Tips for Improved Sleep

Sleeping Tips & Tricks : 33 Tips for Improved Sleep

The Perfect Cure For Sleep Worries

Getting in touch with your body’s circadian rhythms is important. So is building a restful atmosphere before you go to sleep. Sleep deprivation is one of the most difficult problems to deal with. Lack of sleep can lead to health problems apart from a lack of concentration, increased mental fatigue, and chronic medical conditions. Read on to know how you can avert this and secure a peaceful night’s rest every time for yourself.

#1 Stay Connected to Sleep-Wake Cycles of the Body

Stay Connected to Sleep-Wake Cycles of the Body
Photo By: Razer M/ CC BY

Getting in touch with the natural sleep-wake cycles or the circadian pattern/rhythm of your body is important. This ensures a better quality of sleep. If a regular sleep-wake cycle is followed, there is a great deal of revitalization and rejuvenation. In fact, you will feel much more energy if you follow your body’s natural circadian rhythms, Try to aim for bedtime around the same time each day.

This sets the internal clock of the body and betters the quality of sleep. Also, avoid sleeping late on weekends and weekdays. The more sleep schedules have a disparity, the worst symptoms and poor quality of sleep will manifest. Pay off your sleep debts using a short nap during the day time, so that your natural circadian rhythms are not disturbed. But if you have trouble sleeping or have a disturbed sleep pattern, avoid naps.

Don’t give in to irregular bedtimes, and avoid going to sleep at different times on different dates. After-dinner drowsiness is equally important to avoid.

#2 Control Exposure to Light

Photo By: Mikhail Haggstrom/ CC BY

A natural hormone that regulates circadian rhythms and is controlled by exposure to any kind of light is melatonin. This hormone is secreted when the person becomes sleepy in the dark. Therefore, exposure to light can also shift the circadian rhythm. Opt for bright sunlight during the daytime only. Spend more time outside during the daytime. Avoid bright screens during nighttime, This includes the blue light radiated by the TV, computer, phone or tablet. Either turn down the brightness or use light alteration software.

Don’t rely on late night TV programs to put you to sleep. Choose music or audio books instead. Another strict no-no is a backlit device. Make sure the room is completely dark at night and do not allow any light from electronic devices to be emitted. Try installing a dim bulb as a nightlight if you really cannot do without light.

#3 Be Active During the Day

Regular exercise improves the quality of sleep and ensures less sleepiness during each day. Regular exercise also wards off sleep apnea and insomnia. It ensures deep restorative sleep at night. Sleep benefits are more obvious when you exercise well during the day. This includes even light exercise. Apart from speeding up the metabolic rate, exercise also elevates body temperature and produces a hormone called cortisol. This is why exercising during the day is fine, but if you work out close to bedtime, expect to get sleep troubles.

Moderate to heavy workouts should always be completed within three hours prior to bedtime. If one is experiencing sleep problems, try low-impact exercises like yoga to bring on a good night’s sleep.

#4 Regulate Diet and Water Intake

Daytime eating habits influence how well you sleep during the night. Don’t opt for caffeine and nicotine at night. Both are stimulants that can wake you up instead of putting you to sleep. Another important issue is to avoid eating big meals at night.

Try to opt for dinnertime earlier during the day and don’t eat food which is greasy or heavy in the night. Also, try and avoid spicy or acidic food at night. Another common mistake is to think alcohol will help sleep. A nightcap could help you to relax initially, but once you have ingested the alcohol, expect to have a disturbed night.

Nighttime snacks work for only some people. In case you are one of them, try healthy options such as a banana or granola with milk and yogurt.

#5 Have a Nighttime Routine

Due to stress, worry or tension, sleep patterns can get disturbed, This is why you should take steps to free yourself from anxiety and worries before you turn in.

Stress management and countering an overstimulated brain is essential for keeping the body relaxed and getting a good night’s rest. Practice relaxation techniques before going to bed at night. Deep breathing, positive visual imagery or even progressive muscle relaxation can work wonders. Keep your room dark and quiet and avoid noise. Ensure your bed and mattress are comfortable.

#6 Establish a Pre-Sleep Routine

Establish a Pre-Sleep Routine
Photo By: US CPSC/ CC BY

Make the transition from waking to sleep time with relaxing activities such as taking a bath or reading a book. Avoid stimulating exercises that jump start your body processes and wake you up. Create a room which works well for you and is dark, quiet and cool. Use room darkening shades and earplugs for the best results.

