Weight Loss Myths That You Should Be Aware Of

Top 25 Weight Loss Myths That You Should Be Aware Of

Many individuals are not able to lose weight. This is because they rely on incorrect weight loss advice. So many myths and misconceptions about weight loss abound.This is more so in the internet forums as well as in print media. False weight reduction methods may even prove counterproductive in the long run. Here are some of the biggest (and most misleading) weight loss myths you need to be aware of.

Top 25 Weight Loss Myths

#1 Weight Loss Supplements= Weight Reduction

A most lucrative health product marketed in general are weight loss supplements. Countless supplements promise weight loss in weeks, even days. Most users of such supplements never yield results that are long lasting. Companies selling supplements often fall use marketing ploys to grab the attention of buyers.

Some weight loss supplements may work because of placebo effects, and yet others because of the emotional or psychological advancement. Diet pill consumers are conscious of what they consume. This may translate into weight loss. Few weight loss supplements may provide some amount of weight loss. Supplements alone do not yield magical results till they combine with a good diet and quality workouts.

#2 Eat Less, Exercise More

One of the most common advice on weight loss is to eat less food and do more exercise to lose weight. Based on the understanding that for losing fat, more calories need to be burnt and few are eaten. Weight loss takes place when calorie expenditure shoots as against calories consumed. But this does not always work. This advice is not applicable if you are suffering from extreme obesity. Weight loss may happen initially, but weight gain may follow on account of increased biological and psychological cravings for food.

It is important to note that eating less food is not the solution, getting the right nutrition is. By walking or jogging, one does not lose much weight. High-intensity workouts in a routine manner and differing exercises need to be performed across time.

#3 Eating Foods High in Fats Is Bad for Weight Loss

An excess amount of fat stored in the human body leads to an increase in weight. Therefore, a logical corollary to follow from this would be that eating fat adds more calories to the body spurring weight gain. But eating healthy fats will not boost weight gain. This is more so if your calorific intake is suited to your weight and body. Calorie rich foods are the chief culprit of obstructing weight loss. Studies have shown low-carb diets with rich fat content can even lead to weight loss. All fats are not bad for weight loss. A mixture of fat with high carb and more calorie dense food such as junk food items can induce weight gain. Eating moderate amounts of healthy fat can work in the opposite way. It is bad fats that raise LDL cholesterol which can adversely impact heart health and lead to weight gain.

#4 Skipping Breakfast Can Lead to Weight Loss

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This is yet another myth. Most people skip breakfast as they mistakenly believe it will help them to lose calories and shed the fat. Most people don’t even have time to eat breakfast on account of work-related obligations. Weight loss research shows that those who skip breakfast have more weight gain. People who skipped breakfast had the tendency to engage in eating and snacking during the later part of the day. A good breakfast comprising the right balance of proteins, carbs, and fats can help to reduce hunger pangs and also discourage snacking between mealtimes.

#5 Carb Rich Items Spur Weight Gain

Low carb diets may work wonders for weight reduction, but a total rejection of carbohydrate-rich diets is not healthy and will not assist with weight loss at all. Conscious calorific restriction without harming the needs of the body can work well. But it is important not to eliminate carbs from the diet completely.

Carbohydrate is not bad for health. Human beings have survived and thrived on carbs for many years of human existence. Overconsumption of refined carbs such as processed grains and sugars are linked to weight gain. High carb while foods do not lead to weight gain, unlike high carb processed items. Carbohydrate is essential for the body to meet the required calorific supply it needs for its daily activities and energy needs.

#6 Diet Foods and Beverages Are Great for Weight Loss

There are various packaged foods and liquid beverages which are sold as diet items. Food packets are labeled as gluten-free, sugar-free, low fat, energy drink, vitamin water etc may actually contain harmful ingredients or incur no weight loss even after repeated use. In some cases, these food items even add further weight to the body. Falsely labeled health foods are another form of processed foods with misleading labels that do not show the real picture.

#7 All Calorie Types Result in Weight Gain

Essentially, the calorie refers to the measure of energy present in food. Each calorie has a certain amount of energy. But it is important to note that calories from different sources of food are not effectively processed and absorbed by the human body. The digestive system may be a complex mechanism but differing foods involve the use of different metabolic pathways.

Different hormones are activated as a result of this. Consequently, good calories help in rapid weight reduction. Calorie received from protein is not equal to calories from carbs or fats. This is because the former exerts a better impact on boosting metabolism and suppressing appetite than received from carbs and fat. This protein assists in the enhanced hormonal functioning for regulating body weight. Whole grain foods, on the other hand, are more filled with calorie that satiates. The same holds true for fruits as opposed to drinking fruit juices.

#8 Dieting Really Helps in Weight Loss

So many diets are out there on the horizon from Atkins to Paleo. But how many of these actually work when it comes to weight loss? A lot of discussion and writers have elaborated on diets. Diets may not work well for weight loss. Reverse effects may result instead. People who go on diets put themselves in the danger of rapidly increasing weight. Dieting is ideal for short periods of weight loss, but in the long run, it only brings on weight gain. Mindful eating is better than mindless dieting. Be concerned about including healthy foods in your diet, with plenty of exercise and nutrition to ensure your body remains toned and fit.

#9 Weight Loss is Always Healthy

If you hear of people facing high blood pressure or diabetes, the first advice that is given is that weight loss helps. But weight loss is not always healthy especially when one loses muscle instead of fat! Rather than undertaking a crash diet or a low-calorie diet, leading to loss of muscle, one should aim for better diets aimed at lowering fat and retaining the muscles.

