Valuing Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry

Valuing Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry

Photo By: Amanda/CC BY

The value of a smile cannot be underscored enough. It boosts your attractiveness quotient and empowers you. Your smile is your calling card for an interview. You don’t get a second chance to make a great first impression. A good smile goes a long way in creating the perfect impression. Cosmetic dentistry is considered elective and not necessary for health. But that is the mistake people make. Results of a smile extend beyond your physical appearance. Cosmetic procedures have a vital impact on the quality of life. Cosmetic dentistry is so popular nowadays because dentists are trained in every aspect from whitening to shaping, replacing and closing teeth spaces. A wide plethora of tools and techniques are available to change the look of the smile.

Risk and Reward: Procedures For Cosmetic Dentistry

Before any cosmetic procedure, you should know what to expect. Be clear about factors like cost, the experience of the dentist, special aftercare and so on. Cosmetic dentistry comprises procedures and treatments to enhance the appearance of your smile and the teeth. Treatments include:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • White Fillings
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Implants
  • Cosmetic bonding
  • Orthodontic treatment
Photo By: Rupert Taylor-Price/ CC BY

Cosmetic dentistry keeps teeth attractive and healthy. Benefits of cosmetic surgery depend on the procedures selected. Regardless of the ones chosen, you can enjoy good dental health and access a smile that makes an impact. Teeth whitening offers procedures to reduce discoloration of teeth. Porcelain veneers are customized and can reshape the teeth, covering surface flaws. Much like veneers, opting for  composite resin bonding works as a camouflage for flaws, Got a gummy smile? Get reprieve with tiny amounts of gum tissue using contouring to correct uneven gum lines. Minor crowding issues and gaps in teeth can make a difference too. Combine multiple and various procedures to get the results sought. Learn more about the different types of cosmetic dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

This happens to be among the best solutions for naturally darkening teeth. The appearance of the teeth can be impacted due to the building up of surface stains. This can be the result of consuming certain foods (like chocolate), drinks like wine, coffee and tea and the use of tobacco products. Remove the discoloration and stains by opting for tooth whitening procedures. This impacts the way teeth appear and their aesthetic value. Dentists can also fashion customized mouthpiece trays to ensure the total amount of whitening solution reaching the teeth is commensurate with the amount required. But it can take far longer depending on the degree of peroxide required. But do bear in mind that the teeth will become stained, as whitening procedures are not meant to sustain the cleanliness levels of your teeth.

White Fillings

White composite fillings are a positive alternative compared to darker fillings. Composite fillings are designed to match the natural shade of the teeth and it also has a longer life compared to regular fillings. Composite restoration ensures smaller more limited preparation is required. Also, the recovery following the fillings is a shorter span of time as against mercury linked amalgam restorations.

Cosmetic Bonding/Composite Veneer

This is a painless means of changing the shape of the teeth, closing the space between the teeth or repairing chipped, crooked or broken and stained teeth. Composite veneers use composite resin, a material which is tooth colored. It can be applied and hardened with light which bonds the material to the tooth. This improves your smile. The least expensive, these are low in cost too. Unlike porcelain veneers and crowns which require customization, cosmetic bonding is done with least invasive procedures. Anesthesia is generally not used when cosmetic bonding takes place.

A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain that bonds onto the front of the teeth to create a smile that is pleasing. These can reshape the teeth and the smile and be the perfect choice for those who want to avoid crowds and have aesthetic dental concerns. Veneers improve the look of the teeth by moving in seamlessly and adding to the natural look of the teeth whether it comes to color, angle, shape or spacing of the smile.

Custom shells are made of porcelain also occasionally plastic, that covers the front sides of the teeth to bring about a change in shape or color. Veneers are long lasting as compared to bonding. They also improve the teeth on account of correcting deficiencies and deformities including permanent staining, spaces between teeth, chipped or worn teeth, poorly shaped or slightly crooked teeth. Prior to inserting the veneer, the dentist takes an impression of the teeth and then buffs it before cementing the veneer in its place. A light beam serves to harden the cement, securing the teeth veneer together. Porcelain veneers are created in the lab so a second visit to the dentist is essential for their insertion.


Photo By: Richard Foster/ CC BY

Dental crowns and caps are non-removable casings covering the natural tooth. When decay or trauma impacts the teeth, crowns can restore strength, function, and form, while ensuring the teeth regain their healthy structure and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Crowns can improve the overall aesthetics by matching natural teeth when it comes to shape, color, angle, size or spacing. Crowns are also known as caps. They completely cover the tooth, restoring the shape and appearance. A crown is needed for teeth that are misshapen or discolored, protection of weak teeth, restoring broken or worn tooth, covering teeth with filling, keeping a dental bridge or impact in place or covering a tooth with a root canal procedure.

Crowns can be carved out of numerous material including:

  • Metal
  • Porcelain
  • Resin
  • Ceramic material

As crowns are costly, dentists only opt for them when other procedures don’t yield positive results. An in-office or same-day crown or a temporary one can have benefits too. Permanent crowns can be placed at a separate time.


