Dietary Supplements To Lose Weight

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What are the best dietary supplements for weight loss?

Dietary supplements for weight loss can be very helpful in “kick starting” the body’s metabolism and assisting you to start a weight loss program that will take off extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

When shopping for dietary supplements for weight loss, you need to know the condition of your general health. Keep in mind that people with high blood pressure, heart or kidney trouble need to seek advice before starting a weight loss program with supplements. Dietary weight loss supplements often contain stimulants that can affect these conditions.

The best dietary supplements for weight loss are any that contain vital nutrients to support the body during weight loss. In order to support the body, they need to contain vitamins, electrolytes and natural substances that encourage the body to burn fat. (See Figure 1)

The safest most natural alternative to synthetic weight loss supplements are herbal supplements. These come in capsule, tablet or liquid form and easily obtained on the internet or at your local natural grocer, drug stores or vitamin shops.

Figure 1: Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss

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What are some good herbal supplements for weight loss?

There are several safe herbal supplements that can assist in boosting metabolism and encourage the body to burn fat. Many of these are also very healthy for the body. Here is a list of herbs that are safe and effective supplements for weight loss:

  • Green Tea Extract – Stimulant
  • Green Coffee Extract –  Stimulant
  • Chitosan – Fat Blocker
  • Bitter Orange – Stimulant
  • Senna – Laxative/Blocks Absorption of fats
  • Guar Gum – Blocks Fat Absorption
  • Chromium Picolinate – Increases activity of Insulin
  • Aloe Vera – Cleansing/Fat Blocker

There are many more herbal ingredients, to many to be listed, included in dietary supplements for weight loss. The most important thing when choosing a good supplement is to watch for herbs that can cause side-effects or drug interactions.

What are some of the possible side-effects of dietary supplements for weight loss?

Anything that raises the body’s metabolism can be a safety concern if you suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure. Stimulants that are even touted as “all-natural” can raise the heart rate or blood pressure. These should be used with caution and only in recommended doses, even for healthy individuals.

Dietary supplements that block the absorption of fat can also cause diarrhea and electrolyte loss. Anything that has laxative properties should be taken with plenty of fluids and foods or supplements that replace electrolytes. Again, these also should not exceed recommended doses.

Diabetics need to exercise caution with products that increase the activity of insulin. Taking anything like this with other diabetic medications could cause severe hypoglycemia or “low blood sugar.”

Figure 2: Healthy Weight Loss Tips Using Dietary Supplements

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Healthy Weight Loss Tips Using Dietary Supplements

Aside from side-effects, dietary supplements for weight loss can be very helpful to assist the body to start burning excess fat. Supplements cannot cause weight loss alone. Dietary supplements need to be a part of a healthy diet and exercise program to work most effectively. (See Figure 2)

1)      Weigh yourself weekly and measure your waist. Weighing daily can fluctuate due to water gain or loss, it is more accurate to weigh only once a week. Using waist measurements can help you track true losses, as well.

2)      Eat a healthy and balanced diet and do not skip meals. Make sure to include foods from all of the food groups. It is not helpful to go on crash diets that encourage quitting certain food groups. Everything in the food groups in moderation and proper serving sizes is good for you and your diet.

3)      Start an exercise plan and stick to it. A good way to begin an exercise plan is to start small and work your way up. Walking around the building on your lunch breaks and yoga in the mornings are easy ways to start. You can add a daily jog in the evening or light weight training and work your way up from there. Cardio is the fastest way to improve fat burning, but if you haven’t exercised in a while start slowly.

4)      Take your lunch to work and avoid fast foods. Eating fast foods are not healthy for your body. They are carbohydrate and fat-laden with very little nutrients to fuel the body. When the body get’s proper nutrition, it doesn’t need to pack on fat weight for fuel. A sandwich on whole grain bread, crisp veggies with dip and graham crackers and skim milk is a tasty lunch and won’t weigh you down.


Dietary supplements for weight loss can be very helpful in starting a weight loss program. Combined with proper diet and exercise, herbal supplements can naturally boost the body’s ability to burn excess fat. Always make sure that dietary supplements contain the proper amount of nutrients, vitamins and electrolytes to give the body what it needs to function at its best during periods of weight loss.

It is also important to include all of the necessary food groups and never skip meals. In addition, starting an exercise routine can also boost the body’s ability to burn excess fat and calories. Remember to only weigh once weekly and measure the waist weekly to record the most accurate losses.

As with any supplement, see your physician before starting any over-the-counter medications to avoid any interactions with your health or other medications. Dietary supplements can be safely and effectively used for weight loss under the supervision of a qualified professional and only in recommended amounts.

Soon, you will be on your way to a new and healthier you! You can also visit this website if you like to explore any of the best weight loss pills.

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