Right Physical Exercises for Pregnant Women

Knowing the Right Physical Exercises for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is that beautiful phase of your life that takes you closer to fulfilling your dream of becoming a mother. Especially if you and your partner have been trying to conceive for a long time, the news of your pregnancy is ought to be the best news in the world for the two of you and your loved ones. To ensure you have a smooth journey through this phase, you need to take extra care and caution while devising your diet plan and workout schedule. While popular belief suggests that one must not overexert during pregnancy, involving yourself in moderate intensity physical activities will provide superfluous amounts of benefits not just to you but also your baby. Here is a list of 7 best and safest exercises that you can try during pregnancy:

7 Right Physical Exercises for Pregnant Women

1. Yoga

Source : pinterest.com

Yoga has been touted as one of world’s most beneficial alternative medicines that works its magic on the mind, body and soul, holistically. Sure enough, doctors also advise pregnant women to enjoy the benefits of this salutary practice. Practicing yoga during pregnancy helps improve blood circulation, mood, flexibility and muscle tone. It also aids sleep, reduces stress, cures lower back and hip pain, among controlling the intensity of many other pregnancy induced irritants. A study published in the US National Library of Medicine reports that not only is practicing yoga during pregnancy safe, but it also helps improve the baby’s birth weight, reduces preterm labor as well as risk of Isolated Intrauterine Growth Retardation and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.

2. Swimming

An invigorating swim is not just a great way for you to refresh your senses. It also helps you stay fit by exercising all your muscles when you’re carrying. Because there is no risk of losing balance or tripping in water, swimming is considered one of the safest and most beneficial exercises recommended for pregnant women. Swimming works especially well if you are troubled with swelling or symptoms of back pain, as the buoyancy of water helps relieve the strain on your back. This aerobic exercise also helps improve blood circulation to the fetus, muscle strength and lowers chances of overheating.

3. Walking

Taking a brisk walk out in the nature’s glory, every morning will help you a great deal during your prenatal as well as your postpartum phase. One of the biggest advantages of this cardiovascular exercise it that you can practice it throughout your pregnancy, without any apprehensions, even if you haven’t been physically active in the past. Walking helps improve sleep and counters stress. It is also known to reduce the risk of postpartum depression. Walking during the last stages of your pregnancy is also known to be a natural way to induce labor as it helps bring the baby down and push your cervix. Ensure you take a walk in the nature as its restorative and immune boosting properties will help you keep infections at bay during pregnancy.


4. Weight Training

Light strength training keeps your muscles toned throughout your pregnancy and even after delivery. Weight training is also considered one of the best ways to minimize the pains and aches that come with pregnancy. Ensure you prevent overloading joints that are already loosened due to the increased levels of relaxin hormone. Opt for lighter weights and higher frequency instead of heavier weights and lesser frequency. Avoid lifting, lying flat on your back as it can put a lot of pressure on a vein called vena cava. This can cause a disruption of blood flow to your uterus and brain. If you are experiencing too much strain on your muscles along with extreme tiredness, it is advisable to reduce the intensity of your weight training or discontinue it, based on your doctor’s advice.


5. Dancing

Love shaking a leg? Here’s a fact that will let you dance your way through pregnancy, worry-free! Dancing is a fun workout that provides hoards of benefits to pregnant women. It helps relieve your pregnancy-related discomforts, increases stamina, flexibility and strength during and after pregnancy and labor. It also expedites postpartum recovery. Head out shopping and grab yourself a dancing DVD for pregnant women. If you like, enroll in a dance class and enjoy medium intensity dance workouts. During the second and third trimester, as your belly grows, make sure you are extra cautious about your balance. With so many benefits of dancing during pregnancy, your excuse of avoiding a workout because you find it boring doesn’t hold valid any longer!

6. Pilates

Pilates is an excellent and safe exercise to strengthen those muscles that experience most strain during and after delivery. It toughens your stomach, back and pelvic floor muscles without putting any strain on your joints. It also helps improve your balance and trains you to practice relaxed and controlled breathing. You must however be cautious while practicing the positions that involve lying on your tummy or back, or standing on one leg. It is advisable you join classes designed especially for pregnant women.

7. Stationary Cycling

Another great exercise that pregnant women should try is cycling. As a cycle helps support your body weight, there is lesser stress on your body and in turn lesser pressure on your legs. Cycling helps boost your heart rate without straining your joints. Doctors recommend pregnant women to cycle on a stationary cycle over a regular cycle so as to reduce their risk of falls. This is because with every passing stage of pregnancy as your belly grows, your center of gravity gets shifted, making you more susceptible to falls.

Before you begin following any workout plan, make sure to consult your doctor for all possible warnings and suggestions. Approach only certified instructors to help you devise a fitness plan depending on your health condition and stage of pregnancy. Also, don’t forget to keep yourself well hydrated at all times. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women with uncomplicated pregnancies should exercise at least 30 minutes per day, most days of the week, so make sure you get your fitness fix with these exercises!

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