How to Floss the Right Way

How to Floss the Right Way : Step by Step Approach

Flossing is a process to clean plaque and residue of food particles that we eat every day from the gum line and teeth. Just like brushing, teeth flossing are also essential oral hygiene maintaining process that each and every person should do at least once in a day. In spite of knowing that flossing is important for oral health; most of us don’t know the right way to floss our teeth.

Oral hygiene is most important part of our daily life just like bathing and other body cleaning activities that we all do, otherwise in the long run in the lack of good hygienic oral health can lead to many critical health diseases which no one would like to suffer.

Flossing is a very easy oral cleansing technique that cleans the food particles and plaque between the teeth and gum line. It can be done either in the morning time or in the evening time as per the preference of the particular person. As this process takes some time and even little bit carelessness may lead trauma in teeth causing bleeding, pain etc. so it is best to do floss in the evening time when you have enough time in hand.

Flossing is quite easy to perform that anyone can do without much effort. Before brushing teeth floss cleans the germs and bacteria between the teeth which get produced due to the regular accumulation of food particles. After that when you brush your teeth all the food residue and bacteria get cleaned fully.

Step by Step Guide to Floss Correctly

Most of us are already aware of the benefit and necessity of teeth flossing as an oral hygiene but don’t know how to floss correctly. So here we have enlisted step by step guide to floss in a proper way in order to reap the highest benefit.

Take Right Quantity of Floss

Flossing is conducted by the help of floss strings which you can easily avail in many medical stores or if you are not able to decide right brand and quality of floss string brand then ask your dentist to provide a good one for you.

So before starting the dental floss, it is your first duty to get a right floss string. Also, the floss size and quantity is important to be aware of like how much string is necessary for one flossing time. As the dentist recommends at least 18 to 20 inches of floss is good enough for each flossing session.

Break at least 18 to 20 inches of floss and wind it around your middle fingers of both the hand and then with the help of index finger and thumb grasp one to two inches of the floss between your teeth for the cleaning process. Each time when one teeth and gum line is cleaned the used portion of floss needs to be dispensed by rolling it through the help of middle fingers.

Slide it not Pop it

After getting floss string your next job is to put it between the teeth area in order to clean the plaques and food residue which get stuck in teeth after chewing. Make sure you are very gentle in this process for the safer side. Slowly slide the floss between each of your teeth one by one.

Gently rub your teeth area by sliding floss in the C shape. Again turn it to another side of teeth in the C shape so that the opposite side of teeth area also gets cleaned. Slide the floss in the zigzag motion. Avoid pop in between the teeth by floss as it will not give proper and complete teeth cleaning. For better and complete cleaning of teeth, it is essential to start cleaning from a fixed place as it will always remind you if you miss or skip the cleaning of certain teeth.

Gums Cleaning

Only teeth cleaning is not enough for getting the benefit of complete oral hygiene, you have to do one step further then only you can protect yourself from teeth decay or teeth loss. This you can do by gently and perfectly cleaning your gum lines.

Put the floss in the base of teeth where it meets the gum line for cleaning the plaque and food particles suck in gums. This is the most essential cleaning place otherwise slowly the un-cleared or unhygienic gum leads to plaque and teeth decay. Gum cleaning is possible by making a cup through floss around each teeth base.

Don’t Reuse the Same Floss

Gradually when you keep cleaning your teeth area by flossing, there becomes the collection of food residue and bacteria out of this cleaning process which gets trapped in the floss strings.

So for ensuring optimal oral hygiene don’t make a mistake by repetitive use of any used floss in other teeth of yours as because this will contaminate the affected bacteria in other teeth which are already cleaned and healthy leading to decay and fall of a healthy tooth which simply get attacked by the bacteria living in an already used floss.

For good oral health and in order to reap the highest benefit out of flossing process never apply any used floss in other nearby teeth otherwise you yourself will spread the food and bacteria collected from the nearby teeth into the cleaned tooth. Each time dispense the used floss and hold new and fresh remaining floss for the cleaning of next between the teeth area portion.

Rinse Your Mouth

After flossing each tooth cleans your mouth properly with clean water as it will flush out all the cleaned food particles if any left after the flossing process. If you don’t rinse your mouth after flossing each tooth then it might possible that any residue will stay sticking in your gum lines.

For complete oral health protection, it is essential for each and every person to visit a dentist in every six months of an interval in a year whether you are facing any oral trouble or not. This will help you to prevent the serious health concerns which are associated with the bad oral health condition.

Importance of Flossing

There are many people who think that only tooth brushing is enough for keeping the mouth clean and healthy which is not right. Yes, brushing means a lot for maintaining good oral health but solely it cannot protect you from severe teeth diseases or oral health concerns. Below we have enlisted the benefits or importance of brushing.

More Effective than Brushing

Flossing is more effective and beneficial than the brushing many ways. Yes, two times brushing in a day clean your teeth but it has loophole means it cannot clean to all parts of teeth. A toothbrush cannot enter into the shrink area between two teeth also it cannot clean under the gums area.

