Get Rid Of Freckles On Face

Freckles Causes and Tips to Get Rid Of Freckles On Face

Freckles are light brown spots on the skin which usually develops in face, neck and arms areas of the body. This unpleasant spot makes your complexion uneven which no one wants. However, this skin issue can be lightened and even removed with some effective tips to get rid of freckles on face.

This skin problem occurs due to exposure to sunlight which stimulates the level of melanin which is a pigment responsible for your skin color. Freckles develop in areas where high pigment melanin-rich skin cells clusters or accumulates.

However, these are not raised bumps like moles rather these are flatten and are tan or dark brown spots remains scattered on a different part of the face or any other area of the body where it develops.

No one born with freckles, yes you can inherit this problem in your genes which you may develop later stages of your life especially due to sun exposure which trigger this issue faster. These are painless and harmless skin spots but can make your beautiful face dull by hiding your actual skin tone or complexion.

If you are the one who wants to get rid of this skin problem permanently but looking for natural tricks to relieve this skin concern then you have absolutely visited the right place. Here we have enlisted some most effective and safe natural measures which are worthy to apply to get rid of this skin problem permanently.


The growth of freckles is mostly associated with sun exposure. Apart from it, this skin issue can also occur as a genetic predisposition in which you are most likely to inherit this skin problem in the later stages of your life.

Your skin naturally produces melanin when comes in the exposure of sunlight or UV rays of the sun that causes suntan. As a result of this melanin, production chances remain high that some over deposition of melanin occurs at certain skin areas which causes the growth of freckles on affected sites.

People with fairer complexion, light eyes color, red or blond hair contains a higher risk of developing this skin issue due to over sun exposure. Once this skin problem will start it will remain to continue until it forms a cluster of brown or tan spots on your face, neck, arms and back portions of the body.

Some people only develop this skin issue on their face whereas there are people whose freckles develop on other skin areas of the body too apart from their face.

Though this skin spot doesn’t cause pain or any kind of difficulty but it can make your look ugly which needs care and treatment to relieve this problem completely.

Freckles Types

Freckles are divided into two types which are:


Ephelides are the most common type of freckles which most people develops. This type of freckles looks dark brown and flat and can even diminish along with the reduction of sunlight exposure.

Solar Lentigines

This type of freckles develops in the adulthood stage and often associated with aging spot and sometimes sunspots. In this form of freckles, the cutaneous melanocytes produce a large volume of melanin on the exposure of sunlight. It looks like dark brown patches on the affected skin areas.

Apart from these two primary types of freckles in certain cases, people develop this skin issue out of their genetic inclination which increases their risk of developing this skin problem in their adulthood.

11 Tips to Get Rid Of Freckles On Face

Aloe Vera Gel

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The medicinal benefits of aloe vera gel are enormous this is the reason it is a most recommendable ingredient for treating different skin health issues. It is a rich source of bioactive compounds which helps in reducing different kinds of skin damages caused by sun exposure.

By inhibiting the tyrosinase activities it reduces and prevents the melanin accumulation in the skin that helps in reducing the freckles size and color.

For applying this home remedy you need to extract fresh aloe vera gel directly from its leaf or you can also use aloe vera gel available in the market. Take 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel and then apply it over your face and neck areas liberally.

Leave it in the same position for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off completely with the plain water. Apply this remedy every day until you see a reduction in the appearance of your freckles.


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Honey is a very popular and effective medicinal property-rich ingredient which is used since ancient era for treating different inflammations in the body as well for enhancing skin beauty. It contains flavonoid and phenolic compounds that help to inhibit tyrosinase activity which reduces the production of an excessive level of melanin in the skin hence reduces the growth of freckles and diminishes the existing freckles.

In order to apply this remedy you require 1 tbsp of lemon juice, and 1 tbsp of fresh honey. Mix both these ingredients to get a thick paste out of it. Apply this paste generously all over affected areas of your skin and leave it as it is for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

After that wash it off completely with plain water. Apply this remedy at least two times a week until your freckles remove completely.

Cocoa Butter

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Cocoa Butter is a good source of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols which can naturally relieve the skin damages caused by the exposure of UV radiation of the sun. Hence helps in diminishing the appearance of the freckles on different areas of skin. Also, its photoprotective property prevents further growth of freckles with its frequent application.

For applying this home remedy you need to take 1 or 2 tbsp of cocoa butter and then apply it directly on the affected skin areas. Massage it gently for a few minutes and then leave it overnight.

In the next morning wash it off with a mild cleanser. Repeat this process every night for two to three weeks after that you will notice a drastic reduction in the appearance of freckles on your skin.

Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is not only god by taste but its health value are also enormous. It is a rich source of flavonoids such as quercetin which helps to inhibit tyrosinase activities responsible for freckles growth in the skin. As a result, the deposition of melanin reduces in the skin leading to a reduction in freckles size.

