Author: Santanu Majumdar

varicose veins pictures

Varicose Veins – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Not only are varicose veins be unsightly, they can be very painful. What causes varicose veins and who is at risk for developing them? These questions as well as treatment options will be discussed below. What are Varicose Veins? Veins that have become swollen with excessive amounts of blood or […]

Eczema: Types, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Eczema is a life-torturing skin disorder. Currently, over 3.5% of the world population are suffering from this abnormal autoimmune disease, in other words over 230 million people. The term eczema is derived from Greek meaning “to boil over” and it has another name called atopic dermatitis, along with various other […]

Cystic Fibrosis: Causes,Symptoms And Treatment

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder passed down through families. The disease affects approximately 30,000 adults and children in the United States and more than 70,000 people worldwide. Cystic fibrosis is characterized by a thick, sticky mucus that builds up in the lugs, liver, intestine, digestive tract, pancreas, and other […]

Can A Cheat Day Help You Lose Weight?

How Does the Body Lose Weight? According to the Mayo Clinic, “Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in.” With that said you can eat pretty normally and lose weight as long as you burn more calories than you eat. It is a simple equation that […]

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System?

The question of how long drugs stay in your system is not an easy one to answer. First, there are thousands of drugs available for human consumption, both legal and illicit, and they all stay in your system for different amounts of time; and, Second, there are other factors that […]