Easy and Positive Ways To Forget Over Fear

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Getting over your fears is very important. Moreover, it’s a skill anyone can learn. Most people cling to their fears as it is part of who they are. Facing fears is important for transcending them. Everything takes its own time. Facing fears head on requires understanding that it is more than just an emotion. It is also a state of mind. Fear is a powerful stimulus to impact the mind and the body. It can create strong signals of response when one is facing an emergency.

When faced with events that are real or perceived threats to our well-being, Anxiety refers to fear that is associated with future threats. Fear and anxiety can be short-lived or long-lasting. In some cases, they can impact your life, influencing the ability to eat, sleep, enjoy life, concentrate or even travel or leave for school or work. This can keep you from doing what you need or want to, and impact your health. Certain persons can be overwhelmed by fear and this can induce anxiety and tension. It will be tough to break the cycle. Learn to feel less fearful through these tips and strategies.

Understand the Cause: Fundamentals About Fear

A lot of things induce fear. Being afraid can even have an impact on keeping your safe. Fearing failure can make you do well so you do not fail. It also stops you from doing well in case the feeling is excessively extreme. When you feel fear and act, your ability to cope can be severely impacted.

Therefore, it is important to know what makes a person feel afraid and why the first step to sorting out the problems involves coping with the fear. Anxiety is a type of fear which persists across time. Anxiety is even used by health professionals to describe constant fear. Recognizing the signs and causes of the fear is the first step towards finding a cure for it.
From cold and hot sweats to weak muscles, fast breath, rapid heartbeat, to churning sensations in the stomach, dizziness and a dry mouth as well last tense muscles, the signs of fear are apparent. This takes place when the body senses fear and prepares you for a flight or fight response. This gives the mental ability to focus on a stimulus that is seen as a threat by the body. Early humans were in urgent need of powerful responses that fear causes, but the most same threats will not elicit a similar response in modern day living.

How to Forget Over Fear
Photo By: Wokandapix/ CC BY

But the mind’s regions associated with fear have the same manifestation regardless of the day and age it is. Physical feeling of fear can be a frightening sensation to engage in. Plenty of triggers in everyday life can cause fear, and working out which of these are the real ones can be hard. Extreme fear even results in mental health disorders like a phobia. People with phobias have the need to avoid contact with specific causes of fear or anxiety. Fear is an emotion and a state of being that can last from seconds to hours. It can even turn into a mental health problem,

How to Forget Over Fear

#1 Face Your Fears

Face Your Fears
Photo By: Sebastian Wiertz/ CC BY

If the situation scares you and you avoid it, it can create a real problem. Telling whether the situation is as bad as you thought it is only possible if you get a chance to experience the emotion. Anxiety problems tend to rise if one gets into a pattern. Facing up to the fear instead of avoiding it is the best way to overcome anxiety. Anxiety problems rise if one gets into a pattern. Revealing and facing up to fears can be an effective way of breaking the pattern.

#2 Be Aware of Your Emotions

Learn more about your fear or anxiety. Keep a thought log or an anxiety diary to note down what transpires and when it occurs. Set up small goals which can be achieved for facing up to fears. It is important not to fall prey to fear or anxiety. Knowing your beliefs and understanding the reasons behind the anxiety can be a means of dealing with it.

#3 Exercise Well

It is important to raise the amount of exercise you carry out. Exercising requires concentration and it can help your mind to focus on something other than the fear.

#4 Relax and Release Your Fears

Learning relaxation techniques can help to combat feelings of fear in the mental or physiological sphere. Learn important techniques like yoga and bodywork, meditation and massage or understand more through wellness programs online.

#5 Follow a Healthy Diet

Eat plenty of veggies and fruits and try to avoid excessive sugar. A fall in the blood pressure following a spike can increase feelings of anxiety. Try to avoid excessive caffeine or tea, as this can raise anxiety levels.

#6 Avoid Alcohol and Other Stimulants

Fear often begins when people resort to drinks and feel nervous. This is why alcohol can have negative effects following ingestion as it can raise fear and anxiety levels.

#7 Complementary Therapy

Complementary Therapy
Photo By: Spirit Fire/ CC BY

Alternative therapies and exercises such as t’ai chi and yoga can also help to decrease anxiety. If you are facing a crisis of faith, even spirituality can serve as a powerful way to cope with fear and block anxiety and tension. Faith groups can form a strong support system for those facing fear.

#8 Talking Therapy

Counseling and other forms of therapy like CBT, RET, cognitive, humanistic or Rogerian/client-centered can have a positive impact on dealing with fear and anxiety. CBT, in fact, takes one through a series of self-help exercises on the screen.

#9 Anti Anxiety Medicines

Drugs can also be used to treat fear, as medication takes hold of the root of anxiety problems. Fear can disrupt sleep and create problems. When combined with other treatments or support therapies, medication can prove extremely effective in countering fear.

#10 Support Groups

Manage anxiety by learning from people who have undergone it. Local SHG or support groups can be active listeners, lending an ear to your troubles and encouraging new ways to manage the self. Doctors and community center personnel can guide you to these.

#11 Build Awareness

Another way to overcome fear is to create awareness about what type of fear is causing havoc in your existence. It is so easy to think that the mind and conscious thought patterns reflect your self. The truth is you should not let your fears define you. Rather, you are the awareness that feels the emotions and experiences them second hand.

