Want to Lose Weight And Be Healthier

Want to Lose Weight and be Healthier? The Answer Is Simple!

When it comes to weight loss, and staying healthy, there’s either a lack of awareness or time. What are the healthy and sustainable ways of losing weight? One thing which is most critical is that weight loss strategies may work for one person and fail when it comes to another. This is because we are all gifted with unique physiological characteristics and attributes, that make us distinctive. But there are some common ways people have lost weight and gained good health. Before opting for any of these tips, ensure that you consult a weight loss professional.

The Right Diet

#1 Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Eat More Fruits and Veggies
Photo By: Alex Roberts/ CC BY

This is one of the most important ways to stay fit and healthy. Fruits work on the sweet tooth and help on account of natural sugars. Fresh veggies act as perfect sustenance, filling up the stomach quickly. These substances contain fiber which increases the chances of feeling satiated without resorting to calorie dense, fat-rich foods. Eat the veggies and fruits that are preferred for a snack or a dessert. Use celery, pepper, carrots, kale, cauliflower or broccoli for the perfect repast and a healthy snack. Vegetables can also constitute the main dish. For instance, consider the stir-fried dish or the salad for best results.

#2 Eat Whole Grains, Avoid Simple Carbs

Whole-wheat cereals, oatmeal, sweet potato, whole wheat pasta, or brown rice make for the perfect fuel to meet body needs and fulfill your nutritional needs. Combining proteins and fiber, whole grained items are a perfect source of nutrition. As opposed to complex carbs, simple ones like processed flour, white bread, and sugars provides energy fast but comes with a spike. This means it gets converted to fat very fast. Leave out whole wheat flour or oat flour and opt or pancakes and baked goods at your own peril. Barley works better in the soup rather than rice. Wild rice versus brown is another debate that ignites discussion. But the whole wheat brown, organic rice is the best choice for those who want healthy hearts and trim waistlines. Eat fresh carbs and not processed ones. Avoid taste oriented fast foods or processed items that are high on sugar, carbs and trans fat.

Nutrition Benefits

#3 Choose Lean Proteins, Not Fatty Ones

Choosing the right kind of protein is also important. Protein is critical for organ function and serves as a basic building block of muscles. So if you need protein to work out, select lean beef cuts or additionally lean meat. Different cuts of chicken with the skin removed are a good source of animal protein. Deli meat and cold cuts with fat should be given a miss. Instead, opt for lean meats as a replacement. Vegans receive protein from the following sources:

  • Soy
  • Legume
  • Bean
  • Low Fat/Zero Fat Dairy
  • Nut
  • Beans
  • Seeds
  • Lentils

#4 Try a Regimented Diet

If you are disciplined when it comes to eating, and need a specific diet, choose fresh fruits and veggies. You can even try a Paleo type of diet and eat no processed or packaged foods. Try choosing raw foods. Studies show that opting for three-fourths of the diet as uncooked can help in regulating dietary intake and losing weight. If you lack the motivation to follow a diet on your own, choose to join diet plans with others like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig.

#5 Back Away From Sodium

Cut salt when it comes to food. How does that help? Eating excessive sodium causes the retention of water in the body. This leads to feelings of being bloated and weight gain. A way out is to eat moderate to low sodium in the diet. Use natural spices like tarragon, salsa, oregano or basil rather than opting for salt to flavor your food. Unsalted food has its own taste and eventually, your palate will adjust to it.

#6 Don’t Skip Any Meal

Don’t Skip Any Meal
Photo by: Brad Greenlee/ CC BY

Another very important step you need to take is not to skip a meal. People who ate at least three meals in 24 hours lost more weight than those who did not eat regularly. When meals are skipped, your body attacks muscles and tissue, breaking down fat. Muscle tissue burns a greater amount of calories and therefore the destruction of the same can work against losing weight and staying healthy. Avoid eating tiny portions across the day at constant intervals. Between meals, eat a small snack of around 150 calories to ward off hunger pangs and keep the metabolism active. When hungry, the body preserves calories and slows down the metabolic processes. This can act as a deterrent to weight loss and staying healthy.

