Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Cost in India, How Health Insurance in India can help

Kidney stones are a malady with complications. But the need of the hour is not just to seek treatment but opt for timely health insurance as well. Various organs regulate the functions of the human body. One such organ located in the left and right abdominal side is known as the kidney. This organ filters dissolved toxic wastes from the blood and excretes it as urine. The kidney also makes substances for controlling blood pressure. Close to 1-3 liters of urine is released every day, on average. But the amount of urine depends on diet, water intake, body temperature, physical activity, environment, and the climate. When urine is concentrated, the waste product crystallizes within the kidney. Across time, such crystals emerge as hard lumps in the form of deposits known as kidney stones. Medically, it is known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis. In ordinary parlance, these are referred to as kidney stones. Kidney stones are gradually emerging as a common disorder among many.

What are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones comprise acid salts and minerals. The common constituent of the crystal in the stone is calcium. Often, calcium combines in differing proportions with phosphate, carbonate, or oxalate. Yet another component is uric acid. It comprises 10% of all stones and is common in men. Certain small intestine diseases raise the tendency for forming calcium oxalate stones. Stones can be developed due to nature and nurture factors or an admixture of environment and genetics. Certain food items, specific medicines, lack of water, and being overweight are directly linked to kidney stones. A small stone can quickly be ejected from the system, without any symptoms whatsoever.

But if the stone grows to a size of about 3 millimeters, this can block the ureter. This problem triggers pain, commonly situated in the lower back or flank, and radiates in the groin. This renal colic pain emerges in typically 20-60 minute waves. Other symptoms range across urine pus and blood, painful urination, nausea, fever, and vomiting, Blocking the ureter can dilate the kidney and decrease functioning.

So, crystalline, hard mineral within the urinary tract or a kidney of a person is called a kidney stone. Research shows 1 in 20 people develop kidney stones in their lives. A significant causal factor for kidney stones is dehydration. The stone forms due to a decrease in urine volume. It also results due to the formation of stone-accelerating salts in your urine.

Diet and genetic factors are linked to kidney stone formation. These stones are found in individuals between 20 and 49 years of age. Those inclined to multiple kidney stone attacks usually experience their first stone during their 20s or 30s. Individuals who have produced more than one kidney stone are inclined to develop further bodily stones. Kidney stones are hard, made of salts and minerals within the kidneys. Kidney stones come with different causes, impacting different parts of the urinary tract from the bladder to the kidneys. Stones form when there is a concentration of urine, causing minerals to band together and crystallize.

Passing kidney stones can cause pain, but stones usually result in no lasting damage if treated in time. Based on the situation, you require nothing more than pain medicines and water to pass the stone out. In other cases, if stones are placed in the urinary tract, they cause complications linked to urinary infection. In such cases, surgery may be required. Doctors may also recommend preventative treatment to reduce the chances of recurrent stones if one is at the risk of developing these again.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

A kidney stone by itself does not trigger symptoms, to begin with. But if it moves around in the kidney or passes through the ureter, the tube between the bladder and the kidney, it can lead to issues. At such a point, the following signs or symptoms may ensue:

  • Severe side and back pain, right below the ribs
  • Radiating pain reaching the groin and lower abs
  • Pain in waves that varies in intensity
  • Pain during urination
  • Pink, brown or red urine
  • Pus filled or foul-smelling urine
  • Urinating more frequently and persistent urge to pass urine
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Urination of small amounts
  • Infection causing chills and fever

Pain triggered by the stone may increase in intensity or shift to another location, as the kidney stone traverses the urinary tract. If you display signs or symptoms that are worrying, always seek immediate medical care.

The symptoms of kidney stones require medical treatment:

  • Severe pain causing problems in sitting still or finding a comfortable position.
  • Pain along with vomiting and nausea
  • Pain causing chills and fever
  • Problem passing urine

Therefore, the kidney stone does not reveal symptomatology until it flows within the impacted person’s kidney or goes through its urethra.