#7 Sleep Well By Avoiding Stimulation at Night

Natural time keeping the circadian rhythm gets disrupted if you expose yourself to activity at night. This includes exposing yourself to bright lights during the night. Smartphones and computers should be avoided at night. How do you avoid the blue light emanating from these? You can either wear glasses to block blue light or use light altering software such as f.lux. Herbs and nutrients to help you relax include Gingko Biloba, Valerian root, Magnesium, and Lavender. Also, try to avoid too much fluid at night as this can wake you up and disrupt sleep.

#8 Avoid Chemical Stimulants Like Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol

Chemical stimulants can impact the quality of sleep. As any coffee drinker will know, caffeine is a stimulant that helps in staying awake. So avoiding caffeine, which is normally found in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, and pain relievers for 4-6 hours prior to bedtime is a good step forward. Similarly, smokers should avoid using tobacco products too near bedtime. While alcohol brings on sleep, it serves as a stimulant, raising the number of times you awake, and generally decreasing the sleep quality late in the night. It is best to limit alcoholic consumption to just 1-2 drinks in a day or less within three hours of bedtime.

#9 Turning the Bedroom into Sleep Inducing Settings

A dark, quiet and cool environment helps to promote deep sleep. To achieve this peaceful environment, lower the volume of external noise with white noise or earplugs. Using blackout shades, heavy curtains or an eye mask is essential for blocking noise. This is also a powerful cue telling the brain it’s time to awaken. The temperature also needs to be cooler between 60 and 75-degree Fahrenheit and the room is well ventilated. Ensure that the bedroom is equipped with comfortable pillows and mattresses. If a pet regularly wakes you up, consider keeping it outside your bedroom. Don’t watch television or play computer games in the bedroom.

#10 Go to Sleep When Tired

Struggling to fall asleep causes frustration. If one is not asleep after 20 minutes, it is essential to go to another room, relax or carry out repetitive activities like reading or listening to music until one feels tired enough to sleep.

#11 Don’t Watch the Clock

Looking at your clock in a bedroom, whether you seek to fall asleep or whether you wake up in the middle of the night, can actually raise stress levels making it harder to sleep. Turn the face of your clock away from you for the best results.

If one wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep, get up and engage in restful activities. Keep the lights dim as bright light stimulates activity and energy levels. Reading or listening to music, or keeping the lights dim can help. Bright light can also stimulate the internal clock. When you feel tired, it’s time to go to bed.

#12 Keep the Internal Clock Set to Consistent Sleep Schedules

Having a regular sleep schedule ensures a better quality of sleep and consistency while resting, too. Going to bed and waking up at the same time sets the body’s internal clock to expect sleep at specific times every night. Adhere to the routine on weekends to avoid sleep hangovers at night. Wake up at the same time each day to set your clock. Of course, synchronizing the internal clock is essential, too.

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#13 Nap Early or Not At All

Many people use naps as a regular part of their rest routine. For those who find sleeping or staying asleep a problem in the night, though, afternoon naps could be the reason why. This is because late-day naps decrease the sleep drive. For napping, it is better to keep it minimal and before 5 pm.

#14 Lighten Up The Evening Meals

Eating a cheese filled pizza at 10 in the night could be more than a treat; it could turn out to be a nightmare or a recipe for insomnia. Finish dinner hours before bedtime and avoid foods that lead to indigestion. If one feels hungry at night, it is essential to snack on items that do not disturb sleep, such as carbs or dairy products.

#15 Balance Your Fluid Intake

Drink enough fluid at night to stay hydrated. During the day time, staying well hydrated can make all the difference to your energy levels and your sleep-wakefulness cycle.

#16 Exercise Early

Exercise promotes restful and relaxing sleep if it is carried several hours before going to bed. Exercise helps one to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly as well. It needs to be carried out at just the right time. Exercise also stimulates the stress hormone cortisol. This activates the alerting mechanism in the brain. This is essential unless one is trying to rest. So, try to complete your exercises 3 hours before bed or working out earlier in the day.


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#17 Focus On Finding a Solution

Some of these tips can help you to achieve daily and nighttime routines that are easier to maintain. If you stick with them, chances of achieving restful slumber will increase. Not all sleep issues can be treated easily and there could be sleep disorders like apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome or other clinical sleep issues. If there are sleep difficulties, these don’t go away through good sleep hygiene. You also need to consult a good specialist.

