Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation : Average Cost, What to Expect and Recovery

Statistics by the American Plastic Surgeons Society prove breast augmentation is one of the most requested cosmetic surgeries. Research also shows that women need another breast augmentation surgery after 10 years, because implants leak over time or scar shells could develop around it. According to the American Society, surgeon’s fee does not include the cost of anesthesia, amenities, and materials. Price is associated with the doctor, region, and patient too. An average total of US$3678 was the cost of this surgery in 2013, according to one estimate. For coping with the impact of this surgery, a week away from work is generally the period required to recover. Another point to remember is that breasts with implants feel different. Silicone breasts are artificial and look, unlike natural breast tissues. Try on different sizes before deciding on one.

Another factor you need to consider is that a small A cup cannot suddenly make the transition to DD in one simple procedure. To adjust to the process, drastic changes need to be considered too. A gradual increase in cup size is preferred. Breast augmentation could even impact the ability to breastfeed in the future. Women who are obese, prone to smoking or have a strong family history of breast cancer can experience greater complications after surgery.

Medical conditions require that you should be screened and evaluated prior to surgical procedures. The choice of implants is either silicone or saline. The former constituted 77% of the implants used in 2014. The rest were saline. Implants have a lot of issues associated with them. For example, silicone implant ruptures are harder to detect. Saline implants, on the other hand, have ripples in certain parts of the breast. Another new process in place is the autologous fat transfer where fat can be moved from any part of the body to the breast. Women can also get areola reduction through a procedure known as mastopexy. Incision choices can vary from underarm, the incision in the crease of the breast or through areola removal. Prior to the surgery, a breast examination or mammogram is essential. Exercise such as cardio involves bounces and is not permitted after surgery, Implants are comfortable when the procedure is done after the birth of children rather than in the prepartum stage. Augmented breasts affect the poster much like the weight of natural boobs.

Women can also get areola reduction through a procedure known as mastopexy. Incision choices can vary from underarm, the incision in the crease of the breast or through areola removal. Prior to the surgery, a breast examination or mammogram is essential. Exercise such as cardio involves bounces and is not permitted after surgery, Implants are comfortable when the procedure is done after the birth of children rather than in the prepartum stage. Augmented breasts affect the poster much like the weight of natural boobs.

When Do You Need Breast Augmentation

If breasts are sagging due to aging, childbirth, breastfeeding or weight loss, breast augmentation and breast lift may be needed. To be a candidate for breast augmentation surgery, you must be in good health. More major medical problems are a sign you need to be screened. Breast augmentation has been done for breast reconstruction after breast surgery for cancer. Patients should be near their ideal weight or less than 30 pounds overweight. You need to be 22 and above for silicone and 18 or more for saline implants. Risks and benefits of breast augmentation surgery must be carefully considered before proceeding forward.

Another factor that influences whether you should have breast augmentation surgery is the age. You should be 22 or above for the full development of your breasts to have taken place. If your medical condition makes you a wrong candidate for the procedure, it may be better to leave it aside.

What To Watch Out For

Photo By: Tommerton2010/ CC BY

The more data there is regarding the procedure and how to look for a surgeon, the better the chances of attaining a positive outcome. Start your research process immediately. Talk with those who have undergone this surgical procedure. Speak with your primary caregiver and physicians too. Your gynecologist can refer you to a reputed cosmetic surgeon. View photos before and after on the internet or other media. Google breast augmentation to get an idea of what to expect. Video testimonies of those who underwent this surgery are also available.

You also need to check if your surgeon is certified and accredited. Once the information has been collected about breast augmentation, you can then make an informed decision about the same. Select two or three doctors for consulting and then make a judgment on the basis of who meets your needs best.

The question to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

Some of the most important questions need to be asked before surgery, so preparation for the same can be made. What are the points you need to consider? Here are the right questions to ask your plastic surgeon.

Can you give me a background of your medical career?

Here, you are looking for someone who has performed successful breast augmentation surgery and is an expert in the procedure.

Are you board certified and accredited?

This is another question you need to be clear on. Board certification means the surgeon has been specifically trained to perform the procedure. To check if your surgeon is board certified, check his credentials and online details from official websites of certifying organizations.

What is the number of breast augmentation surgeries performed by you?

Check to see if the surgeon is an expert in the field. He or she should have an in-depth understanding of getting the best results and how to counter what can go wrong. Essentially, you need a doctor who is honest about the questions asked.

What is the time taken for recovery once the surgery is performed?

You need to be clear on the limitations you face post surgery. Recovery times are approximate but this will only work well if you don’t have unclear ideas about how the surgery takes place.

What are the pain medications to be prescribed and side effects following surgery?