A stone that comes in the way of the renal pelvis or ureter signals massive, excruciating, and intermittent pain radiating from a flank to the inner thigh or groin. This pain, called renal colic, is described as a most definite pain sensation possible. Pain is accompanied by a persistent urge to urinate, hematuria, or blood in urine, restlessness, vomiting, nausea, and sweating. The pain results due to peristaltic ureter contractions as efforts are made to pass the stone.

The pain can be sudden and colic-type, not abating if you change position. It can impact one or both sides of your body. There may even be blood in your urine, pain in the testis, or groin. Other common symptoms are chills, fever, and abnormal colored urine. The link between the genital, GI, and urinary tract systems since the development of the embryo is the basis of pain radiation to the gonads, besides vomiting and nausea.

Sometimes, kidney stones do not produce symptoms and are called silent stones. These are kidney stones that are small, unlikely to trigger symptoms. It may even pass out with urine and go undetected. Symptoms are the result of kidney stones getting stuck in the kidney or traveling down the ureter, which narrows from above down progressively. As it passes through the ureter or causes infection, pain is severe. When the stone obstructs the ureter, it cannot move down. As the waste product does not pass out, it causes bacterial buildup and triggers a kidney infection.

Symptoms of such infections are just like symptoms of kidney stones. But they also include a fever of 100.4 degrees F or more, shivering, weakness, tiredness, chills, diarrhea.

Causes of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones don’t have one reason alone. Several of these factors can raise the risk. Remember that kidney stones are the result of urine containing crystal-forming substances like uric acid, calcium, and oxalate than can be diluted by the urine fluid. At this time, the urine may lack certain elements that prevent crystals from joining together, forming kidney stones.

Causes of Different Types of Kidney Stones

Knowing the type of kidney stone determines the purpose and raises a clue on how to reduce the chance of getting additional kidney stones. Try to save the stone once it passes so that it can be medically analyzed.

Types of kidney stones, depending on the cause, are discussed below.

Calcium Kidney Stones

Most of the stones are of this type. They are in the form of calcium oxalate. Thereby, oxalate is a substance naturally present in food and made every day by the liver. Certain fruits, veggies, chocolates, and nuts contain high oxalate content. Dietary issues, vast amounts of vitamin D, metabolic disorders, and intestinal bypass surgery can increase calcium oxalate in the urine.

Calcium stones also form due to calcium phosphate. This stone is more common in metabolic conditions such as renal tubular acidosis. This occurs due to migraine headaches or anti-seizure medicines like Topamax.

Struvite Kidney Stones

These stones form due to infection, such as the UTI/urinary tract infection. Such stones quickly grow and become large, with little warning or limited symptoms.

Uric Acid Kidney Stones

These stones form when people don’t drink too much fluid or lose excessive fluids. Also, this type of kidney stone is common among those with gout or following a high-protein diet. Specific genetic factors can also raise the chances of uric acid stones.

Cystine Kidney Stones

These kidney stones are in individuals with genetic disorders that cause kidneys to secrete too much amino acid or cystinuria.

Risk Factors

Certain factors raise the risk of developing such stones.

Family or Personal History

In case someone in the family suffers from a kidney stone, your chances of inheriting the disorder rise. Further, those who have had a kidney stone are at raised risk of developing another.


Not drinking adequate water raises the chances of kidney stones. Those who live in warm climates or sweat excessively can be at risk of dehydration.

Specific Diets

Eating a diet rich in sugar, salt, or protein increases the chances of a kidney stone. A high sodium diet can trigger kidney stones. Increased salt in the diet raises the levels of calcium. A kidney must filter this increased calcium, which serves to raise the chances of kidney stones.

Being Overweight/Obese

High BMI, massive weight gain or a large waist size raise chances of kidney stones.