#18 Increase Exposure to Bright Light During the Day

Your body has a natural, time-maintaining clock called the circadian rhythm. It impacts the brain, hormones, and body, helping your mind to stay awake and telling your body when it is time to rest. Natural sunlight/bright light during the day helps in maintaining healthy circadian rhythms. This improves daytime energy and nighttime rest quality, as well as sleep duration. In those with insomnia, daytime bright light exposure improves sleep quality as well as duration. It was also found to reduce the time taken to sleep by 83 percent.

Another study in older adults found 2 hours of bright light exposure at the time of the day increased sleep by 2 hours and boosted sleep efficiency by 80 percent. Most research involves severe sleep issues, but even then, daily light exposure helps in achieving sleep. Getting daily sunlight exposure or investing in good home lighting solutions is the key. Artificial bright light or everyday sunlight improve sleep duration and quality, especially with sleep issues or insomnia.

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#19 Reduce Blue Light Exposure During Nighttime

Exposure to strong light during daytime is beneficial. But nighttime or evening light exposure has another effect. This is on account of the impact on circadian or sleep-wake rhythms whereby the focus is on tricking the brain into thinking it is still daylight. This reduces hormones such as melatonin that help in relaxation and getting deep sleep. Electronic devices like computers and smartphones emit blue light in large amounts. Popular methods to reduce nighttime exposure to blue light includes wearing glasses blocking blue light, using apps to block blue light, installing apps that block blue light on the smartphone or turning off bright lights a couple of hours before heading to sleep. Reduce blue light exposure in the evening for best outcomes.

#20 Reduce Irregularly Long Daytime Naps

Short power naps are beneficial, but long or irregular napping at the time of the day can negatively impact sleep. Sleep during the daytime can confuse the body clock, meaning one struggles to sleep during the night. In one study, participants ended up being sleepier during the day after taking the naps during morning or afternoon time. Another research found napping for 30 or fewer minutes enhances daytime brain functioning, while longer naps impact sleep and health quality. Some studies, however, demonstrate that those taking regular daytime naps do not enhance poor sleep quality or sleep disruptions during the night. If one takes on regular daytime naps and sleeps well during the night, there’s no cause for concern. It all depends on the person. But studies do show long daytime naps impair the quality of sleep. So, if you have trouble resting at night, shorten or stop your naps.

#21 Sleep and Wake Up At Set Times

The body’s circadian rhythm functions on a predetermined and established loop, in accordance with the rising and the setting sun. Consistency in sleep and wake cycles can aid improvement of quality in long-term sleep. Participants with irregular sleeping patterns went to bed late on weekends and reported poor sleep. Other studies have also found irregularities in sleeping patterns can alter the circadian cycle and melatonin levels, signaling the brain to rest. For those struggling with sleep, waking up and going to bed at similar times is essential. Opt for regularity in your sleep and wake cycles, especially during weekends. Try to wake up the same time each morning naturally.

#22 Opt for Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is a key hormone for sleeping that tells the brain when it is time to relax and head to bed. Additionally, these supplements are a popular sleeping aid. Often used to treat insomnia, melatonin is a way to fall asleep easily and quickly. In one research study. having just 2 milligrams of melatonin supplements before bed helped individuals to fall asleep faster and improved sleep quality and energy. In another investigation, half of the group fell asleep faster and had a 15 percent improvement in sleep quality. Moreover, no withdrawal effects were reported in these studies.

Melatonin is also useful while traveling and adjusting to fresh time zones. It helps the body’s circadian rhythms to return to normal. In certain countries, a melatonin prescription may be required. In others, melatonin supplements are widely available online or in stores. Take around 1 to 5 milligrams depending on your requirement before going to bed.

Start with low doses to assess tolerance and increase this slowly as required. As melatonin alters brain chemistry, it is essential to check with a medical professional before using this as a sleep aid.

#23 Try Other Supplements

Many supplements can induce relaxation and help in sleeping. Here are the most important ones:

Natural herb Gingko Biloba is a supplement with benefits when it comes to aiding in stress reduction, relaxation, and sleep. It is suggested around 250 milligrams of this herb around 0.5 to 1 hour before bed can work wonders.

Some studies show that 3 grams of amino acid glycine can boost sleep quality.

