Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Nervous System

Challenges of everyday life unquestionably influence the entire organism but mostly the nervous system, so often at the end of the day we feel tired, exhausted and out of balance. Due to the turbulent daily rhythm, many can not find any matching night rhythm and often struggle with insomnia and enter the closed circle because there is no rest for the brain.

Proper functioning of our nervous system relies on a number of factors, including nutrients obtained from our diet. Instead of pills, it may be better to treat nerves with vitamins they may lack due to exhaustion and therefore we feel increased stress or anxiety.

Some of the vitamins that our nervous system mostly uses is the vitamin B – complex , particularly vitamins B1, B6 and B12.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, has a particularly important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. It can be found mostly in the whole grains bran (one more reason to buy products based on raw grains such as brown rice, pasta, flour, biscuits …), yeast, milk, meat, vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Vitamin B1 is recommended for pregnant women who need it in large quantities, breastfeeding mothers and athletes who workout more, but also for alcoholics, patients with heart failures and all those who have problems with concentration and studying, depression and neurosis, people who consume too much  refined carbohydrates, people who have problems with accelerated function of the thyroid gland etc.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is another vitamin in the vitamin complex that supports the function of our nervous system, vitamin of essential importance, therefore, people need to eat a variety of food to constantly renew it. It has bad effects on the opposite, if you have it too much in the body, so it is best to consume it naturally, rather than by using substitutes – whole grains, milk, poultry, fish, banana, corn, nuts, avocado.

Apart from helping the red blood cells production, vitamin B6 helps in insomnia, PMS, epilepsy attack, carpal tunnel syndrome, produces immunity and nerve impulses transmission. The lack of this vitamin can be recognized by acne, eczema and similar infections of the skin, muscle weakness, fatigue, nausea, but depression, irritability and bad mood as well.

Although all of the B complex vitamins affect the nervous system, vitamin B12 is the only being stored in the liver for 10-12 years. It is immensely important for the structure of new stations, along with folic acid. If you lack it, folic acid is discharged into the blood.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia, in which red blood cells are larger than average, but can be found in smaller quantities. B12 affects the nervous system by participating in the structure of the protective layer on the nerve cells. This layer is particularly responsible for nerve impulses transmission.

Its deficiency, therefore, directly affects the poor memory, and it is confirmed by the fact that 70% of patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a problem with the lack of vitamin B12. Therefore, it is essentially  important to consume enough of this vitamin B on time.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid are involved in the production of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are responsible for the good mood. Their deficiency results with depression, anxiety and weakness.

This vitamin can be found in varied diet, so you do not need take substitutes if you consume variety of food. Vitamin B12 can be found mostly in animal products such as liver, tuna, salmon, herring, eggs, cheese … Beer and sauerkraut are food products of vegetative origin that contain it.

Pregnant and lactating women mostly a recommendation for supplements of this vitamin, because they need extra dose, but people older than 55 years as well. Neuroses, depression, tension, fatigue, hair problems and skin fungus, muscle aches, etc. may indicate lack of vitamin B12.

Besides vitamin B complex, some other nutrients play a role when it comes to our nervous system. It is the glucose; it is no wonder why we have an increased need for sweets when we are in a particularly stressful period; zinc, which affects the immune system, and except in oysters this nutrient can be found in seafood, liver, nuts, red meat, whole grains and vitamin B group as well.

Also minerals are very important for the health of our nervous system. They are involved in responses of the nervous system.


Calcium is absolutely essential for our healthy nervous system, and is very useful because help to reduce stress. Calcium, which is found especially in the food has a calming effect on the body. Lack of calcium in the body leads to restlessness and emotional weakness.


Zinc is responsible for the synthesis of serotonin, which improves mood and melatonin, which controls the aging process and generally strengthens the immune system. Lecithin is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, and can be found in dairy products, eggs, mackerel, oats, soybeans, peas and lentil.


Magnesium primarily relaxes, prevents headaches and migraines, keeps the cells from being decomposed, and apart from protecting the heart and blood vessels, protects the nervous system as well. Magnesium can be found in kiwi, mangoe, grapes, artichoke, broccoli, peas, lettuce, lamb’s lettuce, potatoes, kohlrabi, rhubarb and raw sauerkraut.


Cholesterol is not good if you have it too much, but within tolerable limits it actually affects our parasympathetic autonomic nervous system in the cerebrum and directly affects the ability to concentrate and remember. Proteins are also extremely important in the creation of hormones that affect our good mood. If you do not eat enough proteins, it will not be surprising to get depressed.

You do not need to be worried if you eat varied food. Vegetarians, pregnant and lactating women, and older people can suffer from the lack of these nutrients, usually due to an increased need for them.

Many people who consume improper food due to lack of time have, inexcusable, poor eating habits which may lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies if this habit is long-lasting. With consuming vitamins and minerals you can improve the health of your nervous system.

The body has its own reserves, but they need to be renewed because some nutrients are spent really fast . So, if you are willing to keep your health (and nerves!) start first by taking care of your diet.

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