Digestive Diseases and Surgeries

Gastrointestinal diseases like IBD or chronic diarrhea or gastric bypass surgery changes the digestive system. It impacts the water and calcium absorption, raising chances of the urine forming stone substances.

Specific Medical Conditions

Other medical issues also raise the chances of kidney stones. Diseases and conditions that increase the chances of stones include renal tubular acidosis, urinary tract infections, cystinuria, urinary tract infections, and hyperparathyroidism.

Drinking Less Water

The main reason for stone formation in the kidney is drinking less water or excessive stone-forming substances in urinary secretions. Strenuous exercises without adequate water raise the chances of kidney stones. Urinary tract obstructions also cause the issue.

Other Risk Factors

Living in dry, hot areas, repeated UTI, the absolute increase in uric acid in the blood or the urine, metabolic abnormalities, or high calcium in the blood could lead to kidney stones.

What is equally important is that diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and ulcerative colitis raise the chances of stone formation. Another risk factor is medication such as calcium-rich antacids, and diuretics.

Individuals who take lower amounts of water and eat excessive animal proteins or a high salt diet can raise the chances of kidney stones. Excessive vitamin D supplements, sugar, and oxalate-rich foods like spinach promote kidney stone formation.

Kidney stones form due to buildup of calcium, uric acid, ammonia, and cystine in the body.


Diagnosis of the kidney stone is made based on data from history, urine analysis, physical exam, and radiography studies. Clinical diagnosis is based on the location and severity of the pain, which is colic-type and in spasms. Back pain occurs when calculi produce kidney obstructions. Physical exams can show fever and tenderness at the affected costovertebral side.

Typical lab studies are carried out, and urine is microscopically examined. It may show red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, urinary casts, and crystals. Urine culture is the key to identify infections and organisms that cause problems in the urinary tract. The culture is also used to determine the susceptibility of microorganisms to certain antibiotics.

Complete blood count needs to be assessed when an infection is suspected. Increased neutrophil count indicates a bacterial infection. Renal function tests are required for testing high blood calcium levels and hypercalcemia. Therefore, 24-hour urine analysis is carried out for measuring daily urinary volume, uric acid, calcium, citrate, phosphate, and oxalate, besides magnesium sodium.

Stone collection is carried out post its passage through a collection cup or a tea strainer. Chemical analysis of the stones collected determine their composition and guide further therapy and prevention.

These stones are detectable using CT scans, except rare stones composed of specific urine drug residues. Further, 60 percent of renal stones are radio-opaque.

If a CT scan is not available, an intravenous pyelogram can confirm urolithiasis. Intravenous contrast agent injection is followed by KUB (Kidney Ureter Bladder) X-rays. Uroliths in the bladder, ureter, and kidneys can be seen through the use of contrast agents.

For pregnant women or those seeking to avoid radiation like kids, ultrasound exams are useful. This test indicates the presence of hydronephrosis, which suggests the stone blocks urine outflow. Radiolucent stones show up on ultrasound imaging analysis. Renal ultra-sonography includes low cost and lack of radiation exposure.

Urine tests can reveal if the urine consists of high mineral levels that form kidney stones. A comprehensive urine and blood test determine the type of kidney stones in a patient. A blood sample can be obtained and sent to the lab for testing. High mineral levels in the blood can trigger kidney stones. Imaging tests are needed for locating the stone. Conducted tests also show the issue behind kidney stone formation, include urinary tract blockage or congenital disabilities. Tests like imaging do not need anesthesia. The pain can be hard, coming in waves. For many, it can be a recurring problem.


Preventing kidney stones is not hard. However, it does take some effort. Kidney stones form when urine contains concentrated chemicals that form crystals. Crystals grow into large masses or stones. These stones then make their way to the urinary tract, and if they cause an obstruction, it can lead to pain and blocked urine outflow.

Many stones occur when calcium combines with substances like oxalate or phosphorous. Stones also result from uric acid, as the body metabolizes protein. Preventing kidney stones is recommended. Here’s how you can do that.