Other studies have shown Valerian root can help in falling asleep and enhancing sleep quality. You need to take 500 mg before turning in for the night.

Magnesium supplements are another potent cure for sleep issues. Handling over 600 reactions in the body, magnesium improves sleep quality and enhances relaxation.

Amino acid l-theanine can improve sleep and relaxation. Opt for 100 to 200 mg before bed.

A powerful herb with different health benefits, lavender can induce sedentary and calming effects to improve sleep. Take 80 to 160 milligrams to contain 25 to 46 percent of linalool.

Ensure that these supplements are tried under medical supervision, though.

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#24 Herbs for Improving Sleep Quality

1. Valerian

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This is a herb generally found in tea-blends marketed for boosting sleep in the night. But does it really work? Research on this herb is mixed, but studies report Valerian has strong sedative and anxiety warding off effects, which boost sleep quality and increase chances of falling asleep faster. Further, Valerian induces a state of relaxation through actions that result in higher GABA production in the human brain. A compound called valerenic acid in Valerian is considered responsible for this. GABA or Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid is a neurotransmitter, optimal levels of which are needed for boosting sleep quality. Valerian also works with herbs like Kava Kava, Hops and Lemon Balm for improving sleep quality.

2.Passion Flower

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Akin to Valerian, Passion Flower contributes to better sleep in the night by unregulating brain’s GABA levels. Different research has shown passionflower has a beneficial impact on blood pressure, insulin, anxiety, and inflammation. Passionflower acts as an MAO inhibitor. MAO stands for monoamine oxidase and is like anti-depressant medication. Do note that those on MAO inhibitor drugs should not use passionflower for curing sleep problems.

3. Lemon Balm

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This is a European traditional remedy for calming the nerves and boosting the mood. Lemon balm is also known as Melissa and it is known to boost sleep quality besides being used for aromatherapy. Documented benefits of lemon balm are pretty wide and include PMS relief, anti-depressants, anti-microbial, and sedative. Lemon balm promotes relaxation by increasing inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. This is attained through inhibition of an enzyme that breaks down GABA, causing activity in the brain for longer. Lemon balm can be tried as a tincture, tea or essential oil for promoting and inducing feelings of relaxation prior to sleep.

4. Lavender

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This is one of the favored herbs to improve sleep and relaxation. It is generally sold as an essential oil. The smell of lavender evokes relaxation and comfort. It is also a fragrant herb that extends benefits. Studies have shown inhaling lavender vapors can upregulate antioxidant systems within the body. Along with sleep improving efforts, lavender can also be a health game changer. Other benefits include topical treatment for acne, relief from headaches and blood sugar balancing efforts. One of the best ways to use this herb is a healing bath. Adding 10 to 15 drops of warm water along with Epsom salt soaks the herb and relieves tension.

Then, there’s a diffuser. Diffuse lavender oil in your home using this device. You may also sprinkle lavender oil on the pillow before bed. Additionally, you can also mix some drops of lavender oil with coconut or other carrier oils like almond or magnesium to the base of the neck, the soles of the feet and the abs before going to sleep.

5. Peppermint

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Peppermint is associated with stimulation, but it can also help in getting a good night’s rest. Peppermint tea can improve the quality of sleep. How does it do this? This herb opens the airways and allows healthier respiration and better oxygenation of tissues during rest. More effective healing takes place as a result. Relaxation of the intestinal tract prevents unwanted activities or high energy levels at night. Relaxing other muscles is also a way to let go of the tension.

6. Chamomile

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Another great nighttime herb is chamomile. It is great for relaxation and research supports this. Chamomile provides a sedative effect due to flavanoids like apigenin that bind GABA receptors in the brain to promote relaxation. Apigenin is known for its cancer-warding properties as well. Chamomile can be used in tea or aromatherapy. Additionally, it can even be combined with lavender in a bath that heals. Chamomile also wards off oral health issues, oxidative stress-induced inflammation, digestion, and better immune functioning.

7. Linden Flower

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Linden flower is commonly found alongside valerian and chamomile in teas for relaxation. While research on this flower is limited, it has been used as a traditional cure for insomnia for years. Research is generally supportive of Linden flower as an agent for relaxation prior to bed. Some studies also support the contention that this herb is a sedative.

