10 Foods for Healthy Skin

If you are someone who believes in looking beautiful in the most natural way possible, you’ll be surprised to learn that eating ‘right’ can be your short cut to radiant glow. Glowing skin doesn’t always have to be decked up with makeup or other skin care treatments; mostly it can be achieved with healthy diet on a regular basis.

Read on to learn about 10 food items you should incorporate in your day to day diet for that naturally healthy glow.Have you ever given a thought to the idea that the kind of food you eat can actually affect the health of your skin? The food you eat, more than the kind of products you use, determines if your skin is smooth, pore-less and free from wrinkles and aging signs or not.

Over the years, various researches, clinical trials and theories have appeared which have linked unhealthy diet with various kinds of skin problems. In line with the classic belief ‘beauty comes from within,’ eating healthy does indeed have positive effects on the skin.

Here we list 10 food items you must include in your diet for a healthier skin.

01 – Spinach

Leafy green vegetables, especially spinach has always been associated with rich and healthy diet. Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, spinach helps the skin attain a natural glow. Spinach contains lutein which helps in keeping the eyes healthy and white. Spinach works wonders for the skin because it is a great source of vitamin B, C and E along with iron, calcium, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. All these nutrients are also present in various skin creams but receiving them in a natural way – well, that’s a whole different story!

02 – Blueberries

Blueberry is an antioxidant-rich fruit which contains high amounts of fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C and helps in tightening and renewing the skin. A great fruit for skincare, Blueberries have low saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol, making it a good diet for people of any body type. Alongside fighting the signs of aging, Blueberries also help in clearing acne, various kinds of spots on the skin to make it look fresher, healthier and more radiant.

03 – Watermelon

This wonderful fruit is full of clean water, Vitamins and minerals, and is also loaded with other goodies which are low in calories. So, if you’re someone very conscious about health, yet want to have a naturally glowing skin, then watermelon should be your pick. Watermelon helps clear blemishes, improves skin elasticity and helps make the skin smooth and glowing. Watermelon is a great antioxidant and also contains lycopene, a famous cancer-fighting substance.

04 – Salmon

Salmon fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are liked with nourishment of the skin and in reducing the production of inflammatory substances in the body. Thus, Salmon is proven in helping in moisturizing the skin and keep it radiant and healthy. Besides this, Salmon also helps clear clogged pores and eliminates wrinkles and fine lines.

05 – Berries

Like the previously mentioned Blueberries, the Blackberries, Strawberries and Raspberries are also very beneficial to achieve glowing skin. All these berries are rich in Vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant that keeps collagen in the skin healthy. The berries also have high content of quercetin and anthocyanins that prevent inflammations to keep the skin radiant and evenly toned.

06 – Avocados

The Avocado also known Alligator Pear because of the shape and alligator like skin is yet another healthy fruit that can really help the skin glow naturally. Rich in Vitamins A, D and E the Avocado helps fight signs of aging and prevents blemishes while enhancing the quality of the skin. The delicious fruit besides helping the skin fight signs of aging, defends it against free radicals and helps promote elasticity to make the skin glow

07 – Dark Chocolate

It may come as a surprise, by dark chocolate can help your skin look radiant and fresh. Dark chocolate with at least 60 percent cocoa and high flavanol content is a great ingredient to keep skin hydrated and fresh. Besides keeping the skin hydrated, dark chocolate also helps protect skin against sun damage, which is one of the biggest causes of unhealthy skin.

08 – Oranges

Vitamin C and citric acid occur most naturally in oranges and grapefruits which make them really effective and recommended wrinkle preventers. Nutritionists around the world recommend oranges to the patients because of its toning properties. Being great source of Vitamin C, oranges and grapefruits are also recommended to improve texture and colors of the skin. The citrus properties of oranges restore collagen in the skin and helps make the skin tight in order to fight early signs of aging.

09 – Kiwi

Kiwi is a really must have fruit for a healthy diet. The delicious fruit is recommended for skin firming because it has ingredients which help prevent wrinkles and keeps bones and teeth healthy, which adds to the skin’s glow. Kiwi is rich in antioxidants that also help protect the body from cancer.

10 – Eggs

Various myths over time have liked eggs with skin problems such as acne, but in reality eggs can help repair skin tissues and thus help the skin look beautiful. The eggs used in numerous recipes, are rich in selenium, copper and Vitamin A. Being one of the most preferred breakfast item, eggs have compounds which have been found to keep the skin clear of infections and acne. The presence of selenium in eggs helps ward off various kinds of skin infections, while copper enhances skin elasticity, making it look younger and fresher. Vitamin A in eggs helps the skin from developing abnormal clumps all in all treating the skin to glow naturally.
The link between diet and various skin problems is still being studied by various researchers from around the globe. But, it goes without saying that unhealthy eating habits are sure going to affect the skin, just as they affect the overall body function.

Are you going to ‘revise’ your food menu for a radiant glow?

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