Your doctor should be clear regarding these scores in turn. Some of the effects of opting for surgery may be permanent. Check the nature of pain medicines that will be prescribed.

What steps do I need to take before the surgery?

You may need to give up smoking, engage in weight loss and prevent the use of supplements such as vitamins, herbs, and minerals prior to the surgery.

How will surgery be performed and what will aftercare be like?

Not only the surgical procedure but also the aftercare that follows must be clearly delineated so that there are no issues.

Breast Augmentation: Decision Making

Breast augmentation is a procedure which is elective and not life-saving. Whether you choose to have it for personal or professional reasons, your motivation for going under the knife should be clear. You can make decisions about the nature of the implant, whether you need a breast lift, smooth or textured implants, the round or teardrop shaped implants. the nature of breast profile you choose, and the incision type you are comfortable with. Check where the implant will be placed– above or beneath the muscle.

Types of Implants

Photo By: Tommerton2010/ CC BY

When breast implants are concerned, it is important to consider which implant works best for you. These come in two major types namely silicone and saline. An additional type is called cohesive gel.

The implant you choose to go in for depends entirely on you. What is the difference between Saline and Silicone implants?

While the incision length is 2.5 cm for saline, while silicone implants require a larger incision of 4 cm. While the outer shell is silicone for both types of implants, the fill is saline or silicone. The implant surface is either smooth or textured for both types of implants. While silicone implants are soft, the saline ones are prone to rippling. Rupture is easier to detect with saline implants. Average implant lifespan ranges from lifetime to a 5 percent chance of implant problems for both types of implants is there. Saline implants cost less than silicone.

What about cohesive gel implants? This is the type of silicone implant which is less likely to leak. Here, the shell of silicone is encasing a firmer composition of silicone. This is definitely leak proof because if the cut is made in half, there would be zero leakage. Folds and ripples are less likely to take place. These are not prone to force of gravity so won’t sag in time.

Bear in mind that implants are not measured in terms of a cup size used when purchasing a bra. Cup sizes lack standardization and there is no way to measure the breast tissue. Implants are therefore measured in volume in cubic cm and the range is 125 to 450 cc. The bigger this value, the larger the breast will be post surgery. Many women have breasts lacking ins symmetry and may need a massive implant in one breast. Smaller the height and width, the more compact the breast implant will be. Implants which are too big for you may sag or cause back pain at a later point in time.

Another point to understand is the cleavage is based on the width of the chest. The wider it is, the less cleavage there is. The surface of the implant should be either textured or smooth. Your body creates a capsule around the implant. If the surface of the implant is the former, then these adhere better to the implant. A textured implant will lead to rotating of the chest when a massage is carried out. Textured implants can ripple, as against smooth ones.
The Shape: Contoured or Round?

Breast augmentation can involve round or teardrop shaped/contoured/anatomical shape. Teardrop implants project further at the tip than the base and mimic the body’s natural contours. The shape depends on several factors. An unnatural shape can lead to an asymmetrical appearance. Other factors that come into play while choosing breast augmentation surgery are your body type. implant position and the accuracy and precision of the surgery.

Consider the Breast Profile

In breast augmentation, you have to consider the implant profile. This can range from moderate to moderate plus or high breast implants profiles. The size of the profile is directly correlated with the size of the implant. Therefore check if you want an athletic or a natural and rounded look. If you have a narrow build, choose an implant that is not too wide for your body. Moderate plus breast implant profiles are called normal or regular. A high breast implant is for an extra rounded appearance.

Type of Incision

Another important point is the nature of the incision. Plastic surgeons try to go with least invasive surgery but it is important to note that some implants are not pliable or cannot fit into a small size of an incision. Another consideration is the incision determines the extent of scarring. The different types of incisions are:

  • Transaxillary
  • Periareolar
  • Transumbilical or TUBA

The incisions can be anywhere from 1 to 3 inches in length. Most scars fade over a period of 1 year to 6 months.

Nature of Implant

Check whether your implant is placed over or beneath the muscle. Use inputs to make an informed choice. The decision for placing the implant is based on body type, skin nature, implant size, and your generic objectives. Two primary options for placement of implants are sub muscular and sub glandular. While the former involves implants partially or completely under the pectoral muscle. the latter includes placement of the implant over the muscle. The nature of the placement influences recovery and comfort following surgery.

The Risks

Breast augmentation carried a lot of risks too. Situations occur when the implant moves out of the earlier position placed by the surgeon. Using textured rather than smooth implants positions the implant carefully.

Rippling is another problem associated with breast augmentation surgery. This is a wave type indentation on the breast’s surface which can influence the final outcome Complication comes from not filling the saline implants with the right quality to give it a proper shape. Saline should move around inside the implant for a ripple effect to be observed.

