Manuka Honey for Relief in Cystic Acne

How to Use Manuka Honey for Relief in Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is one of the very common types of skin issues that everyone wants to get rid of as fast as it is possible. Just like any other skin issue, one should always look for natural or home remedies as these are safe and give effective results. In this regard, we have come up today with an effective natural remedy or solution with a very fine and highly effective ingredient called manuka honey.

Using manuka honey for cystic acne is one of the best possible ways through which you can relieve this issue from root even without leaving scars behind. You will get many honey products in the market but not all of them are equally effective for you.

Acne is one of the skin issues that can affect anyone including a teenager to an older adult. There are many things that trigger this skin issue including hormonal balance, stress, poor diet routine, and pollution. Though there are many medical care products for treating this skin problem but manuka honey could be considered as a more reliable natural remedy for its treatment.

As per manuka honey is concerned it is derived from especial honey bees which increases its health potential for every user whether it is consumed or applied on the skin as a DIY remedy. Along with containing all potent benefits of honey it also contains special properties which are vital for the treatment of an inflammatory skin condition like acne.

Read this article till the end to understand all about manuka honey, its benefits, the application process for the relief from cystic acne, and potential risks.

What is Manuka Honey?

Manuka honey is a special type of honey that is only produced by the nectar collected from the Manuka trees. These trees grow in New Zealand and Australia. It is the special nectar of the Manuka trees that gives its flavor and true essence of this honey.

Also, the potent antibacterial properties of this honey are only derived from this tree. In general most of the honey derive its antibacterial property from hydrogen peroxide which makes them different from Manuka honey. It is because this special variety of honey contains both hydrogen peroxide and methylglyoxal.

The nectar of Manuka flowers contains a very good amount of dihydroxyacetone which is a substance that is converted into methylglyoxal. This is the reason for the abundance of methylglyoxal components.  Methylglyoxal is the reason behind the unique properties and health benefits of manuka honey.

A higher concentration of methylglyoxal in any honey indicates that this honey has higher antibacterial properties. Also, the Manuka honey is abide by a rating scale called Unique Manuka Factor (UMF). This rating scale measures the concentration of methylglyoxal, which shows how antibacterial is that particular honey.

This honey is in use since the very old time for its potent medicinal benefits. Following compounds and properties are found in this particular honey-

  • Methylglyoxal (antibacterial compound)
  • Leptosperin (a natural chemical that is found in the nectar of Manuka plants)
  • DHA (an omega-3 acid)
  • Amino acids
  • Sugar
  • Low pH (acidity level)

That means manuka honey is consists of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sugars (mainly glucose and fructose), hydrogen peroxide, and methylglyoxal. All these ingredients are the reason behind the high antibacterial and other medicinal properties of this special honey which makes it effective for the treatment of different skin issues including cystic acne.

Manuka Honey Benefits and Properties

Manuka honey remains enriched with many potential health benefits and properties which makes it super honey. The most essential properties and benefits of this especial honey are as follows-

Antimicrobial Properties

The two potent components in Manuka honey such as hydrogen peroxide and methylglyoxal make it rich with antimicrobial properties. That means it efficiently kills harmful microorganisms like bacteria. The study report says that Manuka honey can control approx. 60 species of bacteria including antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Hence, it can effectively destroy the bacteria that contribute to acne growth by infecting skin pores.

Also, its high sugar content is effective to combat the growth of microbes. This special honey has hygroscopic properties which help in drawing out moisture from the bacteria. In the lack of sufficient water or moisture level, these microorganisms can’t survive.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Manuka honey is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties. A study report says that the antioxidants content of this honey develops the anti-inflammatory benefit. Hence, it is beneficial for reducing localized inflammation that comes with acne growth.

In fact, the study report says that the anti-inflammatory effect that is derived from manuka honey is extraordinary and doesn’t matches with the honey produced from other bee species. That is why it is highly effective for the treatment of acne and eczema-like skin issues.

Antioxidant Properties

Manuka honey also gives protection against oxidative damages to your skin with its antioxidant properties. Free radicals such as from environmental exposure etc are highly damaging to your skin health.

It accelerates the aging process of your skin by causing major damages. However, these harmful free radicals associated skin’s damaging risks can be prevented with the application of manuka honey.

Wound Healing Properties

The manuka honey speeds up the wound healing rate with its potent medicinal properties. Its antibacterial property helps in destroying harmful bacteria. Also, it effectively kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria with its potent compounds called hydrogen peroxide and methylglyoxal. By keeping your skin free from the bacteria thrive it speeds up the healing rate of a wounded area.

The manuka honey puts up an appropriate type of cells such as fibroblasts on work that is vital for speedy healing of your wounds. Also, it develops a moist environment and protective layer around the wounded area which aids in a smoother healing process.

This is the reason why this honey is often used for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, and burns as a reliable remedy. Even some study report suggests that manuka honey aid in reducing pain. However, it needs extensive study to prove this benefit.

Retain Moisture to the Skin

Manuka honey is also beneficial for keeping your skin well hydrated and moisturized naturally. It is a natural humectant with its high sugar content. That means it draws in and locks the moisture in your skin for a longer duration.

This vital property of manuka honey makes it an effective ingredient for moisturizers and emollient products.  With its emollient effect, it softens your skin. Its high sugar concentration keeps the burn and wounded area moist which accelerates the healing process.

Improves Skin Appearance

Manuka honey contains vital properties which are beneficial for improving overall skin health. It helps in balancing the pH level of your skin naturally and removes dead skin cells which reduce your risk of pores clogging. This way it provides a clear and smoother appearance to your skin.

Being rich with anti-inflammatory properties it helps in reducing local inflammation out of acne growth. The application of this honey on your skin also removes bacteria and leave behind very few bacteria that can hardly infect the pores which is the root cause of acne.