Floss can easily enter between the teeth area and can clean easily the gum lines where most of the food particles remain stuck causing plaque and other gum diseases. Toothbrush bristle cannot clean these gum lines and between the teeth portion so herein lies the importance of flossing.

Give Protection to Gums

The jaw and gums of teeth are made up of very soft and sensitive tissue so it easily gets affected by plaque and bacteria existing in the mouth resulting in early teeth decays and dental enamel. However, flossing strings can easily reach to all corners of teeth so it can clean the gum and jawlines where mostly food particles and plaque exists.

Prevents Other Diseases

Gum and oral diseases are not limited to oral concerns only, a long-lasting oral issue like teeth discoloration, swollen, pain and bad mouth smell affects to other body parts too leading to other health concern or diseases.

Bacteria existing in mouth breeds and spread gradually in other parts of the body too causing some severe health concern like the respiratory issue, diabetes and heart diseases.

By flossing teeth every day one can reduce the risk of these chronic health concerns easily. Floss cleans all the bacteria of mouth and hence prevents inflammation.

Prevents Tartar Buildup

Plaque around the gum line creates tartar in the long run which remains very hard. A tartar is so stubborn that it needs professional help in order to remove it. Here the importance of floss exists which helps to remove the plaque in its very initial stage when it remains soft, non-sticky and breakable and prevents the tartar making process.

Saves Dental Expense

Dental concerns are spreading like fire around the world especially children are the highest victim of this disease which requires regular dentist visit and expenses thereof. However everyday flossing can reduce and prevent the expenses incurring in this regards by keeping teeth and gum health in good condition.

How to Brush Your Teeth

A tooth brushing is an essential habit of each and every person in order to keep teeth clean and free of germs and harmful bacteria which often take birth in the mouth if it remains unhygienic or un-cleaned. Everyone should brush at least two times in a whole day. First when they wake up in the morning and second time before bed as it will prevent accumulation of food particles which is left after night dinner to prevent plaque and germs.

In order to maintain good brushing habit in your everyday life you have to take care of some important things like your brush quality, your toothpaste, tongue cleaner all these things together ensure a healthy oral hygiene.

  1. Good Quality Brush: Buy a good quality toothbrush for your teeth which is comfortable in holding and with a small head which can easily reach all internal teeth areas for complete cleaning. Make sure your toothbrush doesn’t have natural bristle as it can elevate the harbor bacteria which are not good for you.
  2. Replace Toothbrush on Time: Don’t use the same toothbrush for a very long period like six months or more than that as because old and worn out toothbrushes don’t remain effective and efficient in its work. So it requires to be replaced in every 4th-month interval and if it is worn out before this period then replace it more early for better cleaning and oral hygiene.
  3. Fluoride Containing Toothpaste: Toothpaste which contains fluoride is good for the teeth cleaning as it not only cleans your teeth perfectly but also strengthens the teeth enamel which ensures its longevity and good health. Apart from that, some toothpaste is there which relieves teeth sensitivity which can be used by people who have teeth sensitivity problem for relieving it.
  4. Flossing: Flossing is one important activity for good oral hygiene as it cleans the plaque and food particles from the teeth cracks. Also, it makes space between the teeth so that the brush and paste can easily enter into it to make overall cleaning. So before brushing your teeth don’t forget to floss first. At least one time flossing in a day is necessary for everyone.
  5. Proper Amount of Toothpaste: For effective and good brushing habit it is essential to know that how much toothpaste quantity should be used in each time brushing. Always use a pea size of toothpaste in your toothbrush as more than that quantity of toothpaste causes too much suds resulting in fast spiting and you end up with your brushing very early. Also, it is toothpaste wastage which is no way ensures your teeth cleaning.
  6. Bristle Position: For good and complete teeth cleaning it is important to be aware of how to keep bristle or its position during the brushing process. Keep the bristle in 45-degree motion as it will clean your gum line. Also, move your brush in upward and the circular motion not in the side by side for thorough cleaning of your teeth.
    Brush the tops and side of your teeth and of the front side. Use your brush gently; don’t press it very hard as it can cause trauma or pain. Tissue can also get damaged if the brush is not handled properly. Clean your tongue properly and gently with the tongue cleaner otherwise, an unclean tongue can spread bacteria.
  7. Brushing Time: Two times brushing is required for everyone in order to ensure proper teeth cleaning. Make sure at least you are spending three minutes while brushing. Divide this time half-half for both the side. Three minutes time is minimum required for overall teeth cleaning.
  8. Mouth & Toothbrush Cleaning: Once you are done with your brushing, clean your mouth thoroughly with water two to three times and then clean your brush and tongue cleaner. After cleaning toothbrush keep it in its cover otherwise, external dust particles can make it untidy which later on spread it in the mouth.

We hope you must have understood now the importance of flossing and brushing every day for keeping good oral health. Our step by step guide shows the right way to floss even to those who are going to floss the first time.

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