#25 Nighttime Teas for Boosting Sleep Quality

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Good sleep is critical for good health. But with research showing how 30 percent of people suffer from insomnia, staying asleep or achieving restorative high-quality sleep is not easy. Herbal teas are popular for unwinding, relaxation and enjoying sleep at night. Nighttime or bedtime tea has been used as a natural sleep remedy for years. Modern research also backs up the value of herbal teas and here are some of the best ones:


Chamomile tea has been used as a potent remedy to lower inflammation, treat insomnia and decrease anxiety. Chamomile is also commonly known to induce sleep. Antioxidant apigenin in chamomile decreases anxiety and initiates sleep by binding to specific receptors in the brain. Those who received 400 mg of chamomile extract in one study of senior citizens were found to have better sleep quality than the control group. In another study, postpartum women with poor sleep quality for a 2-week period reported overall better sleep quality than those who did not drink the tea.

A study involving individuals with chronic insomnia found those receiving 270 mg of chamomile extract twice a day for 28 days fell asleep 15 minutes faster than those not receiving this extract. Those taking the extract also woke up fewer times in the middle of the night, as against placebo groups.

Valerian Root

Valerian root is a herb used for centuries to treat issues like nervousness, insomnia, and headaches. It was used in England during the 1940s to dispell stress and anxiety caused by WWII air raids. Today, it is counted among the most popular herbal sleeping aids in the EU and the US. This potent bedtime tea is also available in capsule or liquid form. One theory about how Valerian improves sleep quality is that it increases neurotransmitter levels called GABA. When GABA is stimulated, it works like anti-anxiety pills like Xanax for increasing sleepiness. Valerian root was found to be beneficial in warding off problems for many people with sleep difficulties. Additionally, no side effects like daytime drowsiness were associated with the extract.

Another study of 128 individuals found those who received 400mg of liquified Valerian roots reported a decrease in time to fall asleep, fewer awakenings in the night and improved overall quality of sleep as compared to those who didn’t. Another study evaluated long term effects, whereby a decrease in insomnia was reported after subjects took 600 mg of dried valerian root every day for twenty-eight days.


Lavender tea is known to boost sleepiness. In ancient Rome and Greece, lavender baths were very common for this reason. Lavender tea is created from small buds of this purple colored flowering plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region. Most people drink lavender tea to relax, aid sleep and settle their nerves. A study of eighty Taiwanese postnatal women found those who drank lavender tea reported better energy levels. Another study even found lavender inhalation twice per week lowered the heart rate, heart rate variability and improved sleep after 20 minutes of inhalation. Research has shown lavender decreases anxiety and improves sleep quality in individuals with anxiety disorders. Lavender is best known for improving sleep quality.

Lemon Balm

This tea uses the herb lemon balm, which in turn belongs to the mint family. As such, lemon balm is commonly found the world over. Though it is sold as an aromatherapy agent, lemon balm tea is also common. This is a lemon flavored, citric herb used for improving sleep and reducing stress since the Middle Ages. Lemon balm increases GABA levels and acts as a sedative. There was a further 42 percent reduction in insomnia after participants received 600 milligrams of lemon balm’s extract for fifteen days.


Passionflower tea is made from dried leaves, stems, and buds of the Passiflora plant. It has also been used to alleviate anxiety and enhance sleep. Recent studies have also examined the ability of passionflower tea to improve sleep quality and insomnia. One study of 40 adults found those who drink passionflower tea every day for a week had better sleep quality, compared to those who did not drink the tea. Another study compared the passionflower in conjunction with Valerian root and hops to Ambien, a medication for treating insomnia. Passionflower was as effective as Ambien in improving the quality of sleep in this case.

Magnolia Bark

Magnolia bark is a flowering plant which has been operating for over 100 million years. The tea of this herb is made from the plant’s bark and comprises dried buds and stems. Magnolia is used for curing different symptoms in Chinese medicine including nasal congestion, stress relief, and abdominal discomfort. It is known as a potent sedative and anti-anxiety herbal condiment. Magnolia bark tea is excellent for warding off sleep issues. The effect of this herb is because of a compound called honokiol found in the stem, flowers, and barks of the magnolia plant. This modifies the brain’s GABA receptors and boosts sleepiness. Magnolia extracted from the tree’s bark increased the duration of sleep and decreased the time it took to fall asleep. Though further research is needed for confirming the impact in humans, preliminary research indicates magnolia bark tea can improve sleep.

