How to Maintain the Effects of Weight Loss Diets

If you were on the weight loss diet, then you know that dieting alone is only a half of the battle. After returning to previous eating habits, getting back to the former body weight is only a matter of time. Moreover, we frequently return to the size even larger than the one before the weight loss program. It is called a yo-yo effect, which fortunately can be avoided.

The reasons for yo-yo effect include:

  • Too drastic weight loss,
  • Back to bad eating habits (after dieting is finished),
  • Low physical activity


How to stay slim after dieting?

Remember! The faster you lose weight, the faster you gain it back.

Therefore, losing excess weight, by reducing your calorie meals less than one thousand (1000) calories a day is not a good idea. Try to drink a glass of water before each meal, this will allow you to eat smaller portions. Counting calories is something it can help you find a balance between calories you eat and burn, but do not overdo it. Remember that the correct rate of weight loss is 2 pounds per week. Such slow and gradual excess weight loss will make the effect permanent.

Exercise regularly

Not just because the working muscles consume calories, but also because of the physical exercise increases your metabolic rate. Unquestionable benefit is also beautiful body shape, you can achieve only because you motivate yourself to exercise . You can already see the results after half an hour daily workout. If you don’t like to exercise, don’t make any excuses. You can take regular walks, but remember that you need to maintain a relatively fast pace of the march. Other effective trainings are for example: cycling, swimming or walking with poles.

Moderation at parties

Occasional (one to two times a year) overeating at parties is not a major problem. If you party quite frequently, then try to eat only a little more than every day and choose the less calorie dishes like salads or roast meat. When there is a cake on the table, ask for a half a piece. Make sure you have always something on your plate that way no one will think that you are asking for seconds.

Carefully increase the weight loss portions

Please be aware that you now have a lower metabolic rate than before the diet. The body is in fact so smart that when we begin to deliver him lower calories count, the metabolism slows down. The body wants to leave some reserve, in case of hunger strike in the future. Therefore, you cannot return to the old menu!
In the first week after diet add just one slice of wholemeal bread a day. In the second week, you can add one cup of pasta or rice. After this period, weigh yourself. If you are still losing weight, enrich your daily menu with a slice of ham for example. If you are no longer losing weight, do not eat more, unless you start to exercise more. The weight stabilization period should last at least three months.

Change the way you cook

You do not have to give up your favorite foods. Learn how to cook them differently.
Reduce the amount of fat when frying your favorite meal. Remember to use healthy fats like liquid vegetable oils and olive oil. However, they are still high in calorie, that is why try to use them in moderation.
Cook vegetables, soft meats, poultry and fish by steaming. It will make the dishes richer in vitamins and minerals, easily digestible, tasty and aromatic. If you don’t like the taste of cooked dishes, try to roast them.

Eat often, but in small portions

Divide your daily food into five meals. If you forget about regular eating, set a reminder on your phone. Eat the last meal no later than two hours before you go to sleep. Be sure to eat breakfast, because it’s your number one metabolism booster in the morning. Of course, you can also start your day with a morning workout and then breakfast.

Your meals should be composed of products from different food groups

Your daily diet should include: grains (the primary source of energy in the diet), fruit and vegetables (vitamins), milk and its products (calcium) and food that provide a high amounts of protein (legumes and meat). This principle includes all meals during the day.
Eat fiber-rich foods – cereal, rice, fruits, vegetables, grains, dates, figs, nuts, beans, oatmeal, bran, wholemeal bread. Fiber helps lose weight. Since it absorbs water and fills the stomach, it reduces the feeling of hunger, and delays the moment in which the food leaves the stomach.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drink plenty of non-carbonated mineral water (about 2 liters per day), green tea, red tea (which speeds up the fat burning) and helping in digestion of herbs (chamomile and mint). Glass of water consumed before meals lowers down your appetite and makes you eat less than usual. This is because filled with water stomach sends signal to the brain about partial fullness. In addition, the water speeds the metabolism up and is one of the factor involved in using fat for energy process.

Change your habits permanently

Face it, if you have a tendency to gain weight, you will have to keep an eye on it forever. Change your lifestyle and your eating habits for good. Once and for all say goodbye to uncontrolled snacking on sweets and fast food. Sounds scary? Perhaps, but it really is a new way of life: colorful salads, cycling, swimming, etc., which you can eventually get used to. Besides, think how will you feel fantastic without this luggage of extra pounds.

Ideally, instead going on a drastic diet change your eating habits and lifestyle, so the yo-yo effect will not concern you at all! What should you change in your diet? First of all, eliminate products that provide empty calories, such as sweets, candies and fast food. Try to consume less fat, salt and sugar, but you can use other spices that are healthy and speed your metabolism up.

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