Jelly like Vaginal Discharge

Jelly like Vaginal Discharge : What is it and How to Treat

Ever been taken aback by the sight of jelly-like vaginal discharge? Well, you’re not alone. We attempt to tackle this embarrassing problem women often hesitate to talk about. Remember that part of keeping the female reproductive system healthy is to regulate the vaginal discharge. When it comes to jelly-like discharge, it’s fairly common and can tell a lot about not just your menstrual cycle, but overall health as well. Discharge changes in consistency, color, and appearance in different stages of the fertility cycle.

How Vaginal Discharge Changes

Essentially, discharge is a fluid secreted by cells of the vagina and the cervix. It comprises dead cells and bacterial growth. The vagina always lubricates itself using discharge to keep skin moist and clean. The fluid consistency varies depending on what stage of the menstrual cycle it is. Most times, vaginal discharge is thick and sticky. This prevents germs from getting through and infecting the uterus. In the fertile window around the cycle’s ovulatory phase, the discharge tends to become watery to facilitate the movement of the sperm cells during intercourse to fertilize the egg.

Ovulation is when the body releases the fertilized egg of the menstrual cycle. In a 28-day cycle, this happens till around day 14. If intercourse is close to these dates, pregnancy may ensue. As ovulation approaches, the body produces a clear, slippery discharge from the cervix. This mucus nourishes sperm cells and allows them to find their way to the egg cell through the vagina. The discharge is stretchy and has a jelly-like consistency. It stretches up to a few inches between the finger if one wants to try. Whenever this discharge is seen, one is at peak fertility. This is egg white cervical mucus which is released by aspiring parents when they aim to conceive.

Menstrual Phases
Photo by: NICDH Doc James/ CC BY

Throughout the cycle, different types of discharge are experienced. As they age, women may notice the consistency and color of the discharge changes too. In many cases, discharge is considered normal, however, texture, color, and smell indicate if something is not amiss.

While clear stretchy discharge is caused by ovulation, it generally resembles an egg white in terms of consistency and texture. When ovulation is approached, estrogen levels rise and the cervix releases fertile quality mucus. The discharge serves to encourage the sperm to reach the egg. Clear, slimy discharge is a sign of ovulation, and this type of discharge is seen just after and before the periods. Clear discharge can also be seen before the period or during the early stages of pregnancy.

risk of conception of menstruation and ovulation
Photo by: KVDP/ CC BY

Finally, jelly-like discharge also takes place during ovulation, though it can also be a sign of a yeast infection. The egg-white consistency of mucus during ovulation often appears gooey and looks like cottage cheese. This is abnormal. If the discharge is lumpy or gooey, yeast infection could be to blame. Yeast infection may be accompanied by itching, burning or pain during urination and pain in general. Not every woman experiences a clumpy, jelly-like discharge indicating infection. Unless the discharge has a yeast type smell, it does not indicate an infection. Gel-like discharge can be a problem if it stays damp though, instead of drying up. Jelly-like discharge can also indicate anovulation. The body does not release an egg in the cycle.

Even in cases where pregnancy is not planned, ovulation issues can signal hormonal imbalances like PCOS which is why it is essential to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. Jelly-like discharge is one of the signals of the vagina. It can indicate a sign of infection too. Knowing your pattern of normal discharge is vital in such a case. The glands in the cervical and vaginal region cause fluids to be released from the vagina at different, various points in a reproductive cycle. Most women experience normal vaginal discharge. But mostly when accompanied by other symptoms, this suggests a disorder that is underlying.

Jelly Like Discharge: Possible Diseases

Jelly Like Discharge
Photo by: Almond In Everything/ CC BY

#1 Vulvovaginitis

This is an infection or swelling in the vagina or vulva caused by infectious organisms like bacteria or yeast. Vulvovaginitis may also take place as a consequence of STD, poor hygiene or even chemical irritants. Symptoms of this disease include swelling within and around the area where the vagina is, the genital or inner area, jelly-type vaginal discharges, burning during peeing and a vaginal odor. Treatment is based on the underlying cause. Numerous curative options can be availed such as anti-fungal, antibiotic, antihistamine and cortisone-based cream.

This condition causes inflammation or infection in the vagina or vulva. This is a common condition that impacts around 30 percent of women in their lifetime. Several other factors also trigger the condition, though bacteria is the most common cause. Other causes range across sexually transmitted infections, allergens, chemical irritants, environmental factors, yeast, viruses, and parasites.