Drink Adequate Water

Drinking additional water dilutes urine substances and triggers stones. Drink enough fluids to generate at least 2 liters of urine in a single day. This equals around eight eight-ounce cups. Some citrus drinks like orange or lemon juice can also block stone formation.

Opt for Adequate Calcium

Opting for too little calcium can cause oxalate levels to increase. It triggers kidney stones. To avert this, take an amount of calcium needed for your age. Identify calcium in different foods. Studies have linked excessive calcium supplements to kidney stones. Males aged 50 or above should opt for 1000mg of calcium in a single day, along with 800-1000 international units of vitamin D to help in calcium absorption.

Reduce Salt Intake

A high salt diet triggers kidney stones. It does so by increasing calcium in the urine. A low-salt or sodium diet is essential for averting kidney stones. Present guidelines suggest total sodium intake per day should be limited to 2,300 milligrams. If sodium intake had led to kidney stones, reduce everyday consumption to 1,500 mg. It will help blood pressure and heart.

Restrict Animal Protein

Eating excessive animal protein such as eggs, seafood, poultry, and red meat boost uric acid levels and trigger kidney stones. A protein-heavy diet lowers levels of citrate, urinary chemicals that prevent stone formation. If you experience stones, limit daily meat ingestion to a quantity that is recommended. Opt for heart-healthy portions.

Avoid Stone-Forming Diet

Particular food and beverage items like beets, rhubarb, chocolate, and tea or nuts are rich in oxalate. Colas are also carbonated drinks teeming with phosphate. Such foods lead to kidney stones. If you have a problem with stone, avoid such foods. Particular foods and drinks are not likely to trigger kidney stones until consumed in massive amounts. Certain studies show high vitamin C supplement doses increase the risk of kidney stones. The body converts oxalate from vitamin C.


Most stones pass out of the body sans treatment. But drinking enough fluids can help in passing the stone quickly. Medicines can also be prescribed for pain control. Treatment is oriented towards symptom control. Patients with kidney stones are recommended for adequate fluid intake.

Treatment requires considering the following factors: stone size, previous history of kidney stones, prostate enlargement in men, pregnancy. In case the stone is 4 mm or less, there’s an 80% chance of passage, while a 5 mm stone comes with a 20% chance. Stones more significant than 10 or 9 mm require medical intervention.

When stones lead to no symptoms, treatment is not needed. For stones triggering symptoms, pain control is essential. Successful therapy has been developed to ensure larger stones can be removed. There is a procedure called lithotripsy used when shock waves break a large stone into smaller pieces, passing through the urinary system.

Surgery is required to remove kidney stones when severe cases are experienced, where treatment is not active. People with kidney stones remain at risk for further stones across their lives. Additionally, homeopathic remedies like hydrangea, Berberis vulgaris, Uva ursi, Pareira brava, and Ocimum canum may also be recommended. The key is to control pain due to renal stones. Some of these homeopathic remedies also expel the stones. Constitutional medicines like Calcarea carb, lycopodium, sarsaparilla are used for controlling stone formations. It is best to take remedial precautions to avoid stone formations. Drinking more water is the first critical step. Another good idea is to change diets or medicines implicated in kidney stones. Those who tend to form calcium oxalate stones limit their consumption of foods high in oxalates, such as wheat germ, spinach, beets, and peanuts. Drinking lemon drinks or having lemon juice can also prevent kidney stones.

If there is a history of stones, always ensure you stay well hydrated, with 6-8 glasses of water per day. Depending on the kind of stone, medicines or measures must be in place to prevent a recurrence. When it comes to uric acid stone, reduce meat and meat product intake. You also need to avoid shellfish, oatmeals, whole grains, and dried peas, spinach, beans, and dal. If oxalate stones form, avoid sweet potato, spinach, green plantain, figs, almonds, currants, grapes, and cashew nuts.