#26 Set the Bedroom Temperature

Body, as well as bedroom temperature, profoundly impact the quality of sleep. It is hard to get a good night’s rest in extreme temperatures. A study, in fact, even found bedroom temperature impacted sleep quality more than outside noise. Other studies found body and bedroom temperature decrease sleep quality and boost wakefulness. Around 70 degree F seems to be a comfortable temperature for most individuals, though it depends on habits or preferences. Test different temperatures to find those that are most comfortable for you.

#27 Don’t Eat Dinner Too Late

Late night snacks can negatively impact sleep quality and the natural release of high growth hormone and melatonin. The quality and type of late night snack play an important role, too. In another study, high carb meals eaten around 4 hours before bed helped individuals to fall asleep more rapidly. COnsuming a large meal before bed leads to hormone and sleep disruption. Certain snacks and meals a few hours before bed help.

#28 Clear Your Mind

Most individuals have a pre-sleep routine for relaxation, and such techniques improve sleep quality and treat insomnia. In one such study, a relaxing message improved sleep quality in those who were ill. Strategies include listening to relaxing chants, reading a book, opting for a hot bath, deep breathing, visualization or meditation. A relaxing bath or shower is another way to sleep well. Studies suggest baths can help improve overall sleep quality and help older adults fall asleep faster. Another study found a hot bath around 1.5 hours before bed improves the quality of sleep and helps people to nod off faster. If the thought of taking a bath is daunting, even soaking feet in hot water can work!

#29 Check For Sleep Disorders

Note that a health condition may be the reason for your sleep issues. A common sleeping disorder is sleep apnea which leads to interrupted and inconsistent breathing. This disorder can cause individuals to stop breathing repeatedly while sleeping. Other frequently diagnosed sleep disorders include sleep movement issues and circadian rhythm or sleep-wake disorders commonly found in shift workers.

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#30 Get Comfortable Pillows or Mattresses

Besides the relaxing environment, bed quality can also impact sleep. One study found a new mattress for 28 days reduced back pain by 57 percent, back stiffness by 59 percent and shoulder pain or sleep quality by as much as 60 percent! New bedding is found to boost the quality of sleep. Additionally, low quality bedding can lead to lower pain in the back. Bed and mattress are extremely subjective and if the bedding needs to be upgraded, base choices on personal preferences. You should ideally upgrade bedding at least 5 to 8 years.

#31 Exercise Vigorously During the Day

Individuals who exercise sleep better at night and feel less sleepy during the day. Regular exercise also wards off insomnia and sleep apnea. It impacts the amount of time you spend in deep sleep. The more one exercises, the more powerful sleep benefits are. Even light exercise like walking for ten minutes a day improves the quality of sleep. It can take several months of activity before sleep-promoting effects are noted. Remember that exercise is the reason for a speeded metabolic rate, elevated body temperature and stimulated hormones like cortisol. Moderate to vigorous workouts need to be completed at least 3 hours before bedtime. For those experiencing sleep difficulties, relaxing low impact exercises like simple stretches or gentle yoga could help.

#32 Avoid Sugar Rich or Refined Carb Diet

During the day itself, make sure you cut back on refined carbs or sugary foods. Eating a lot of sugar and refined carbs like pasta and white rice can trigger wakefulness at night and pull you right out of deep stages of sleep.

#33 Clear Your Head

Are you finding it tough to sleep well because of fear, anger, worry or residual stress? In the event that anxiety and chronic worrying dominates thoughts during the night, you need to take a more positive perspective. Maintain a calm positive outlook and you’ll sleep better at night. Practice relaxation techniques to wind down, calm the mind and prepare for sleep. Try deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and positive visualizations.

A peaceful bedtime routine can trigger the right sleep patterns. Keep the noise down and keep the room cool at around 18 degrees C. Stay out of your head and work on preventing tossing and turning. Try relaxing pasttimes like knitting or folding laundry so you can quiet your mind for sleep.


These tips are perfect for helping you to sleep well at night. From the natural healing power of herbs to stimulation and activities only during the day, there are many non-medical ways of countering a lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep. Insomnia is associated with weight gain, diabetes and a lot of chronic health problems.

Sleep well to live well. Having a good night’s sleep can make all the difference to the waking moments too. The quality of sleep during the night determines the amount of alertness during the day after all. Regulate your sleep and ensure that a good night’s rest is well within your reach.

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