#7 Eat Small Snacks

Eat Small Snacks
Photo By: Shawn Allen/ CC BY

It is important to remember that snack time will not necessarily lead to weight loss. Low calorific consumption can slow down metabolism, leading to trouble. If you are obese, eating less s always a good idea, but cutting down on meals and eating a large one towards the end leads to a delayed insulin reaction leading to rising diabetes chances. Skipping breakfast or consuming fast foods can prove really detrimental because it can up the risk of weight gain and insulin resistance.

#8 Stock Your Fridge Right

Ensure that you make the effort to fill the fridge with healthy proteins and products that do not damage the body. Healthy dinners will only result if you have stocked healthy ingredients. Another piece of important news is that healthy food does not mean cutting down on affordability. Some of the healthiest foods like lean meat, veggies, and fruits can be quite affordable.

#9 Eat During the Day

Another important point is that breakfast should not be skipped. Neural responses to visual food stimuli after certain types of breakfast are very different, with lack of food spurring eating disorders and binge eating. Affecting appetite, energy intake and metabolic as well as endocrine responses to food, binge eating can have adverse physiological and psychological side effects.

#10 Prioritize a Good Meal

Cooking does not take so long and is likely to beat oversized portions resulting in calorie-rich intake from restaurants. It’s high time you tossed out the junk and opted for whole grain items, beans, and nuts. Effects of food cues on obese people work differently. The only way you can ignore the siren call of the fatal fries and cheeseburger is by opting for cooking a healthy meal.

#11 Have Smaller Portions, Use Smaller Plates

This is another trick you need to follow. As time has advanced and fast food has caught on, servings have become massive and the food portions have increased tremendously. Plate sizes have also increased. The brain associates a large plate with more servings. Using a smaller plate can make a person feel full with the same amount of food.

#12 Snack Before Dining Out

This is another good trick to prevent yourself from gorging on fancy rich food in restaurants. Opt for apple, yogurt or carrot sticks to give your stomach the healthy boost. Willpower can lead you to positive goals only if you exercise it.

#13 Chew Slowly, Avoid Distractions

The quicker one eats a meal, the less time there is for the body to register fullness. Eating in a slow way increases the feeling of satiation and ensures that less is more. Studies have also found watching television is associated with poor food choices and decisions to overeat.

#14 Choose Fiber Over Fat, Steer Clear of Simple Carbs

Eating veggies and high fiber items such as legumes help to satiate us longer. Dietary fiber intake and weight regulation are strongly linked. Stuffed apples or tasty oats can make for a wonderful meal.

#15 Opt for Healthy Fats

Cutting oil and butter can lead to the slashing of calories. We need some amount of healthy fat in the diet to fulfill needs and absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as K, D, A and E. Opt for healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from seeds, fish, olive oil, and nuts. The dietary coconut has a positive impact on abdominal obesity.

#16 Avoid Sugar

Adding sugar to food raises the risk of heart problems and obesity. Added sugars and cardiovascular diseases that result on the basis of this can be avoided if you ease up on sweets and sugary drinks.Opt for food swaps like Greek yogurt for sour cream, or margarine for butter cut down on calories and sugar. Healthy food can also rot when it is placed in a fryer. Try using pan-fried items or popping a dish into the oven. You can even opt for healthy chips, which are not fried.

#17 Eat Fruit, Avoid Carbonated Drinks and Juice

Juices are not always 100 percent fruit. They provide vitamins without fiber and phytonutrients. Opting for raw fruits is a healthier option. It is also kinder on the waistline.

#18 Chewing Minty Gum

Sugar-free gum does not curb appetite. But it does keep you from chewing on other titbits or opting for sweet and salty snacks. Cut down on hunger pangs between meals. Mint filled gum can increase positive mood states and alleviate snacking excessively between meals.

