Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) : Uses and Side Effects

Growth hormones play a critical function in the human body. They influence almost every important body function such as growth and health outcomes. If the body does not generate enough growth hormone, injections may be needed. Different hormones apart from those associated with growth and development are also there such as metabolism and mood glands in the body generate hormones. The pituitary is considered a master control gland. It controls other glands and also ensures the hormone triggers growth. The pituitary gland located below the part of the brain called hypothalamus and secretes hormones while responding to chemical inputs. The human growth hormone is influential in impacting height and building muscles and bone in the human body.

Numerous glands in the body generate hormones. The master control gland is undoubtedly the pituitary. It controls other glands and also ensures the hormone triggers growth. The pituitary gland is located below the hypothalamus and secretes hormones in response to chemical inputs. HGH/human growth hormones are influential in impacting height and building muscles and bone in the human body.

What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?

HGH is essential for growth, more so in kids. It controls a whole lot more than growth, and it concerned in different bodily processes. It aids in protein processing and increases fat breakdown to provide the fuel required for growth of tissues.

Growth hormone can change in levels across the day, and physical activity is an essential part of this. Exercise and other key activities can lead to natural raise in levels. Stress, low glucose, and stress also lead to an increase in HGH levels.

Even a small change in HGH impacts the body. A little or a lot of HGH can lead to massive problems. Less growth hormone than normal is associated with short stature and dwarfism. Lack of this hormone occurs on account of damage to the master gland or the brain’s hypothalamus. Gene mutation can also lead to HGH loss.

HGH declines by 14% every decade after reaching its highest levels during the teenage years. HGH influences the speed of aging.

Those with a deficiency resulting in aging take treatment. HGH deficiency is also common in children.

Its Effects on the Body

What is HGH
Photo By: Veins Lover MX/ CC BY

Human produced growth hormone is known as somatotropin manufactured in the pituitary gland’s anterior portion. The release of this hormone into the bloodstream is not a constant process though. The hormone is secreted in pulses of sorts in a couple of hours on a periodic basis.

Hormones work in sync and endogenous levels of HGH rise on account of exercise, stress or even low blood glucose levels. Growth hormones are manufactured when a person sleeps, and the hypothalamus monitors its levels. One way of assessing the lack of HGH is to evaluate sleep deficiency in adults.

When HGH levels are high, the hypothalamus releases the hormone called somatostatin that instructs the master gland to cease growth hormone production till levels are balanced.

The mechanism of the HGH is directly affected by the functioning of the growth hormone receptor. A function or bodily activity is related to abilities of the cells to locate or zone in other cells, called receptor.

In HGH definitions, hormone receptors trigger events and lead to the second messenger that initiate molecular processes altering the cell’s physiological state– this is called signal transduction. Secretion of the hormone that sends instructions is the first messenger and second messengers then initiate molecular processes.

HGH triggers protein kinase activity. This stimulates the metabolic rate to the impact of growth hormones to peers or HGH receptors. Other molecular processes are also involved in the process.

This results in changes or modifications in growth and metabolism. The process through which HGH is synthesized and then triggers metabolic functions and hormones in the humans is complicated. HGH produces benefits for overall wellness and health. Adults associated with growth hormone deficiencies can use injections to help in the following:

  • Enhancing organ health
  • Promoting cell replacing and revitalization
  • Tissue repair and healing
  • Strengthening the bone
  • Stimulating production of enzymes
  • Brain functioning
  • Immune system boost
  • Protection against free radical damage/oxidative stress

HGH is also associated with positive mood states. Consequently, lack of HGH leads to depression and anxiety. Increased fat, a risk of cardiovascular disorders and stroke are other problems that HGH deficiency brings to adults. Those with a lack of HGH also suffer from a weak heart and loss of strength in muscles and bones. Fatigue and reduced capacity to think are some other effects of HGH limitations. HGH deficiency can also couple with other hormone loss and lead to conditions such as Turner’s Syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Noonan syndrome, and chronic, long-term kidney ailments.

Role in Childhood and Maturity

Lack of HGH in children is not immediately noticeable. These children are normal in size most often at birth. Certain children are unable to secrete HGH when born and suffer from deficiency throughout life. In children, lack of HGH is part of a genetic state. In many other cases, the cause of lack of HGH is unknown.