An implant is a replacement that comes instead of teeth which are damaged or lost. It is an alternative to partial or bridge procedure. Implants are created out of titanium and inserted into the jawbone through an artificial anchor to replace the root of natural teeth. An artificial replacement tooth is then affixed to the implant which works as an anchor to hold it in place. Implants are a costly but long term solution for the replacement of missing teeth, They can be used instead of bridges which hinge on adjacent teeth as anchors. They also work better than removable dentures that rest on the gums. A surgeon implants them onto the jawbone surgically. There are 3 parts to an implant:

  • Titanium metal fusing to the jawbone
  • The abutment which fits over the implant sticking away from the gums
  • Crowns which are special restoratives dentists create a natural appearance

An implant can even appear instead of regular teeth to provide stable support, for missing parts. If there is a bone loss from lost teeth or periodontal disease. Implants require the following steps:

  • A detailed exam, X-ray, and consultation
  • Surgical implanting of the titanium screw
  • Lower and upper jaw impressions
  • Crown placement
  • Follow up with implant team members

Other Periodontal Processes

An array of processes can boost your smile. Procedures can help repair exposed roots, teeth that are elongated or shortened, uneven gum lines, jawbone or gum indentations and much more.


Dentists use bonding material to fill tiny cavities or protect the exposed tooth root. The procedure can be carried out using composite resins, it can even last for several years.

Enamel Shaping, Contouring

Enamel contouring and shaping are when the dental enamel is worked on to improve the appearance of the teeth. This may refer to altering the length, shape, position of teeth. Reshaping or contouring can check:

  • Crooked/overlapping teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Irregular tooth
  • Minor problems in biting


This is another cosmetic dentistry procedure for an amazing smile. Get braces to prevent teeth from becoming crooked or crowded. This can improve an irregular bite and correct problems with jaw position and joint. The braces can reposition the teeth to make way for advanced cases. Dentists or orthodontists place braces by using brackets made of metal, ceramic or plastic for the teeth. Then wires are placed through the brackets which guide the teeth to the correct position. Lingual braces can also be attached towards the back of the teeth, obstructing them from view. Once braces are attached, the dentist will tighten these for some days. Oral hygiene takes on new importance when you are wearing braces.

There are minimal risks with braces. Those with an allergy to metal or latex or periodontal conditions are likely to have a problem though. Root shortens to create a problem too if the movement of teeth is too quick. Minor spacing problems can be checked using invisible braces known as aligners. Dentists can reshape the teeth within 2 weeks using these. Aligners can also be removed while using your teeth for chewing or cleaning them. Wearing braces and using the retainer to hold the teeth in their new position is important. Retainers can be removed or permanently bonded behind the teeth.


Photo By: Seth Lemmons/ CC BY

These are fixed partial dentures. This can be used for the replacement of the missing tooth. Artificial teeth are used in place of it. Bridges can comprise gold, alloys, porcelain or a mix of these. Dentists anchor them onto the teeth and prepare them for crowns. False tooth attaches to the crown and the bridge is then cemented onto the teeth. Only then can the fixed bridge be removed. Bridges improve the smile and you just need to maintain good oral health during this period.

Why Use Cosmetic Dentistry For the Perfect Smile

Smiling is a positive action. It is associated with confidence, empowerment, and happiness. Added health benefits are also developed. What are these? Well, from positive mental states to even headache relief, the benefits are many. Read on to know just a few of them.

#1 Motivation for Better Oral Hygiene

When you improve the look of your smile (and your teeth), you would be interested in maintaining the look. Changing your drinking and eating habits to avoid foods that stain your teeth becomes easier. That way, you can also improve your overall health by improving your eating habits. Avoid junk foods, sodas, cafe, cigarettes and wine with ease now.

#2 Relief From Headaches

Misalignment of teeth can lead to massive headaches. Any bite that lacks normalcy can cause tooth pain and headache. Avoid pressure on nerves and gums by choosing to correct misalignment of teeth. Crooked teeth can damage your gum and your nerves. causing you to feel pain. Dental appliances or cosmetic dentistry can fix the problem, providing relief.

#3 Enhance the Appetite

Teeth which suffer from cracks, decay, loss of density or misalignment make chewing food difficult. With medical conditions like periodontal diseases around the corner, opt for teeth that are healthy and safeguard yourself and your appetite.

#4 Avoid Serious Dental Decay

Teeth that are damaged, chipped, cracked are more vulnerable to decay. This increases the risk of serious problems such as periodontal diseases. This lowers the chance of gum disease and other oral problems.

#5 Boost Your Sociability

With a perfect smile, you are armed for social success. Stress while facing others will now be a thing of the past, with cosmetic dentistry to enhance your smile and add to your health benefits.

#6 Aesthetic Benefits

Cosmetic dentistry can eliminate a lot of aesthetic flaws. Versatile and safe, cosmetic dentistry procedures can be used for correcting gaps in teeth, uneven or small pearly whites, ragged gum lines, and much more. Cosmetic dentristry can knock years off your age and enhance your personal and professional quality of life. A good smile comes in handy when you want to create a great impression or win an important deal.

#7 Strengthen Your Teeth

Cosmetic procedures don’t just carry aesthetic appeal. They can even strengthen the teeth. For example, by dealing with hairline fractures or worn-out edges, cosmetic surgeons can prevent compromised areas from getting worse. Cosmetic surgery also improves self-confidence and increases your sense of assurance. Improving your smile means enhancing your self-esteem. Missing teeth can make you miss out on life too. So, care for your teeth (and your smile). Boost your self-belief and access better dental health today.

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