Acne Cause Treatment

Acne Causes and How to Treat Acne Symptoms

Acne is a hormonal, skin condition that often becomes active during the teenage years. Hormones, intermixed with fatty acids inside the oil glands and bacteria on the skin, are factors that cause acne. Acne usually appears on a person’s face, shoulders, chest and back. There are various kinds of acne such as blackheads, whiteheads, cysts and small bumps.

How Acne Develops:

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Drugs for Acne

Even though acne is a normal skin condition, there are certain things that may irritate it such as picking acne lesions, menstruation and menopause for women and hat and sports helmets; objects that are often too tight on the skin. To be clear, there are three types of drugs that are effective when treating acne: benzoyl peroxide—such as Clearasil, retinoids such as Retin-A and Tazorac and antibiotics such as clindamycin. Hormone therapy also is effective for some women who have irregular periods or women who are suffering from hair loss.

Ways to Prevent Acne

Acne can be prevented several ways such as using a cleanser that is specially made for acne. Cleansing your face regularly can also help but when you wash your face, use your hands; wash cloths can irritate and rupture acne sores. Using a light moisturizer is another helpful measure. For women who use cosmetics, it is important to use an oil-free foundation. Heavy makeup clogs pores and can actually cause a flare-up of acne. There are several things you can do to prevent acne such as using a cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

Factors that Trigger Acne

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There are certain factors that aggravate or trigger acne such as hormones or medications like lithium and diet. Foods such as bread, chips bagels, chocolate, and dairy products may trigger acne. It is important to note that stress does not necessarily cause acne but it can aggravate acne. There are risk factors for acne such as genetics, friction or pressure on the skin when using a telephone, cellphone, tight collars and backpacks and when using oily lotions and creams.

Things you can do to Prevent or Lessen Acne

It is important to note that there are things you can do at home that will help lessen acne such as using a gentle cleanser twice a day. In addition, be sure to avoid facial scrubs and astringents, as they can irritate the skin. Check out over the counter products that dry excess oil and promote peeling. Most importantly, avoid irritants such as greasy sunscreens and cosmetics, acne concealers and hairstyling products. Always use an oil-free moisturizer with sunscreen. For some, the sun worsens acne and some acne medications actually make a person more vulnerable to the sun’s rays.

To prevent acne, it is also important to be careful what touches your skin. By not placing telephone receivers and cellphones on your face, you can keep your skin cleaner. Hats and tight clothing can also cause acne concerns. And, it is also important to not pick or squeeze blemishes because this will cause scarring or infection.

What to do if Nothing Works?

If you find that regularly cleansing your face, a nutritious diet and other preventative measures have not helped, then you may want to seek help from a dermatologist. A dermatologist can help you control your acne, make scars less noticeable and prevent scarring on your skin. The kind of treatment a dermatologist gives you for acne depends on the severity and type of your acne. Topical and oral medications are often discussed with a patient.

Topical and Oral Medications

Topical medications are effective when they are applied on skin that is clean and dry. Some people notice an irritation on their skin in the beginning when using topical medications; however, your dermatologist will give you information on how to minimize these effects. The most common topical medications that a dermatologist offers to their patients are antibiotics, retinoids and Aczone. Another treatment method for acne is oral medications such as antibiotics, combined oral contraceptives, an anti-androgen agent and Isotretinoin—which is given only to those who suffer from severe acne.

What can a Dermatologist do?

Dermatologists also offer therapies for acne such as light therapy, chemical peels, steroid injections and removing whiteheads and blackheads. Acne scars are treated with soft tissue fillers, Dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing and light therapy. There are certain tips that can help prevent and treat acne such as washing acne areas only twice a day, using an over-the-counter acne cream or gel, using non-oily makeup, always removing makeup before going to bed, wearing lose fitting clothing, showering after strenuous activities, and not touching or picking the acne.
There are other alternative treatments that have worked for some such as tea tree oil, alpha hydroxy acid, green tea extract, Aloe Vera and Brewer’s yeast.

To conclude, having acne can be a big problem because it interferes in one’s personal and professional life. Most of us form an impression of a person quickly and that impression can last a long time. So, when acne becomes a problem, don’t let it interrupt or hinder your lifestyle. Take action and try several home remedies and if they don’t work, talk to a dermatologist about a treatment method that will work best for you.

Your personal image is important and when acne hinders your personal image, it is time to take action. Many over-the-counter medications are effective and affordable and there are various steps you can take at home that can lessen and in some cases, are effective in getting rid of it. Try one or more of the above suggestions and find relief from acne.

To conclude, your face is important for many reasons, mainly for your good health and your appearance, which many people focus on first. That first impression can be lasting. That is why it is important to treat acne quickly and effectively. One of the most effective things you can do for acne is to keep your face clean and dry and prevent certain objects such as cell phones and tight clothing from grazing your face.

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