in the body that is not pregnant thereby initiating weight loss. HCG is a hormone found in large amounts in first 3 months of pregnancy and stimulates the production of essential hormones.

The HCG diet proponent claims it boosts metabolism and helps in large weight loss, without inducing a sensation of hunger. Several theories have explained the mechanism behind weight loss and HCG. Numerous studies have found that weight loss in the HCG diet is on account of the low calorific intake.

How It Works
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HCG diet exponents claim weight loss results from not muscle but fat loss. HCG also elevates other hormones, boosting the metabolism and leading to an anabolic, growth producing state. According to its proponent Simeons, the efficacy of the HCG diet stems from re-setting of the hypothalamus (the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus are parts of the brain that regulate feelings of satiety and hunger.) This causes the way the body expends fat to change. There are 3 kinds of body fat, namely structural, reserve and abnormal. Abnormal fat is that which, instead of being used as a reserve, remains trapped and HCG unlocks the ability of the body to burn the trapped fat.

Precautions For Making the HCG Diet Safe and Effective

#1 Regular Screening

To make the HCG diet a successful one, it is critical to assess patients and regulate their chances of success from the start of the diet to returning back to a normal everyday diet. Post the diet stages, the patient should change back to normal diet and eating habits under the care of the physician.

#2 Diet Under Medical Supervision

Patients who follow the HCG diet under a physician achieve success from the loss of weight and improved reduction in markers of diseases like metabolic syndrome, top BP and glucose levels, massive amounts of C reactive proteins and entire levels of cholesterol. Patients may even stop needing medications as a result of an HCG diet under medical supervision.

#3 Not a Quick Fix

HCG is an efficacious route to weight management and it should be pursued and regulated under a physician. Only then can the patient be brought back to normal eating patterns and routine activities. It must not be thought of as a crash course in weight loss or a quick-fix diet. HCG is a diet that has worked right for millions of people provided you don’t choose a wrong option when it comes to gaining results.

#4 Both Parts of This Diet Critical

An important thing you have to understand in the HCG diet is that it keeps hunger down while targeting the fat in the body. This is a low-calorie diet also called the 500 cal diet. It is not about calorie counting though. It is more about eating the right amount.

#5 Choose the Right Foods

For each meal, you have to choose from a list of foods. You need to also drink at least 2 liters of water in a day, besides taking protein of 100 grams or 3.5 ounces, veggies, fruits, and carbs. You can also enjoy stevia sweetening for dishes and beverages. Go organic if you can for the best results from an HCG diet.

#6 No Exercises Needed!

Make a Lifestyle Change
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While on the diet, there is no need for strenuous exercises unlike other types of diets. So, while you can try light jogging or walking, beyond that you don’t need to be alert because the plan does not really need exercise to be effective.

#7 Make a Lifestyle Change

Many obese individuals seek to remove extra flab, but not all succeed in this mission. This is because they fail to realize that adhering to HCG foods is not enough. To ensure long-lasting results, you need to make necessary changes in lifestyle with food preferences too.

#8 Assess Suitability of Diet

Before commencing with the HCG diet, discuss it with your doctor. Especially if you are pregnant, as this diet is contraindicated in expecting mothers because it can harm the growth of the fetus. It also raises chances of multiple pregnancies in women. Also, those with kidney ailments, heart disease, and asthma cannot follow this diet.

#9 Watch Out for Side Effects

Another important consideration is that application of the hormone can initiate changes in the environment. Some of the common side effects of an HCG diet include irritability, headache, and digestive issues. If you find these symptoms, it makes sense to get in touch with the doctor.

#10 Avoid Too Much Oil

Desist from using much oil while preparing snacks or dishes. This does not include only cooking oil. You need to watch out that excess oil does not enter the body in any way, including the skin. Skincare products like hair and massage oils and any cream or lotion with high oil content should be avoided. Choose HCG diet friendly skin products only.

#11 Don’t Take Fizzy Drinks

Apart from water, which is the most useful fluid for HCG dieters, carbonated drinks should be avoided. The carbonated sodas and colas even if zero calories can create a problem. They can increase the sugar content and cause hunger pangs to intensify. Additionally, diet sodas also contain citric acid and impact the effectiveness of the hormone. It is better if homemade lemonade is chosen.

#12 Follow The Diet to the T

HCG diets are low fat,low-calorie diets with the loading phase involving ingestion of HCG and high cal, high-fat foods for a couple of days. Weight loss phase is when you take the hormone along with only 500 cal of food for three to six weeks. Maintenance is the phase when HCG is avoided. Food intake should return to normal gradually. But sugar and starch need to be avoided for some weeks. The more weight loss you seek, the greater is the duration of the diet extending up to a maximum of 6 weeks or repeat cycles.

The weight loss phase requires you to eat lunch and dinner only and the diet comprises one portion of lean protein, a vegetable, some carb like a slice of bread and fruit. There is a list of approved foods which can only be consumed from specific amounts. Butter, sugar, and oils should be avoided but enough water needs to be drunk. Coffee and tea are permitted as well.

#13 Follow Dietary Restrictions

Broiled or grilled chicken, white fish, veal, lobster, shrimp or crab that is low in fat should be the right choice. Avoid salmon, tuna, eel, herring or pickled fish. Veggies include greens mostly. Bread comprises a single breadstick or a melba toast. The fruit includes orange, apple, strawberry or grapefruit in restricted portions. The HCG diet permits more water, coffee, and tea as much as you want. One table spoon of milk is also allowed. Sugar, butter, and oil are not.

#14 Willpower to Stay With the Weight Loss Program

Willpower to Stay With the Weight Loss Program
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Whether you feel deprived or regimented, it is a must to stay committed. Additionally, as humans are biochemically unique, the nutritional needs vary across the population. This is influenced by factors like thyroid conditions, medicines, generics, hormonal imbalances, pollution, lifestyle. Excessive insulin overall health levels and metabolic types also influence the success of the diet. So the HCG diet at all stages must be medically supervised. Additionally, you will need every bit of motivation to adhere to the diet. The proper balance of food, willpower, and supplementation can work wonders for any diet.

#15 Prepare for Metabolic Makeover

This is only possible if there is a complete evaluation of nutritional needs and metabolic types. Initial physical exams, EKG, lab testing of the hormonal balance and metabolism typing also matter. Individualized programs need to be regulated by skilled staff while supplementation to target specific health needs is critical.

You need to undergo a metabolic makeover, with treatment recommendations and a thorough understanding of weight loss resistance as well as removing the chances of binge eating due to psychological factors.

#16 Watch Out For Allergies

Allergies and food intolerance can cause weight retention and hunger cravings. Effect of sleep and stress on food allergies also needs to be monitored.


Thus following the HCG diet is not just about regulating food. It involves taking a host of precautions and ensuring you receive your HCG injections in a timely manner. Each aspect of the diet and the weight loss needs to be medically regulated rather than attempting DIY diets, for maximum impact and zero side effects.

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