Hence, it is beneficial for the healing of existing pimples and acne with its antibacterial and low pH level. It is also beneficial for the natural treatment of skin conditions like dandruff and psoriasis.

Best Ways to Use Manuka Honey for Cystic Acne Relief

One can use manuka honey for effective acne treatment in a number of ways. With its potent properties, it controls the growth of bacteria responsible for cystic acne appearance and aid in giving clearer and smoother skin naturally. Some tips and ways for using the manuka honey are enlisted below-

Manuka as a Cleanser

You can use manuka honey as your natural cleanser which helps in clearing pores and prevents the risk of pore-clogging, the leading cause of acne growth. Before using this cleanser remove your makeup first if there is any.

Take a pea-sized amount of this honey on your finger and put it on your face. Now gently massage with it all over your face area in a circular motion for few minutes. After massaging rinse your face thoroughly with water and pat it dry.

This way your skin could be cleansed easily that aid in reducing bacterial growth and for speedy healing of cystic acne. For massage purposes, you can use manuka honey directly or can even dilute it with a little amount of water both are equally effective. Study says that diluted manuka honey also has good antibacterial properties.

Manuka as a Mask

Manuka honey can also be used as a natural mask for your skin. This gives a very effective result as a cystic acne healer as well as a good way to get toned and clear skin by including it in your skin-care regimen.

For preparing this natural mask you need to make a fine paste with ingredients like manuka honey, lemon juice, and ground oats. Apply this mixture all over your face area liberally and let it rest for at least 15 minutes.

You may also apply a mask using just the manuka honey and leave it for up to 30 minutes on your face. Once your mask dries out completely then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Using this mask at least 2 to 3 times a week can give effective results for cystic acne treatment.

Manuka as a Spot Treatment

Manuka honey also works great when used as a spot treatment for the healing of a popping pimple. This remedy is very easy to apply and gives an effective result within a very shorter duration.

To use this remedy you need to dab a small amount of manuka honey on all your pimples and then leave it as it is. The honey will start working with its potent antibacterial properties and kills the bacteria existing in your pores. Once the honey dries out rinse it with warm water and pat dry.

Other Uses of Manuka Honey

You can use manuka honey as an effective remedy for different issues apart from the treatment of cystic acne. Some other ways of using this medicinal property-rich ingredient are as follows-

Scars Treatment

Manuka honey could be used for the natural treatment or healing of scars formed on your skin. Apply this honey to your wounds for a couple of minutes every day to reduce your risk of scarring.

A study report on the animal models by the Trusted Source says that when the manuka honey was applied to their wounds it reduces the formation of scar tissue significantly.

On the other hand, when the wound was left untreated, relying on its natural healing process then the scarring rate was high. This shows the benefits of using manuka honey for scars treatment over the natural healing of a wound.

Cuts Healing

Manuka honey is an effective remedy for the healing of cuts. The usage of this ingredient over the affected area speeds up the healing rate. Also, it inhibits the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that can infect cuts and obstruct or delay the healing process.

Heals Burns

Manuka honey is also useful for the natural treatment of burns. A study report says that the application of this honey on burns area aid in increasing tissue regeneration along with inhibiting bacterial growth. Both these functions are beneficial for the speedy healing of burns.

Important Points to be Considered

Just like any product even manuka honey needs to be used in the right way if you only want to grab its potential benefits for your skin issue and health. Overdoing anything, even a natural ingredient or improper use of an ingredient can show its negative impact instead of benefiting you.

If you are using manuka honey as your natural acne remedy then you must keep in mind some important points. Remember the antibacterial properties or activity of this honey varies among batches.

The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) has been developed in order to grade the antibacterial activity of each produced batch of this honey. The Manuka honey is graded on a scale that includes the range of 5 to 20.

The UMF is decided on the basis of three naturally occurring compounds in this honey called leptosperin, methylglyoxal, and DHA. The Manuka honey with high UMF concentration is considered best for use, as it has very strong antibacterial properties and benefits.

Using manuka honey for acne treatment can also cause an allergic reaction. This is the reason why before applying directly to your affected skin area, do a spot test first. For this, dab a small amount of this honey on your armpit and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes.

If you won’t develop any sign of allergy after 24 hours of this spot test then you can consider this remedy safe for you. However, if any allergic reaction occurs in this test then you will notice symptoms like redness, itching, and hives.

For the safe and best result, it is always advised to buy only manuka honey that is manufactured and packaged in New Zealand. Labeling manuka honey with words like raw, organic, or pure doesn’t mean that it contains all medicinal properties of its purest form. Only buy your product from a reputable source even though you have to pay a bit more.

Following these guidelines can prevent your risk of any systemic reaction out of this product even though no such case has been reported for the Manuka honey usage yet.


With high antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties manuka honey for cystic acne treatment speeds up its healing rate. As it is a natural ingredient so you can use it safely without any fear of side effects even though it may take extra time for healing.

It is a safe alternative way of treatment for cystic acne with comparison to medical processes like the usage of oral antibiotics and laser therapy. However, this ingredient may not give the same result for everyone. Also, more studies are needed to prove that manuka honey is an effective mode of treatment for cystic acne.

Still, its benefits can’t be denied which it derives from its high antibacterial components in comparison to other honey in the market. However, for the best result, you must purchase this product from a reputed and reliable source for a good quality product. Also, check its source to ensure it is only produced from the bees that collect nectar from the Manuka tree in New Zealand.

For the desired result you need to include manuka honey in your regular skin-care regimen. You may expect a result within 7 days of its usage or a little longer in some cases. Consistency is the key to get the best possible result out of this natural product for your cystic acne relief.

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