Rupture or leakage is caused due to trauma. This may take place leading to deflation especially if saline implants are used. Silicone implants rupture less conspicuously. Therefore, the US FDA holds that women should get MRI screenings every couple of years to check for ruptures if they have undergone breast augmentation.

Breast implants can also influence how mammograms are carried out. Capsular contractions when extremely well-knit collagen fibers gather around the implant leading to pain may also result, following a boob job.

Other common risks accompanying any surgery include bleeding, infection, anesthesia, nerve damage, temporary or complete numb sensations.

How to Get Ready For Surgery

Consider a list of supplements prior to surgery. Some of the supplements you need to avoid before breast augmentation surgery are herbs, minerals, and vitamins. This includes garlic, ginger, dark green veggies, fish oil, herbal supplements, vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Liquorice, Golden Seal, Valerian, Feverfew, Melatonin, NSAIDS and more.

Special pre-surgery supplements may also be assigned. Drugs and alcohol, as well as smoking, or artificial tanning should also be avoided prior to surgery. You need to be clear about the draining tubes, how to keep incision areas dry, reduction of itching in the area, reduction of swelling and staying hydrated. Eat a diet low in sodium and apply cold compress after surgery. You need plenty of rest and ensure that you do not place pressure on the operated area post surgery.

Method of Breast Implant

Breasts continue to grow till a woman reaches her early 20s. So the US Food and Drug Administration has indicated that the right age for a silicone implant should be at least 22 years. While picking the surgeon, always consider the experience. Prior to breast implant procedures, meet up with your surgeon for an assessment. Breast augmentation is done either as an outpatient procedure or overnight in the medical facility.

Recovery After Breast Implants: Aftercare

Once the surgery is complete, the chest will be covered with gauze. Drainage tubes should be removed in some days. The patient will also have to wear a surgical bra until the healing process is complete. Don’t do any heavy lifting once the surgery is over. OTC pain relievers can help in easing the pain. Pain medicines may also be prescribed by your physician. Some swelling may be experienced when surgery is completed. Inflammations ease over time and scars undergo fading. The usual after surgery recovery process needs to be considered too. Possible complications after surgery are many. Some amount of pain, inflammation, tenderness, and bruising is common. Scars are more likely if surgery incision is long. Pain and nausea may also result. Surgeons will give you a directive about wound healing and how to care for the breast post the operation.

One may need postoperative bras, compression bandages or jogging bras for additional support as healing takes place. Avoid strenuous activities that could cause hypertension and blood pressure for around 2 weeks.

Check with your surgeon about the schedule for follow-up visits, limitations on activities, precautions that need to be taken and when normal activities can be resumed.

Recovery Time

Breast augmentation takes only an hour. It requires a stay at the hospital for only some patients. Women recover in weeks. During the aftercare period, your movement may be restricted for some time. Once surgery has been completed, you may be asked not to pull objects which are greater than eight pounds in weight. Sports bras will be better than underwire bras during the recovery period. The activity should not be carried out for at least 6 weeks when it is strenuous in nature. Wearing compression wear and the right garments are essential to control the swelling. Itching and discomfort may be experienced once the surgery is complete. Incision or suture lines should be kept free from water for best results. Once the healing of the incisions takes place, scars are formed. Women with dark skin are more prone to get lump-like, raised scars called keloids. Laser scar removal, cryosurgery, and injections of steroids could be the cure.

Warning Signs

If there is bleeding, severe inflammation, discoloration or high temperature above 105 degrees F, or vomiting, nausea, and loss of consciousness or convulsions, you need a doctor’s intervention immediately.

Average Cost of Breast Augmentation

Average fees associated with breast augmentation (and this is just the surgeon’s cost) is US$3,700. This does not include breast implants, medical facility fees, and anesthesia. A total bill can be as high as US$ 7900-8000. Considering cosmetic surgery, the cost depends on the surgeon, the location of the practice, the venue, choice of breast implant and concerned expenses. The prices of cohesive silicone breast implants, saline and silicone gel also differ. Consider factors like private surgical suites, hospitals, and ambulatory centers, as these can also make a difference in the cost structure.

An anesthesiologist can cost more than four hundred dollars per hour. The expenses taking anesthesia, surgeon fees, operating facility fees, and other expenses compound, reaching US$10,000 even. As it is cosmetic surgery, health insurance coverage for breast augmentation is not there.


So, when it comes to cost and recovery, a lot of factors influence whether you will have an easy time of it. This can make a difference in the outcomes as well. Recovery is based on how well you follow the medical care guidelines and how alert you are to the changes in your body, post surgery, Breast augmentation surgery is not for everyone. Consider all facets carefully before deciding you are cut out for it.

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