Preventative measures are associated with the type of stone that forms. For calcium stone patients, lots of water is recommended.

Dietary Measures

Specific treatments are based on the type of kidney stone that forms. Diet can impact kidney stones immensely. Preventative strategies range across nutritional changes, medicines to reduce the excretory load of calculogenic compounds within the kidney. Present dietary recommendations minimizing the formation of kidney stones are discussed below.

  • Increase fluid intake to more than 2 liters
  • Increase lemon, lime juice, or citric acid intake.
  • Moderate or restrict calcium intake.
  • Limit salt intake.
  • Avoid large doses of vitamin C supplements
  • Limit animal protein intake to not more than two meals per day. Too much animal protein in men has been linked to kidney stones.
  • Limit your intake of cola drinks, that have phosphoric acid, to lower than a single liter per week.
  • Magnesium stops crystal and kidney stone formation. When there are 24-hour risk profiles performed, magnesium levels are the only indicator for stability in the urinary environment.
  • Maintaining diluted urine by fluid therapy helps. Increase the urinary volume to ward off kidney stones by drinking at least 2 liters per day. Massive fluid intake limits recurrence risk by 40 percent, too.

Kidney stones generally pass out on their own. But if you face a lot of pain and obstructions, doctors can break or remove crystals. Treatment usually depends on how big the stone is and the symptoms one has.

If the stone does not cause a problem, the doctor may help you by recommending water to flush it out within 2-4 weeks. The stone needs to be evaluated through a lab test to see if medicines can prevent further stones.


If one is in discomfort, symptoms can easily be managed while waiting for the stone to be removed. OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help. Drugs are also required to ease the sense of vomiting and nausea. Prescription drugs can also work well.

Calcium-Channel Blockers/Alpha Blockers

These drugs relax the ureter and help the stone to move quickly.

Potassium Citrate/Sodium Citrate

This medicine jeeps kidney stones from forming due to excess uric acid.


It may be that the stone is too large to be passed naturally. The doctor will then have to do surgery to break it up or remove it. This surgery may be carried out if you face infection or pain. The inability to urinate because of stone blocking urine flow also necessitates surgery.

The doctor can opt for one of many procedures.

Shock-Wave Lithotripsy

SWL or shock-wave lithotripsy is a standard treatment in the US. It works best for small or medium-sized stones. The doctor aims to high-energy soundwaves to break the stone. The shock waves emanate from areas external to the body. This is why SWL is known as an extracorporeal method. Pain-numbing medicine beforehand ensures you can go home the same day.


In this surgical procedure, your doctor inserts a flexible, thin scope through the bladder, urethra, and ureter to locate the stone. If the stone is small, a basket is used for removing it. For larger stones, a laser passing through the scope breaks the stone into smaller pieces for easy passage.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

This procedure is also known as percutaneous nephorolithotripsy. These surgical procedures are essential if the stone is larger or other methods have failed to remove it. A thin tube is inserted, and the stone is removed (nephrolithotomy) or broken (nephrolithotripsy).

Drugs may be given so that individuals don’t wake up or experience pain. This surgical procedure may involve 1-2 days of hospital stay.

Open Surgery

This remains an option for massive stones that cannot be removed through other treatments. You will be placed under general anesthesia for this operation. The surgeon cuts through the side to reach the kidney and takes out the stone via the opening. One may need to stay in a hospital for a couple of days. It can take 4-6 weeks to recover fully.

The surgeon also identifies the stone type to ensure medications can avert future stone-formation.

Summary: Diagnosis and Treatment

Thus, there are many treatment options available. Understand the costs and benefits of each treatment approach before making a decision. Check with your doctor for how long you should wait for the stone to pass out on its own. Also, ascertain diet and hydration requirements for optimal treatment. Check which symptoms you can call your doctor for, and how you can prevent further stones.