For applying this home remedy you need to take 1 kiwi fruit, and 2 to 3 strawberries. Prepare a thick paste out of these two ingredients and then apply this prepared paste pack on all the affected skin areas.

Leave it as it is for 20 to 25 minutes and then wash it off completely. Apply this fruit pack two times a week until your freckles diminish completely.

Shea Butter

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Shea butter contains bioactive compounds which are known for its anti- melanogenic property means it can reduce melanin synthesis leading to a reduction in freckles appearance.

For applying this home remedy you need to take 1 to 2 tbsp of Shea butter. Now heat the taken Shea butter until it gets warm. After that massage with this warm Shea butter on your freckles affected areas of skin very gently.

Leave it as it is for overnight and then rinse it off fully in the next morning. Apply this remedy every night at least for 3 to 4 weeks to reduce and relieve your freckles.

Eucalyptus Oil

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Eucalyptus oil is a pharmacological property-rich essential oil. It contains bioactive compounds that help to inhibit tyrosinase activity hence effective in relieving melanin synthesis responsible for excessive pigmentation in skin and freckles.

In order to apply this remedy you need to take 2 to 3 drops of eucalyptus oil and few drops of any carrier oil like almond oil etc. Mix both the oil together and apply it directly over your freckles affected areas of skin. Leave it as it is for 20 minutes and after that wash it off with the help of a washcloth.

Apply this remedy every day before going to bed. Regular application of this natural remedy will bring a drastic reduction in the appearance of your freckles.

Lemon Juice

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Lemon is a very good source of vitamin C which exhibits anti-pigmentary and photoprotective properties that protect your skin against UV rays damages. Its frequent application on skin can reduce the melanin synthesis responsible for freckles generation.

For applying this remedy you need one lemon. Squeeze this lemon in a bowl to get its juice and then take a cotton pad. Dib this cotton pad into lemon juice and then apply this juice directly on your freckles.

Leave it as it is for 15 to 20 minutes after that rinse it off completely. Apply this remedy 2 times a week until your freckles diminish fully.

However, it is always advised to do a patch test before using lemon juice directly on your freckles areas as it can even cause a reaction. If your patch test goes successful then and only apply it over your freckles to treat it naturally and safely.


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Yogurt is a good source of lactic acid which can inhibit the tyrosinase activity and can reduce the melanin formation. Hence it is effective in preventing the concentration of excessive pigmentation at different areas of skin that causes freckles skin problem.

For applying this remedy you need to take 2 to 3 tbsp of yogurt. Take this yogurt and massage with this on your affected areas in the circular motion for 15 to 20 minutes.

After that wash it off completely with the plain water. Apply this home remedy on a daily basis until your freckles diminished completely.

Amla and Water

Amla is a good source of vitamin C and anti-oxidants content which has the ability to lighten your skin tone and for treating different skin health issues. This is the reason its application does wonders in lightening freckles naturally. Also, it helps in restoring the original glow and beauty of your skin.

For applying this home remedy you need to take 1 to 2 tbsp of amla powder and then add enough amount of plain water in it to get a smoother paste out of it.

Once this paste is ready, apply this generously on the affected skin areas and leave it as it is until it gets dry fully. Once it dries out naturally wash it off with plain water.

Apply this remedy two times a week until your freckles remove completely. For a more effective result, you can also mix a pinch of turmeric powder in this paste.


If you want to relieve your freckles skin problem naturally then you must try eggplant which is an abundant source multiple nutrients such as minerals, vitamins (A, B and E) and antioxidants such as nasunin which protect your skin from damages caused free radicals to attack.

In order to apply this remedy, you need to cut approx ¼ inch thick slice from the eggplant. Rub one of the slices on your freckles affected areas in a circular motion. Let your skin get absorb its juice completely.

Take another eggplant slice and rub it again on your skin and let it juice sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash your skin with the plain water. Apply this remedy every day to see a noticeable reduction in your freckles and to remove them completely.


Papaya is well known for its diversified health benefits and its skin-related health benefits are one of those long lists. It contains a vital enzyme Papain which is a protein dissolving enzyme.

It is a good natural exfoliating agent hence helps in removing the pigmented skin areas and that is why it reduces and removes your freckles to offer you clean and clear skin naturally.

For preparing this remedy you need to cut one papaya into small pieces and then put all of them in a blender to get the pulp. Now apply this pulp generously on your freckles areas and leave it as it is for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash it off with plain water.

Apply this remedy on a daily basis to see a noticeable reduction in the appearance of your freckles.

Apply the above-mentioned tips to get rid of freckles on face naturally and without any side effects risk as it happens with intensive medical treatments and get set ready to flaunt your flawless skin and beauty to everyone with confidence.

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