Symptoms vary depending on the infection cause. However, labia inflammation and odor, as well as irritation and bad smelling discharge, are common.

#2 Cervicitis

Cervicitis is the cervical inflammation or swelling. This cervix is the portion of the uterus that opens out to the vagina. Often, women with cervicitis do not have such symptoms. Those who undergo it, however, do report the jelly-like discharge, along with an increase in urination, pain, and burning during peeing, strange color or foul odor and spotting when periods are not there. Cervicitis is the consequence of STDs. Allergic responses to the condoms, bacterial overgrowth or use of sprays and perfumes in the impacted area can also lead to this condition. Antibiotic treatment is used for bacteria-induced cervicites. Other types of conditions resolve on their own.

#3 Gonorrhea Disease

This is an STD caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae that grows in warm, wet places, as per the CDC. In those with symptomatologies,  symptoms can manifest in as little as 2-5 days but the process can take as much as 30 days. Symptoms of this disease include burning or discomfort while peeing, increased jelly-based discharge and vaginal spotting. Those with gonorrhea are highly likely to face future complications if symptoms persist,  so it is vital to seek medical attention and care immediately. While this disease can be cured using antibiotics, there are also antibiotic resistant strains of this disease, making treatment harder.

Another common sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea causes abnormal discharge. The STD is caused by bacteria growing and multiplying in moist, warm areas of the reproductive tract. Gonorrhea also impacts the anus, eyes, throat, and mouth. It primarily impacts the cervix in women, although it may even reach the Fallopian tubes and the uterine walls. More than 50% of women with this STI do not experience any symptoms, especially during the early stages. Those who do, experience symptoms like increased peeing, abnormal vaginal bleeding, itching or irritation in the vaginal area, yellow or green discharge, pain or difficulty in urination and bleeding in between periods.

If one suspects gonorrhea, it is critical to see the doctor and get tested as well as treated soon.

#4 Chlamydia

This is a commonly transmitted STI due to bacteria. In case it is left untreated, the infection can lead to damaged reproductive organs. Most women also experience mild symptoms with chlamydia, but infection can even trigger infertility. Common symptoms of this disease apart from discharge include bleeding between periods and post sex, frequent urination, fever, nausea, lower back pain. Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections is necessary. Chlamydia can be cured in the early stages of the infection as well.

#5 Trichomoniasis

This is another common sexually transmitted infection impacting sexually active women. It is triggered by a parasite. Experts opine that 20 percent of women develop this infection at the time of their reproductive years. The most commonly occurring symptom is frothy discharge. It may be accompanied by pain, soreness or irritation in the vagina. Lesions in the vaginal wall and cervix are also common. This disorder can easily be treated with antibiotic medication.

#6 Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis takes place due to bad bacteria overgrowth in the vagina. The infection is caused by bacteria in the vagina itself and therefore, cannot be transmitted. Jelly-like discharge and watery secretions are common with this disorder. Sometimes, those suffering from bacterial vaginosis may display no symptoms. Ye, if left untreated, this disease can progress into PID or pelvic inflammatory disease.

#7 Lichen Sclerosus

This disease causes changes in the skin in the vulva apart from discharge. The disorder begins with white patches appearing on the skin. These patches change and grow in texture to become thin and wrinkled. As the patches become thinner, they get easily bruised.

#8 Retained Tampons

Snotty discharge may also result due to retained tampons or other foreign objects in the vagina. It also results when objects occur in the vaginal canal. Bleeding and spotting, itching, a bad smell, discomfort at the time of urination, swelling of the vagina, pelvic pain, skin redness, and a vaginal rash are some other issues.

#9 For Sexual Wellness

Discharge is just the way the vagina cleans itself and keeps it healthy. Differences in vaginal mucal secretions are caused by hormone production in the body. This is why discharge increases and changes texture becoming jelly-like at the time of ovulation. Mucus also changes in consistency during arousal, creating an inflammation known as vasocongestion. This causes a sweating reaction which results in lubrication of the walls of the vagina. Lubrication and mucus combine together to create secretions at the time of arousal.

#10 Ovulation

This causes mucus type discharge and it is thick and clear.

#11 Pregnancy

Pregnancy is another reason for discharge. Some women secrete more mucus than usual and this can be jelly-like too. Changes in hormone levels at the time of pregnancy increase the discharge volume and cause a change in its appearance or color as well.

As yeast infections can occur during pregnancy, it is essential to keep a close eye on texture, color, and the smell of the discharge. A discharge is a mucus-like a release from the body. It takes on consistency to protect the vagina from infections and keep it lubricated.

