Beauty & Style


TMJ Problems – An Osteopathic TMJ Treatment Guide

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is responsible for the overall movement of the jaw, can all too often stir up a host of problems (interestingly, some of which are unrelated to the jaw). Problems that affect the TMJ stem from triggers that cause excruciating pain in the entire jaw, surrounding […]

11 Steps To Maintain Dental Hygiene

10 Steps To Maintain Dental Hygiene

As everybody desires to hold a great smile, proper maintenance of oral hygiene is gaining due importance. Poor oral hygiene may follow up with a wide variety of dental as well as other serious ailments which may include gum disease, bone loss, strokes, infection, heart ailments and many more. Hence, […]

Ayurvedic Treatment For Excessive Hair Growth Or Unwanted Hair In Women

The What And Why Of Unwanted Hair In Women

All women desire a head full of thick lustrous hair, but are always looking for some way of hair removal from the rest of their body. Most women want some permanent method of hair removal from their face, hands, legs, underarms and at times, even the genital area. Mostly women […]

Psoriasis management in the winter

Tips for Psoriasis Management in the Winter

Psoriasis is a long lasting skin condition characterized by skin dryness and inflammation. The person suffering from this skin ailment would have thick psoriasis scales on various parts of the body including scalp. According to Wikipedia, more than 2% of the world’s population is suffering from this complex skin disorder. […]


Cataract Surgery: Procedure, Safety, Recovery, Effect

<Source> These FAQs will help prospective cataract patients to know what to expect from their surgical procedure, how to prepare for it, and what precautions are to be taken upon completion of the surgery. What Are Cataracts? A cataract is a medical condition that affects the eye, causing a protein […]

Blurred Vision causes and treatment

Blurred Vision – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Having clear and sharp vision help you focus better, perceive the world around you in a unique way and you can easily do everyday tasks. However, sometimes the vision becomes hazy or blurry, and you feel like someone has put a filter over your eyes and you’re no longer able […]