Drinking Correctly

#1 Drink The Right Amount

Drink The Right Amount
Photo By: Derek Gavey/ CC BY

A minimum of 2 liters of water has to be consumed every single day. Water hydrates the body and fills into the stomach with a liquid of a certain volume that has no calories. The average amount that should be consumed by females is 9 cups while it is 13 cups for the male. Consuming water around thirty minutes before meals lessen the calories people consume, especially older individuals.

#2 Sip Before Eating

Preceding a meal with the glass of water has been linked with additional weight loss than calorie deficit alone. The mid-meal break should involve guzzling water to give a feeling of satiation to the brain.

#3 Sip Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and is known for its capacity to engage in fat metabolization. It prevents free radicals from causing oxidative stress. The impact of green tea on resting metabolism is exceptional and it is perfect for cutting down unwanted calories too. Affecting body weight and lipid peroxidation, this metabolic rate increasing beverage can have positive effects for those seeking weight loss.

#4 Stick to H20

Don’t opt for diet beverages and vitamin enhanced sugary drinks. Opt for plain water instead. This helps people to consume lesser calories and feel more satiated. Independent of diet and activity, drinking water leads to weight loss.

#5 Cut Back on Calorific Value

Cut Back on Calorific Value
Photo By: Bertholf/ CC BY

Opt for juice, milk drinks and alcohol at your own cost. Drinking these calorie-rich drinks can cause a serious problem for those who are trying to cut down on weight. High fructose-rich syrups, sweetened beverages, and carbonated soft drinks are the chief culprits. Adding water to juice or drinks increases the chances of cutting down on calories because of rising water intake and long-term changes in weight.

Exercise Well

#1 Use An App To Keep Up

Use An App To Keep Up
Photo by: ThoroughlyReviewed/ CC BY

Recent studies have found that mobile devices are more useful in helping people lose weight than tracking diet on paper. Mixing technology with standard weight loss treatment and using fitness-boosting apps can play a role in creating a healthier, trimmer you.

#2 Find a Wearable That Suits You

Accurately gauge just how many calories you have lost using Fitbit or an Apple Watch to monitor the calories spent. A pedometer can also work wonders for fitness and weight loss from a walking regimen.

#3 Photograph Food

Writing down what you eat can work well too. Maintaining a food diary alters attitudes towards and food choices too.

#4 Pump Up the Volume

Pump Up the Volume
Photo By: Pricenfees/ CC BY

Research has shown music with 180 beats per minute or more promotes a fast pace. Music also works as an amazing distraction. Audio cues increased the pace of walking on a treadmill.

#5 Try Weight Training

Strength training can work well for you. So can free weights. Working with free weights activates muscles effectively and muscles can help to put those calories on a downhill pace. Smith machines, weight press benches, and dumbbells could be the way to a svelte trimmer self.

#6 Get Functional

Fitness increases strong muscles and improves balance. Resistance training is the best way to improve your functionality. Exercise rates the metabolic rate at which fat is burned.

#7 HIIT Works

HIIT Works
Photo By: Thoroughly Reviewed/ CC BY

High-intensity interval training combines intense effort with moderate to low ones. Interval training burns more calories and boosts metabolic rates considerably more than a workout of longer length.

#8 Exercise Regularly

Kickboxing, jazz exercise, Zumba, Pilates, yoga, and martial arts are just some of the ways that you can keep fit. Try a cross trainer for positive results. Use an exercise ball paired with squats. Use machines and free weights. Try cardio. Whatever be your fitness mantra, try to make it easy to let your body go and relax as you workout and cut down the calories.


Losing weight the healthy way is the right way. Sudden starvation and binge eating coupled with obsessive exercise is a surefire recipe for getting burnt. If you are clear about the goal that is, losing weight in a healthy way, challenge yourself and boost your fitness levels while keeping nutrition at its optimal best. This is the best way to lose weight and gain excellent health outcomes.

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