What Is It?

White jelly like discharge is a cause for concern. Across the menstrual cycle, vaginal discharge ranges from bloody to mucus filled. Ovulation is generally the time when white jelly like discharge production coincides. The cervical mucus is also in this discharge for fertilization. Vaginal secretion has a protective function as well. Any smell, blood, foam in the discharge should be attended to by the doctor. Vaginal discharge between periods is white and marked with variable consistency and intensity. These features are dependent on the stage of cervical mucus production. This is a basic component of vaginal secretion. Aside from mucus, discharge also contains exfoliated cells of the endothelial lining and bacteria, a normal part of the microflora of your vagina. Profuse white discharge is one of the many stages of production of cervical mucus. Apart from the dry days, cervical mucus progresses from thick discharge to cream like profuse discharge, white jelly-like mucus and finally thick discharge before the period.

The increase of the discharge and it’s thinning down in the later stages are influenced by the estrogen level in the woman’s body. Since the peak falls at ovulation, it causes the greatest amount of jelly like discharge. The last phase is when progesterone regulates the discharge and causes the less sticky type of premenstrual secretion.

The main purpose of cervical mucus is to facilitate impregnation. Keeping track of the texture and volume of vaginal discharge lies at the base of the birth control method. The peak of the discharge is the key to know when you are ovulating and abstain from intercourse. White vaginal discharge is needed for regenerating functions of the organism as well. Jelly-like discharge carries out necrotic cells within the mucus lining. It forms a protective function too. Lactobacilli is contained in the secretions generally which balances low pH levels so microbes cannot thrive there. Outward directions of cervical mucus flow create a mechanical obstacle for the bacteria to reach into the reproductive organ, located higher in the organism, as even infectious agents that overcome the acid barriers are washed away from the uterus cavity.

But jelly like discharge can be pathological under certain conditions. It may look the same, but if it carries a smell that is unpleasant, the reason is bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal mucus discharge is bad for health when they have foaminess, curd-like consistency, water-like and profuse discharge or some amount of blood content. Above mentioned types of vaginal secretions lead to numerous diseases, that can be diagnosed by gynecologists. Medical case is a must if vaginal discharge comes with these features.

How to Treat Jelly Like Discharge

Female Vaginal Anatomy
Photo By: Learn Anatomy/ CC BY

While discharge typically ends on its own, there are some things you can do to lower the mucus amount. If the discharge has medical abnormalities, visiting a doctor is a must.

#1 Use Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the best ways to normalize the discharge is to balance the pH levels in the vagina. Apple cider vinegar can help in doing just that. The antiseptic and acid balancing properties restore good or healthy bacteria in the vagina. This reduces odors and wards off infections. There are two ways to cure this discharge issue using apple cider vinegar. Drinking apple cider vinegar is one way. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar into water and drink this. You can also mix an equal amount of distilled water and apple cider vinegar to use as a vaginal wash once or twice per day. Douching with the mixture should be avoided though.

#2 Try Indian Gooseberry

This is also called amla. Indian gooseberry is a potent antibacterial agent perfect for healing the vagina. This berry is enriched with vitamin C which boosts the immunity. Indian gooseberry is found in powdered form in health stores. You need to mix two teaspoons of this with honey to form a thick paste. Then use this mixture by adding it to boiling water and drinking it on an empty stomach twice a day for one single week. This should be enough to normalize the discharge.

#3 Opt for Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are spices which have been used across centuries to help cure feminine issues. Seeds of these plants have saponins that stimulate the release of specific hormones from the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is also referred to as the master gland as it supports ovaries, testes, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Consequently, fenugreek seeds are believed to impact estrogen levels in the human body. They also boost the immunity. Drink fenugreek seeds in tea form or create a vaginal wash based on this herbal remedy, depending on your preferences. Boil two teaspoons in a pan containing four cups of water for half an hour. Strain the liquid and permit it to become cool. Then use this mixture as a vaginal wash. For ingesting the herbal remedy, soak about one teaspoon of the seeds in water and permit the mixture to remain overnight. Then, strain the water and add honey to it. Drink this tea on an empty stomach.

#4 Seek Medical Care

While herbal remedies are good, there is no substitute for medical attention, especially if the discharge is caused by an infection or a pregnancy. See your doctor as soon as possible to get treatment. The doctor should be able to give the right medicine for combating an infection. In case you are pregnant, the doctor can ensure that the baby is healthy too, besides safeguarding your gynecological well being.

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