Blood tests can reveal the uric or calcium acid in your blood. Blood tests monitor kidney health and explain the possible presence of other medical conditions. Urine testing can find out if you have too many stone-formation minerals or also a few stone-prevention substances. 24-hour urine collection procedures may be performed twice in 2 successive days. Imaging tests can show how big the kidney stone is, and options range across abdominal X-rays that are simple to high-speed, dual-energy CT revealing tiny stones. Several other imaging options are also there, such as ultrasound, non-invasive testing, and even intravenous urography, where dye is injected into the arm veins, and X-rays using intravenous pyelogram or CT images/CT urogram reveal the state of your kidneys as the dye travels through this organ and the bladder. Analysis of passed stones can reveal their mineral make-up and suggest the right medication for the prevention of future kidney stones.

Smaller stones with minimal symptoms don’t require invasive treatment. Drinking 1.5 to as much as 3 liters of water per day can flush out the kidney stone. Drink fluids to produce clear urine. Additionally, pain relievers like Motrin IB, Advil, Tylenol, or naproxen sodium may be considered. Medical therapy offers medication to pass kidney stones. This medicine is the alpha-blocker, which relaxes ureter muscles and helps in kidney stone expulsion.

More significant kidney stones, cause infections, kidney damage, or bleeding require more advanced treatment. SWL may be used depending on the size and location of the kidney stone. Sound waves break the stone in a 45-60 minute procedure causing moderate pain, where you may be under light sedation. This SWL procedure causes blood in urine, abdominal or back bruising, bleeding in the kidney, and surrounding organs and discomfort as stone fragments cross the urinary tract. Surgery to remove large stones using scopes and instruments inserted through a small back incision or percutaneous nephrolithotomy can be tried, under general anesthesia.

The scope is needed to remove the stones. Remove smaller stones in the kidney or ureter using a thin, lighted ureteroscope complete with a camera passing through the urethra and bladder to the ureter.

There’s also a likelihood the symptoms are a result of parahyperthyroidism. Parathyroid gland surgery can be the result. Overactive parathyroids, located on the corners of the thyroid gland, can be the culprit when these glands produce excessive parathyroid hormone, calcium forms, and kidney stones result. This condition can also occur if there is a benign tumor in the gland or diseases that lead the gland to produce excessive parathyroid hormone. Removing the growth or treatment of the condition may be the logical course of therapy for such kidney stone patients.

Kidney stones can be prevented if you consume adequate water throughout the day. For those with a history of such stones, around 2.5 liters of urine needs to be passed a day. For this, you need enough water intake. This is more so if you stay in a hot, dry climate or exercise a lot. Another no-no is oxalate-rich foods like spinach, sweet potatoes, soy, chocolate, nuts, team beets, okra, rhubarb, and Swiss chard. Opting for a diet low in sodium and animal protein helps Choose legumes and salt substitutes. Eat calcium-rich foods, but don’t rely on supplements. Check with your doctor before taking calcium supplements. Medicines can be helpful, depending on the type of kidney stone. Calcium stones can be eliminated through phosphate preparations or thiazide diuretics. For uric acid kidney stones, Zyloprim, Aloprim, and other allopurinol medicines may be recommended to reduce blood acidity and keep urine alkaline. In some cases, alkalizing agents and allopurinol can dissolve uric acid kidney stones.

Struvite stones need another strategy. Doctors recommend keeping the urine free of infection-causing bacteria. More extended use of antibiotics in tiny doses can help in this goal. Antibiotics may also be prescribed during surgery to treat kidney stones, and before as well as after the treatment. Cystine stones are tough to handle. More fluids can produce the right amount of urine, which optimizes cystine levels.

