Splenic Flexure Syndrome : Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Are you experiencing gas pains more than usual lately?  Or does your abdomen feel bloated?  Or does your abdomen feel hollow and drum-like when tapped?  You may likely be suffering from Splenic Flexure Syndrome.

Defining Splenic Flexure Syndrome?

It is a digestive tract condition associated with the upper abdomen, specifically between the transverse colon and the descending colon.  This area is called the splenic flexure, hence the name.  It is described as an uncomfortable feeling akin to gas pains; however, there are cases where the stomach pains sometimes become unbearable.

SFS is associated abdominal gas trapped inside the digestive tract.  It is more than the usual gas that we experience occasionally.  Although SFS is not life threatening, symptoms and manifestations are often accompanied by discomfort to unbearable or debilitating pain, which may impair normal human activities, and movement.

What are the Symptoms of Splenic Flexure Syndrome?

Splenic Flexure Syndrome exhibits certain symptoms that will alert the individual to its presence.  Being aware of these symptoms and manifestations can help in curbing or minimizing or eliminating (If possible) the likelihood of experiencing SFS.

Abdominal Gas

Accumulated air within the digestive system comes from involuntary intake of air when eating or drinking too fast.  Unreleased air trapped within the abdomen and causes spasms and cramps of the abdominal muscles.

Abdominal spasms are involuntary jerks of movements, with or without associated pain, while abdominal cramps are caused by sudden contraction of the muscles causing pain.  This combination of cramps and spasms can affect the motor movement of the individual.

Distended Abdomen

The presence or air within the digestive tract results to a bloated feeling in the stomach.  Distended abdomen refers to the expansion of the abdominal cavity due to trapped air.  This results to the hollowness inside the abdominal cavity causes a drum-like effect when tapped.  While this may not be painful, it may cause terrible discomfort.

Irregularities in Bowel Movement

One of the associated symptoms of Splenic Flexure Syndrome is the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  IBS sometimes lead to constipation or diarrhea.   The pressure of air in the colon may adversely affect the regular movement of the bowels resulting to irregularities.  For people who would like regularity, this is a big issue and would be very embarrassing if caught at the wrong place and at the wrong time.  Some of the secondary physical conditions usually accompanying this symptomatic manifestation is fever, abdominal crams, bloating, air retention and colonic spasms.

What Causes Splenic Flexure Syndrome?

Splenic Flexure Syndrome is symptomatic, meaning allergens will trigger symptoms, which causes pain and discomfort to the individual.  Being able to identify the causes of SFS will be a big help in keeping the digestive system from further aggravation.

Food and Diet

Food can be a culprit in most digestive system disorders.  Specific food or food groups may cause an adverse reaction with the chemical contents of the stomach can cause unnecessary production of gas.  In the small space of the digestive tract, the compressed gas can cause pain and discomfort.  Food poisoning due to the negative reaction of the stomach acids to the food components can also be a likely cause of Splenic Flexure Syndrome.

For individuals who do not have any idea as to what is causing them pain and discomfort, this is bothersome.  Diet is also considered a cause for SFS.  The amount and frequency of intake of certain types of foods may be triggers for SFS, hence, they should also be identified.

Eating Habits

Doctors always remind their patients to eat slowly and chew their food completely.  This is for a good reason.  Eating and drinking causes air to go down the esophagus and directly to the digestive tract.  This involuntary intake of air during eating is pointed to as another cause of Splenic Flexure Syndrome, specially eating fast.  Air is lodged into the digestive tract and trapped further by food.  This accumulated air is trapped within the digestive tract due to unhealthy habit of eating fast will definitely aggravate SFS further.  Dispelling trapped air through burping or flatulence can be a challenge for some, thus air is compressed, and causes bloating in the abdominal cavities.

What is the Best Treatment for Splenic Flexure Syndrome?

Experts agree that there is no 100% remedy for SFS.  This is not surprising.  However, there are measures that an individual could take to minimize or totally eradicate the chances of experiencing recurring SFS.  These measures can readily be taken with resolve and practice.

Diet Modification

One of the steps that an individual suffering from SFS could do is to change his diet.  As mentioned, one of the culprits for SFS syndrome can be food. Identifying the specific food or food groups that have an adverse or negative reaction with an individual’s stomach contents can be a bit tricky.  It requires a careful daily log of food taken during the day.   The objective of this activity is to single out the most likely cause of the symptoms and manifestations of the Splenic Flexure Syndrome.  Once a list is generated, and the individual becomes aware of the “allergens”, he will then proceed to ignore symptom-triggers to alleviate his digestive system condition.

Eating Habit Modification

Change or alteration of the eating habit can also drastically improve the condition of the digestive tract.  Eating slowly and chewing the food slowly lessens the likelihood of trapping air within the digestive system.  Being a habit, it would take a lot of getting used to especially for people who are living in the fast lane.  With constant practice, this could be ingrained, and within a short time, SFS symptoms will gradually decrease.


Changes in diet and modifications in eating habits can be the most recommended remedies when it comes to Splenic Flexure Syndrome.  However, in cases where bowel movement is really highly irregular, medication can be considered to ease the discomfort associated with them.  For constipation, increased fiber and fluid intake is recommended.  Laxatives should be the last resort.  The same is true for diarrhea.

Salomon Ptavesich is the CEO and founder of Anxiety Social Net, the first anxiety social networking site aimed to help others overcome anxiety.  He currently lives in Israel.  For more information about Anxiety Social Net, visit the website http://anxietysocialnet.com.

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