HGH deficiency is most likely to be noticed at the of 2 or 3. Children suffering from lack of HGH may experience slow/zero growth. HGH deficiency in children leads to the following:

  • Younger look than children their edge
  • A chubby build
  • Lack of hair growth
  • Late onset puberty

HGH Deficiency

Lack of growth hormone or HGH deficiency is when the master gland lacks the ability to secrete HGH. It is more common in kids than adults.The pea-sized pituitary master gland is located at the skull’s base. It secretes 8 hormones. Growth hormone deficiency is seen in 1 among 7 thousand births. This condition is symptomatic of numerous genetic diseases as well including Prader-Willi and Turner syndrome.

Concern may be experienced when the child does not meet normal standards of weight and height. But it is important to note that GHD can be cured. Children diagnosed earlier are known for a deft recovery. If left without treatment, the condition yields a short stature and late onset of puberty. Once the body reaches puberty, HGH is still required, and deficiency can result in changes in the body’s structure and its metabolic rates. Adults may also have GHD though this is not common.

Cause of GHD

Kids with cleft lip or palates have pituitary glands which are poorly developed. Consequently, they are more commonly diagnosed with GHD.

GHD that is not congenital may result from a brain tumor or accidents. This is called as acquired GHD.

Symptoms of GHD

Kids diagnosed with GHD are smaller in stature and have rounder, younger faces. They may have excessive fat around their abs through body proportion is normal. When growth hormone deficiency is experienced later in life, as a result of brain injuries or tumor, the teen may experience delayed puberty. Sexual development may even be halted.

Teens with the growth hormone deficiency experience lack of self-esteem on account of delayed onset development such as slow maturity or short stature. Decreased bone strength is another symptom of acquired deficiency. This causes a considerable fracture, more so in elderly adults. Low HGH levels also initiate lack of stamina and increased tiredness. Low growth hormone levels also leave people sensitive to heat or cold.

A number of psychological symptoms can take place as a result of deficiency such as lack of positive affect or concentration, lack of memory, bouts of emotional distress or anxiety, poor memories and lack of confidence or emotional stability. Those with acquired GHD are at higher chance for diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

How is GHG Deficiency Diagnosed

Doctors look for childhood GHD deficiency if weight and height milestones are not met. Growth rates will be asked as puberty approaches, and if GHD is suspected, numerous tests agree with the diagnosis.

Blood Test

This can measure the HGH in the human body. Levels of this hormone rise and fall widely across the night and day, and this is referred to as diurnal variations. Blood tests with lower than average results, however, is inadequate to make the diagnosis.

Growth Plate Fusion

Growth plates refer to the tissue developing at the close of leg and arm bones. The growth plates fusion occurs when bone growth finishes. X-rays can indicate the bone growth levels

Kidney and Thyroid Function Tests

Thyroid or kidney function testing can assess how the body generates and uses the growth hormone.


MRI imaging scan can provide a comprehensive look at the brain. Growth hormone level is screened in those with a family background of master gland disorders, or those with brain damage or surgery.

Testing assesses if the conditions impacting the master gland were congenital or the result of tumor or injury.

What Causes Lack of Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone deficiency is the result of a problem in the release of this hormone from the master gland at the base of the brain or disruption in other hormones from the part of the brain called as the hypothalamus that signals HGH release.

GHD can be congenital or acquired later in life. Congenital growth hormone deficiency is the result of an abnormal master gland or associated with other syndromes at birth. Acquired growth hormone deficits result from infections, trauma, pituitary and linked tumors, brain cancer or radiation or various other diseases.

Risks of GHD/ Growth Hormone Deficiency

Human growth hormone (HGH) Uses and Side EffectsAround 5% of children with growth hormone deficits have episodes in which blood glucose levels are low, more so during infancy. The fall in blood glucose levels gets better once growth hormone therapy commences.

Other pituitary hormones can also be impacted, and conditions resulting from such deficiencies can lead to a serious medical condition. Those with non-treated growth hormone deficiency have issues such as excessive body fat, not enough lean mass, lower bone mineralization (the process by which mineral absorption into the bone occurs) and increased chances of heart disease problems ( as a result of higher triglyceride and cholesterol levels).

Treatment of GHD

Since the middle of the 80s synthetic HGH, hormones have been tried with a lot of success for treatment of kids and adults. This hormone is administered through an injection into the fatty tissues of the body such as the posterior part of the thighs, glutes, and arms. It is the most effective daily treatment.

Children with genetic growth hormone deficiency have been provided growth hormone till puberty is reached. Kids with little growth hormone may produce more in adulthood. Doctors can assess if ongoing injections take place by monitoring hormonal levels in the blood.

