Beauty & Style

How to Know When to See a Dentist?

Let’s face it nobody likes going to the dentist. The anxiety the most people suffer with the thought of someone sticking drills in their mouth is completely natural and makes it very easy to put off those appointments. Months can turn in years as people conveniently forget to make that […]

How to Deal With Wisdom Teeth Problems

You hear so much about wisdom teeth removal that it is easy to assume you cannot dodge this procedure, especially if you experience severe problems with your wisdom teeth. In actual fact, you should think long and hard about wisdom teeth removal, because, to state the obvious, once the dentist has […]

4 Ways to Improve Acne-Prone Skin

Those who have a susceptibility to acne will often resort to dietary changes, improved hygiene and other methods to improve their skin. Unfortunately, many of these habits can exacerbate existing acne and even lead to further breakouts. In order for an individual to successfully improve their acne-prone skin, the habitual […]

10 Foods for Healthy Skin

If you are someone who believes in looking beautiful in the most natural way possible, you’ll be surprised to learn that eating ‘right’ can be your short cut to radiant glow. Glowing skin doesn’t always have to be decked up with makeup or other skin care treatments; mostly it can […]

Top Three Cosmetic Procedures to Erase Those Wrinkles

Wrinkles are brought about by aging. Aging is happening due to so many reasons. But most notable external and behavioral reasons of aging are: Your choice of food (diet) Your activity or inactivity (exercise) Environmental exposure (smoking and pollution) Excessive tanning (sun exposure) Over thinking (stress) Based above, aging and […]