#10 Foods With Negative Calories Can Help You Lose Weight

Various fruits and vegetables help people in burning fat. These include grapefruit, celery, and broccoli. But it is not true that you can eat these vegetables in any amount and not gain weight at all. In fact, the notion that there are foods with negative calories is a misconception. Certain extra low-calorie foods also contribute to an increase in weight if eaten in huge amounts.

#11 Natural Weight Loss Products Are Safe

This is the biggest myth perpetuated by the wellness industry. Remember that approval from regulatory authorities such as FDA is not needed for natural supplements. Therefore, they do not undergo the same level of scientific scrutiny. These products may contain bioactive compounds that can damage your body.

#12 If You Want to Lose Weight, Avoid the Foods You Crave

The math is simple when it comes to weight loss. You have to consume less calories than how much you burn. It does not matter the kind of food one is eating when it comes to something you crave or want. In fact, cravings for a certain food item means your body seeks nutrients from it.

#13 Eat Non-Fat Foods To Lose Weight

Rather than focusing on the fat in your food, you need to consider an amount of calories you are consuming. If you have something high in calorific value, it does not matter that it is low in fat. Fat-free products may contain sugar or sodium in excess which is not good for health or weight loss. Don’t avoid fatty foods or you will not get a sense of fullness.

#14 Skip Meals to Lose Weight

Less than 3 meals in a day can increase the level of hunger pangs. For example, if you have skipped breakfast, you will probably take in foods rich in calories and consume more than the required portion for the remaining meals. So, rather than eating less, you may end up having more calories even if you skip meals.

#15 Avoid Bread to Stop Weight Gain

To avoid weight gain, you need to follow a balanced diet. This means taking in your share of carbs. Macronutrients like carbs or even proteins and fats do not fatten people. Consumption of excessive calories does that. There is no difference in weight loss for those on low carb diets for a year or more, according to research. Initially, weight loss may happen, but any short term gains disappear over the long run.

#16 Avoid Desserts For Weight Loss

Actually, if you eat dessert during the daytime, it can reduce cravings later during the day. Desserts in diet can help you to not only lose weight but sustain weight loss. Research has shown that including sweet treats make no difference to obesity levels or weight gain if a balanced diet is followed.

#17 Only Exercise Works For Weight Loss

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Research has shown that physical exercise does not lower chances of obesity. Burning calories is part of the exercise process, but to lose weight, you need a situation where there is a calorific deficit. Rather than trying to lose 1 lb per week by burning 500 calories in a day, diet and nutrition also need to be regulated for the best benefits.

#18 Lose Weight By Becoming Vegan

Another moot point is that going vegan or becoming a vegetarian will not lead to weight loss. If you do not eat a balanced diet, regardless of whether you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian, you will face deficiencies which can fatten you out. Diets have to be designed carefully. Vegans may even gain weight if they eat certain fruits and starchy veggies rich in calories. Vegetarians have calcium, protein, zinc and other vitamins linked deficiencies. It can further increase the risk of bone fractures or even heart diseases.

In fact, research has shown no difference between an Atkins diet and a vegetarian Ornish diet.

#19 Don’t Weigh Yourself

The success of a business is based on its balance sheet, just like you need a temperature reading to assess the extent of fever. Those who want to lose weight need to pay increased attention as to what the scale is saying. There are wide variations when the weight goes down and times when it goes up. If you monitor increase or decrease in weight, it is important to consider the weight increase in numerical terms.

#20 Slimming Pills Work

People are told that pills can block the absorption of fat, increase metabolic rate and lower hunger. There are even fat burners which are said to increase the intensity of calorie burn. Decrease in weight as a result of such pills does not mean the result will be long term. Pills have their own side effects. Moreover, if there is lack pf physical activity or poor dietary intake on account of these slimming pills, no success in weight loss will be gained. Towards the close of the day, you need to check that you are eating and exercising well, not taking snake oil or a magic pill for healthy life changes.

#21 Healthy Foods are Costly

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Organic food items may cost more, but it is not necessary for this to be true in all cases. Cookies, for example, cost a lot more when filled with sugar and trans fat at stores, rather than making a batch of cheap cookies such as oats, eggs, and brown sugar.

#22 Avoid Snacking

What is important here is what you are snacking on, not whether you are snacking or not. For example, if the snack is a healthy one, you may actually use it to fuel a more challenging workout.

#23 Water for Weight Loss

Regardless of what people like to believe, water does not accelerate metabolic rates. Having water right after the meal can, however, ensure the meal will make you feel full. People would confuse hunger with thirst and vice versa. So, this can lower chances of eating more.

#24 There is a Magic Bullet for Weight Loss

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This is not true, quite simply because over time, the metabolic rate decreases. Therefore, over time, fat accumulates and muscle loss happens. The metabolism slows down so you need to either increase your physical activities or lower your calorific intake.

#25 Aerobic Works Better Than Weight Lifting

Most people who are obese and want to lose weight opt for cardio exercises such as jogging or walking. The truth is that aerobic activities burn fewer calories than strength training. This is because aerobic activities can burn energy when the body is performing them. Strength training can ensure body’s metabolism increases for a few days after the activity. It also leads to muscle gain.


The truth is, weight loss is not a linear process and just because you regulate the food and exercise does not mean you will lose weight. Dieting or fads are a misleading way to ensure weight loss.The real facts of the case are simple. You need to work out the calories in and calories out, as much as you need healthy amounts of nutrients and exercise. But bear in mind that as age advances, you need to account for a slowdown in the metabolic rate. So, understand the true complexity of weight loss before approaching it as a simple formula of a diet or a slimming pill.




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