Symptoms and signs of GHD vary with age and children can have different symptoms as against an adult. Those significantly shorter than kids their age and growing less than two inches annually are symptoms of growth hormone deficiency. Those with normal levels reached 2.5 inches annually from 1 year of age till puberty when growth can be up to 4 inches in a year.

Other GHD deficiency symptoms in children include prominent fat, impaired hair growth, delayed puberty and facial features that appear younger. Adults have a combination of symptoms from HGH deficiency including depression, loss of hair, dysfunctions, memory loss and lack of concentration and dryness of skin.

HGH Infusion

Most women are using HGH for weight loss properties and counter aging problems. Deficiency in human growth hormones in women is on account of the master glad no producing enough human growth. Human growth hormones decline in their early 20s, and signs of HGH deficiency include thinning hair, more belly fat, wrinkle development and dry skin.

Women secrete more amounts of HGH than men, despite reference range which is similar. There have been clinical differences in the responses of HGH treatment in those with deficiency and the need to adjust the recombinant HGH dose. Enough HGH levels have helped women gain an appropriate body fat ratio and skin elasticity. Osteoporosis or bone loss lowers when HGH levels are balanced. Injecting HGH can lead to the normalization of sleep patterns, improved skin elasticity and loss of excess fat, enhancing the immune system.

More likelihood of first signs of aging is felt after the age of 35. HGH deficiency can be overcome by injections especially for men during intense training. Men treated with HGH injections experience fat reduction, tightened skin, healthier and thicker hair and perfect functioning.

Ways to Increase HGH Levels Naturally

HGH is a critical hormone produced by the master gland. Also known as growth hormone, it is critical for body composition, cell repair, growth and improving metabolism. HGH also leads to increased muscular growth, a rise in strength, and exercise levels and injury or disease recovery.

Lower levels of growth hormone can have an adverse impact on quality of life, increasing the risk of disease and prompting fat gain. Optimal HGH levels are ideal for loss of weight, recovering from injury or improving athletic performance.

#1 Lower Body Fat

The amount of fat carried by the body is critically linked with HGH production. Those with higher body fat index or more belly fat have a greater chance of impaired HGH production and increased heart disease risk. Research has, in many cases, found those with three times the extent of belly fat had less than half the amount of human growth hormone as fit individuals.

A study monitored the day long release of human growth hormone and found a massive decline in those with greater abdominal fat. Excessive body fat impacts HGH levels in men more. But lowering body fat is an important factor for both men and women if they want to raise HGH levels.

A study discovered those suffering from obesity had lower IGF-1 and HGH levels. After the loss of a considerable amount of weight, levels returned to normal.Belly fat is a dangerous type of fat stored in the body and linked to a lot of diseases on account of HGH deficiency. Losing this fat optimizes HGH levels and other health outcomes. Get rid of belly fat, from this area for optimizing HGH levels and improving health.

#2 Intermittent Fasting

This is a dietary approach that limits eating during shorter time periods. It can be carried out in different ways. A common approach is an 8-hour eating window and a fast lasting for sixteen hours. Other methods include two days of consuming five to six hundred calories per week. Fasting intermittently can increase the level of growth hormone in several ways. Firstly, it cuts down on excess bodily fat, lowering obesity and impacting HGH production.

It also maintains low insulin levels as this hormone is released only when you eat. Insulin spikes are known to interrupt natural HGH production.A three day fast can lead to 300 percent increase in HGH levels. Following one week of fasting, the increase is a staggering 1250 percent.

Double or triple HGH levels within two-three days of fasting is another benefit. Lower twelve to sixteen-hour fasts help, though more research is required to compare effects against complete day fasts. Fasting raises human growth hormone levels.

#3 Opt for Supplements

Many people use supplements like amino acid arginine for exercise. When arginine is taken on its own, studies have shown a massive rise in HGH levels. Non-exercise studies also support the use of this amino acid supplement. Higher doses of this supplement can, therefore, impact growth hormone levels, but only in the absence of exercise.

#4 Lower Glucose Intake

Insulin spikes compromise the ability of the body to produce human growth hormone. Refined carbohydrates and increased sugar levels raise insulin, so reducing the intake is important. This helps to optimize GHG levels. Another study has found healthy individuals have three-four times higher growth hormone levels than diabetics who have carb tolerance and suffer from insulin problems.