Kidney Stone: Cost and Treatment in India

Note that the treatment for stones depends on the size of the kidney stone and its mineral/chemical composition. Also, check if it is blocking the urinary tract. To answer queries and advise the best course of treatment, undergo urine and blood tests, X-rays and computerized tomography scans. If rests find the smaller-sizes stone, doctors may recommend fluids for helping to ease the passage of the stone and medicines to block the pain. If the kidney stone’s size is massive or blocking the urinary tract, more treatment may be required. SWL is one option. But bear in mind that kidney stone surgery in India can range in cost from INR 30K to 90K, depending on the magnitude of the operation and which hospital you opt for.

Health Insurance Options in India

The main factor behind increased blood mineral levels and unknown salts is a lifestyle issue, triggering kidney stone formation. Life is stressful, and increased working hours make it even more so. If you discover you need an operation or medical treatment, exploring health insurance policy in India can help. A good policy covers expenses made to the doctor in terms of consultation fees, ambulance charges, costs towards listed medical tests, and hospitalization as well as post-treatment recovery charges.

A health insurance policy that helps should have all the features you need. It is an insurance cover that allows the insurer and his or her family to receive financial support for treatment. The benefits of health insurance are many.

They cover the cost of:

  • Medicines and prescribed drugs
  • Charges for hospitalization
  • Ambulance services
  • Emergency treatments
  • Wellness and prevention treatments
  • Management of co-morbid, or causative medical conditions

Health insurance also helps in the receipt of tax benefits. The high coverage limit is essential. Your health insurance policy should give maximum coverage for a modest fee per annum.

Coverage for Hospitalization Expenses

All medical treatment for kidney stones has a cost. If your health insurance policy is excellent, it will offer coverage for expenses about:

  • Pre-hospitalization care
  • Hospitalization care
  • Medicines and doctor/surgeon charges
  • Post hospitalization care.

You should also have the facility for paying premiums through electronic banking, debit/credit cards, UPI, or e-wallets.

Hospitalization expenses should cover diagnostic test expenses before or before the hospitalization. Payments for doctor’s fee before, during, and after admission is essential.

Medication expenses before, during, and post the hospitalization must also be covered. All medical costs incurred for a particular period pre and post-hospitalization must form part of the coverage.

Then come to the treatment charges, which include hospital room rental, stay at the Intensive Care Unit, doctor fees, medicines, and tests. Daily room rent is INR 1000 for regular and 2000 for ICU rooms in most leading hospitals.

Choose a leading insurance expert for those facing a kidney stone treatment, whether it is due to health, sports, or occupation. While some medical conditions are easily covered, your kidney stone treatment requires life insurance cover, critical illness cover, and income protection cover. Insurance for surgery helps people with pre-existing medical problems to get personal protection cover.

There are many factors considered by insurance underwriters while seeing and checking an application for health insurance for kidney stone treatment. These include symptom frequency and severity, treatment or medication, surgery, and linked issues. Choose a top insurance company for the best outcomes.

Generally, you stand a good chance of life insurance for kidney stones, as rates are often the same for those with mild or no medical issues. In most cases, additional medical evidence is prescribed, and the right insurer can save you time, money, and effort.

Critical elements while assessing kidney stone life insurance cover include the following. First and foremost, your age when you were diagnosed with a kidney stone is asked. Secondly, you have to specify if this is a single episode or you have had recurring kidney stones. Then, you need to clarify if there are underlying medical or health issues, and whether you have had surgery to remove kidney stones. Check the medication or treatment you have also received.

Rates for life insurance for kidney stone patients can be standard for mild-medium cases, and higher premium loadings are noted for severe or recurrent kidney problems in addition to medical conditions. Specialists will evaluate you for the rate based on your present state of health and previous medical history.

Getting critical illness cover as part of health insurance is simple. All you need is your medical records from the GP or specialist, and insurers also need to indicate the severity and frequency of symptoms. Premiums can depend on the stage of illness and whether you have single or recurrent episodes.

Kidney stone income protection rates depend on the level of severity of symptoms and whether you are contemplating a more prolonged absence from employment. Your application will also consider the regularity and severity of the symptoms.
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