#12 Be Specific About Your Fears

Learn how to be specific about what you are afraid of. Check out the pictures in your head about this situation and whether you should be scared. Become skilled at observing your inner mind. Be curious about what causes the fear, how you feel and react to it and how you can overcome it.

#13 EFT

Emotional Freedom Therapy is one of the most well-known techniques. Using your fingers, tap the meridian points on your body parts while thinking about the fear. This helps your mind to release the fear. This simple technique has been used effectively by a lot of people. It is a simple yet extremely useful method.

#14 Sedona Method

This is a simple system to conquer fear. It comprises asking a few simple queries while thinking about your fear. This can serve as a gateway for you to explore your emotions.

#15 The Work

This is a simple method that asks a lot of questions. The Work is a key way to deal with worries, fears, and anxieties so you can release your tension without fearing the worst.

#16 Hypnosis

Photo By: Mattia Belletti/ CC BY

The right thoughts need to be programmed through the mind and hypnosis can be used to eliminate negative beliefs and thoughts. Consistently evoking positive change in life involves taking active steps and learning to relate to your emotions in a healthy way.

#17 Gratitude

When afraid, switch over to what you feel gratitude for instead. For example, if fearing a public speaking session, become aware that you have the chance to communicate with so many different people across a wide audience deeply interested in what you have to say and cultivate gratitude for that.

#18 Just Talk

Talking helps provided you don’t sink into self-pity and always be aware of your self-confidence levels. Don’t fear how others may react or judge you. Instead, work to create the perfect sense of confidence when you communicate.

#19 Try NLP

Neurolinguistic programming is a positive way out in learning how the mind works. NLP has proved beneficial in cutting down on fears, phobias, and other emotional problems. It delves into the inner mind and helps people to overcome their fears and anxieties from deep within.

#20 Opt for a Life Coach

Fear of success or failure can be tackled effectively with the aid of a good life coach. It is very effective in getting what one wants and unearthing what is stopping the person from succeeding.

#21 Reading Up

Read a good book on how to cope with your specific fear. This can open new doors to getting rid of the fear. A lot of inspirational or motivational research and books are available on the topic.

#22 Taking Action

Take action and know that fears are just that…fears. They are created through a deviated imagination which seeks to make reality harder to bear. When you take the action and cope with your fears, you become stronger.

#23 Entertain Your Mind

Watching a documentary or movie can be interesting and educative. It is also an effective way to distract your mind from sensations of fear. Find educative movies that examine how to cope with your fear.

#24 Be Positive

Whenever fear rises in your heart, flip it over. Instead of checking out what can be bad, think of something which has a positive connotation. The positive outcome to your fear is easy to imagine if you tune your mind to it.

#25 Perspective Taking

Learning to cope with the fear involves placing negative thoughts in perspective. The focus should not be on the negative. Otherwise you end up making a mountain out of a molehill.

#26 Express Yourself

Telling stories about fear is a good way to overcome it for real. Telling a story means getting those emotions out. This can prove effective in coping with the problem.

#27 Releasing Sense of Control

Learning how to control fear is important. Predictability is impossible to achieve and this is why we experience fear. Giving up the illusion of control is important for gaining freedom from negative thoughts.

#28 Helping Others

If you are fearful, focusing on others is a wonderful way to let go of the anxiety. Whether you feel conscious or afraid of standing out, concentrating on others and their emotions can help you to overcome your fear.

#29 Meaning and Value

We go through certain experiences for a reason.The fears we have need to be overcome and most of the times, we can succeed if the value of overcoming the tension becomes apparent.

#30 Gain Positive Role Models

Finding someone with your fears who has managed to transcend it is important. Get in touch with people and see how being inspired can work for you.

#31 Pray For Inner Peace

Pray For Inner Peace
Photo By: Max Pixel/ CC BY

Praying for guidance involves meditating on positivity and entrusting your fate to a higher power. This can also enable you to overcome your fear.

#32 Overcome Your Fear

Consider what is the worst thing that could occur. For example, if you fear public speaking, imagine the worst outcome to occur i.e everyone laughs at you. What you feel afterward and how you can overcome this is important. Life moves on and so can you.

#33 Use Positive Visual Imagery

Being realistic is important and visualization is powerful. The brain’s response to virtual scenarios can often impede success in real life. Visualizing the positive outcomes can help you to overcome your fear and associate positive outcomes with the feared stimuli, instead of the negatives. Visualize your success and increase confidence along the way.

When you have to deal with a consistently frightening situation. visualize and imagine it on a regular basis. Choose a location that lacks distractions and write down your visualizations before or during or even after the event when fear sets in. Now visualize yourself overcoming the fears and et voila, you will have succeeded in doing so.

#34 Move Forward

Talk to someone who has gone through your kind of experiences or has skill in dealing with fear, such as a therapist. Use a way to learn about your fears. Create an understanding by moving ahead when it comes to combating your greatest fears. For example, if you fear plane rides, consider that the chance of dying in one of these is 1 in seven million.


So work on how to deal with your fear. Remember that fear, like any other emotion has a root cause and no matter how irrational it is, you can cope if you remain in a rational frame of mind. Fear is the persistent and unwanted emotion that can impede your performance or mar the quality of your life. Break free from the clutches of fears and live an open and free life, unafraid and confident in every situation.

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