Directly impacting insulin level, excess sugar intake is a major issue in obesity and weight gain. This also impacts HGH levels. Aim for a healthy and balanced diet. What is consumed 90% of the time has a major impact on body composition, health, and hormones. Limit sugar and refined carbs to get healthy HGH levels.

#5 Dinner Should Not be Heavy

Dinner Should Not be Heavy
Photo by: Rikard Eloffson/ CC BY

The body releases a considerable amount of growth hormone, especially during the night. Avoiding food before bedtime as this leads to a rise in insulin levels and adversely impacts the HGH levels. A high protein or carb meal can spike insulin and block HGH released during the night.

#6 Opt for a GABA Supplement

GABA refers to a non-protein amino acid that works as a hormone and a neurotransmitter sending brain signals. A well known calming and restorative hormone for the CNS and the brain, it not only aids in sleep but also raising HGH levels. GABA increases HGH levels by improving the quality of sleep. Human growth hormone is linked to the quality and depth of sleep. Most increases were short lived. GABA’s benefits in the long run are still being researched.

#7 High-Intensity Exercise

Exercise is a critical way to raise HGH levels, The increase in the human growth hormone levels depends on the exercise type, intensity, food intake around the workout and the individual who is exercising. Massive increases were seen in HGH in weight lifting sessions with limited rest periods.

On account of the metabolic nature and increase in lactic acid levels, HIIT or high-intensity interval training is linked with high levels of HGH. All forms of exercise work well, from interval training to weight or circuit training and repeated sprints to boost HGH levels and lower fat gain. Supplement methods increase HGH levels in short spikes. For a more long lasting method, exercise works best.

#8 Beta-Alanine and Recovery Shake With Workouts

Exercise supplements can boost HGH performance. In one research investigation, 4.8 grams of beta alanine prior to a workout increased the reps performed by 22 percent. It also increased peak power by two times and boosted HGH levels. This is as opposed to non-supplement groups. Studies have also show that protein shakes without or with carbs can boost HGH levels around workouts. Beta-alanine, proteins, and carbs increase hormonal spikes prior to or following a workout.

#9 Optimizing Sleep

A major portion of HGH is released in pulses when one sleeps. It is associated with the circadian rhythm or internal clock of the human body. Largest pulses take place just before midnight, with smaller pulses early in the morning. Research shows a lack of sleep can reduce HGH levels in the body. Getting a good amount of deep sleep is one of the key strategies for enhancing long-term human growth production. Avoid blue light exposure prior to bedtime and ensure the bedroom is at a comfortable temperature. Caffeine should not be consumed late during the day.

#10 Boost Melatonin Levels

Melatonin plays an important role in the regulation of sleep and blood pressure. These supplements are a popular aid for sleeping that do increase quality and duration of rest. Further research has also demonstrated that melatonin supplement can enhance HGH production. This supplement is safe and non-toxic. To enhance its effects, it needs to be taken thirty minutes before bedtime. Melatonin supplements increase sleep and the body’s natural growth hormone production.

#11 Opt for Natural Supplements

Some natural supplements also enhance HGH production. This includes glutamine, creatine, ornithine, L-dopa, glycine and more. Studies have found that taking such supplements not only boosts exercise intensity, but also HGH production.

#12 L-Glutamine Enhances Exercise

Supplementation with L-glutamine for enhancing the exercise performance maintains acid-base balance and increases glycogen store in the muscle. In one study, glutamine supplementation was found to influence high HGH levels as against placebo.

#13 A-GPC

This is known as alpha glycerol phosphorylcholine that increases human growth hormone levels. Those who consumed 600 mg of A-GPC prior to resistance exercise raised HGH levels post exercise compared to those provided a placebo.

#14 Liver Detox

Growth hormone stimulates the liver for production if IGF-1 releasing into the body to stimulate cell production needed for cell proliferation. This also raises muscle mass and energy levels. Full benefits of HGH will not be experienced till poor liver function, fatty liver, cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are resolved.

#15 Vitamin C

Studies have also shown the reduced levels of vitamin C have been linked with decreases growth hormone levels, obese patients, raised waist-hip ratio and heart disease risk.

HGH Injections

The most well-known treatment method for adults and children suffering from GHD is growth hormone therapy. This involves the use of injectable HGH. The growth hormone aims to replicate the behavior of natural HGH or endogenous growth hormone levels in the body. Doses are administered several times per week or every day based on the severity of deficiency.

HGH treatments can either be administered by self or provided by a doctor. Treatment can continue for years though patients see doctors each month for checking the condition.

Blood tests can be used to assess if extra HGH levels are needed and treatment should increase, lower or stop. Cholesterol and blood glucose levels and bone density levels need to be assessed to see if health levels are maintained.

Human growth hormone treatment increases well-being, strength and exercise tolerance. Taking growth hormone can impact insulin response to the body, controlling blood sugar levels. Growth hormone deficiency leads to high cholesterol and brittle bones if it is not countered. Specific treatment for growth hormone deficiency is based on individual factors such as age, condition extent, tolerance for a specific treatment, treatment expectations, the choice of the patient and overall medical and health history.

If low HGH levels are treated in time, the growth reaches normal levels. Children can gain as much as 4 inches or more over the first three years of treatment. Another three inches or higher can grow in the next two years. Many adults take HGH treatment for a long time. The goal of growth hormone treatment in children and adults will restore metabolism, energy and body shape. It reduces total body fat across the belly.

Human growth hormone injections can boost strength and exercise tolerance. Most people experience a rise in well-being and overall life quality. Other treatments may also be needed for dealing with the cause of HGH deficiency. For example, surgery or radiation needs to treat a pituitary gland tumor. Master gland hormones may also be needed to correct the functioning of the pituitary.

Those benefitting from HGH injections include insufficient growth caused by medical issues such as SGA, chronic kidney insufficiency, and damage or dysfunction of the master gland.

HGH injections are also used for non-medical purposes. Bodybuilding athletes and workout enthusiasts also use HGH injections to gain muscle mass, energy, and enhanced stamina.

Benefits of HGH

HGH has a lot of benefits from promoting weight loss to increased muscle size. Tiny doses can be used for health, general recovery and anti-aging processes.

#1 Enhanced Muscle Mass and Strength

HGH is known to improve strength and stimulation of collagen synthesizing in tendons and skeletal muscles, raising muscle strength and workout capabilities as a result of this. Research has found that there was considerable increase in responsiveness of muscles following the use of HGH therapy. The study showed increased muscle strength in posterior body after the hormone was injected in healthy individuals. In those with HGH deficiency, long-term therapy increases the ability toe exercise and improves muscle strength.

#2 Speedier Healing

Local-growth factor and hormones regulate bone and mineral metabolic rate along with fracture curing. The administration of HGH has been demonstrated to boost up bone regeneration and facilitate healing of the bone. HGH plays a crucial role in curing wounds and expediting healing.

#3 More Weight Reduction

Growth hormone was found to have accelerated lipolysis, beatdown of lipid substances and conversion through hydrolysizing of triglycerides into fatty acids free and glycerol, impairing secretion of these hormones leading to the elimination of the impact of lipolysis. Diet limitations and growth hormone impact on lipolytic/anabolic actions and changing HGH secretions and insulin were studied. HGH treatment led to increased weight loss, especially visceral fat as against the placebo.

#4 Stronger Bone Density

Master gland releases HGH and regulates bone growth. This is more so during teens. Growth hormone and IGF one production is releases in the blood, secreted in the liver. Following age, HGH decreases and can lead to bone density loss. The growth hormone stimulates the bone formation and bone resorbation cells, enhancing bone mass.

#5 Lowered Cardiovascular Disorders

Less risk of heart attack leading to lowered life expectancy results from HGH. The patients have massive triglyceride and bone density concentration as against controls. Lipoprotein metabolic rate is modified by GHG deficiency leading to an increased risk for heart diseases.

#6 Better Cognition and Mood Styles

A good life quality and well-being is restored when HGH therapy in GHD adults are given. A study found that transitions in cognitive function, concentration and mood resulted from administration of the growth hormone.

#7 Better Quality of Sleep

Growth hormone secretion takes place during sleep and persists in rising when first few hours of sleep are over. Individuals suffering sleep deprivation can be impacted by GHG deficiency, conversely. Sleep deprivation can reduce hormone release and alter sleep-wake cycles.


Normal human growth hormone secretion has positive effects on health. This can also initiate positive growth outcomes in the physiological and psychological sense. So, get a healthy dose of HGH and banish wrinkles, kidney malfunctioning, stunted growth and more. Do remember that when it comes to hormone levels, balance matters. So exercise, eat and stay healthy keeping your HGH levels adequate for a fit body and a stable mind. If you like to know more on HGH , please visit at blog.


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