Hyperhidrosis Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hyperhidrosis is a health condition in which affected person’s body sweats excessively without any apparent reason and even in unusual environments such as in cool weather, under air condition, etc. Whatever may be the causes of excessive sweating with some effective treatment measures for hyperhidrosis it can be relived permanently.

Hyperhidrosis is an annoying condition and it creates lots of discomfort and embarrassing situation for its patients. It can occur either in a specific body part or even in the whole body.

The excessive sweating health concern sometimes develops due to some underlying health issue or condition such as hyperthyroidism, menopause, etc and sometimes it develops without any particular reason.

It is also known as sudorrhea and polyhidrosis. Though this health issue has affected a huge number of population around the world however not every one of them seeks for medical health or treatment because they think their condition is not such that requires any treatment.

What Causes Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating health issue is a condition in which you sweat more than usual without any trigger and even in cooler weather.

Normally sweating is the usual response of the body to certain conditions such as stress, exercising, warm or hot weather, out of the feeling of anger and fear. However, in the cases of hyperhidrosis, you do not need any apparent reason to sweat.

A person affected with hyperhidrosis may sweat at any time of the day irrespective of his or her mood and weather. However, the causes of hyperhidrosis depend on its particular type. So below we have enlisted some common reasons or causes of hyperhidrosis on the basis of their types.

Causes of Primary Hyperhidrosis

The symptoms of this type of hyperhidrosis start at very early childhood stage and in most of the cases patient with primary hyperhidrosis have a family history of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis concern which inherited through genes. People who develop primary hyperhidrosis, they develop sweating mostly in their face, head, hands, underarms, and feet.

Though previously there was a common belief regarding primary hyperhidrosis that it mainly develops in people who have certain mental or emotional troubles. Means linked with the psychological state of the patient such as stress, anxiety, and nervousness.

However, this old belief is now criticized with new research study which shows that the patients of primary hyperhidrosis develop its symptoms when exposed to triggers without any underlying psychological feelings such as emotional stress, nervousness, and anxiety.

Again this research report proves that these emotional stressors are not the cause, in fact, the result of hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating which occurs due to discomforts and embarrassment created with excessive sweating concern at unusual time and location.

Causes of Secondary Generalized Hyperhidrosis

Secondary Generalized Hyperhidrosis usually develops as a side effect of certain over the counter medications or prescribed medications. Also, it is caused by certain underlying health conditions.

This type of hyperhidrosis develops in the adulthood age and it can cause sweating even when you are sleeping. The affected person may get sweating at any specific body part or their whole body may sweat excessively.

Health conditions that can cause secondary generalized hyperhidrosis includes-

  • Menopause
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Adrenal gland disorders
  • Lung Disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Anxiety
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Infections such as Malaria, Tuberculosis, and HIV
  • Diabetes
  • Gout
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Substance abuse
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Shingles

Medications that can cause secondary generalized hyperhidrosis includes-

  • Antidepressants medications such as protriptyline, nortriptyline (Pamelor), desipramine (Norpramin), etc.
  • Medications for treating dry mouth concern such as pilocarpine etc.
  • Zinc mineral dietary supplements.
  • High Blood pressure medications such as propranolol.
  • Anticholinesterases for Alzheimer’s disease

Symptoms of Excessive Sweating

Sweating is the usual response of the body and little bit sweating is normal for human health however if you develop the below-mentioned signs and symptoms it indicates that you have developed hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating health problem.

  • You are sweating excessively for the last six months with any apparent cause.
  • You get an excessive sweating attack at least once in a week.
  • The sweating problem is interfering your daily life routine and activities such as office work, relationships, get together with friends, etc.
  • If you develop sweating on both sides of your body then the sweat amount almost remains the same in both the sides.
  • There is a family history of hyperhidrosis that means any of your parent or grandparents or any other close relative have this problem.
  • An excessive sweating problem that develops before the age of 25.
  • You are not sweating during your sleep.

The above-mentioned symptoms indicate for primary focal hyperhidrosis existence however some more test is required to diagnose and confirm this type of hyperhidrosis.

  • In the cases of secondary generalized hyperhidrosis, the patient develops excessive sweating problem either in one particular area or in the whole body. If you develop these symptoms it is necessary that you visit a doctor to determine the underlying causes or concerns of your symptoms.

If you are developing some unusual symptoms along with excessive sweating then it is vital that you let everything know to your doctor as it can be some serious condition which requires immediate medical treatment.


In order to diagnose hyperhidrosis health issue, a doctor will ask different questions such as when the sweating occurs, in which body part and how long it persists. They will conduct some tests which are the proven techniques for diagnosis hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating health problem.

The test generally requires for determining excessive sweating problem includes a blood test and urine test. However mostly a healthcare specialist diagnoses the hyperhidrosis just by the physical examination of the patient. Apart from this, there are some uncommon diagnosis tests and techniques which proves the existence of this problem however these are not administered in general practice.

  • Thermoregulatory Test- For diagnosis hyperhidrosis, a doctor may conduct a thermoregulatory test. In this particular test, a special powder is used over the affected area which is very sensitive to any moisture content. The color of powder will change as soon as the sweating occurs in all the spots or areas which are sweating prone.
  • Starch-Iodine Test- In this particular diagnosis test iodine will be spread all the affected areas or sweaty locations in the body. After that starch will be sprinkled once the iodine gets dry. If you have a hyperhidrosis health problem then the starch will turn to a dark blue color which proves an excessive sweating problem.
  • Sweat Cabinet Test- In order to diagnose hyperhidrosis your doctor may recommend you for a sauna or sweat cabinet room test in which you require to sit for some time. If you have hyperhidrosis concern then your palm is likely to sweat more than the usual number of times.
  • Paper Test- In this particular diagnostic test type, one special kind of paper will be kept on the sweating areas of the body. Once this paper will absorb your sweats it will be weighed. In case it shows heavyweight then it denotes for excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis existence.


Once your triggers and causes of hyperhidrosis are identified successfully its treatment procedure gets easier. For treating hyperhidrosis a systematic process is conducted which includes the below-mentioned treatment approach.

First Approach for Treatment: Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants are the first approach for treating excessive sweating concern which generally people uses as a usual part of their daily routine. These antiperspirants mostly contain the aluminum salts so when it is rolled over the skin it creates a plug to block the perspiration or sweating.

These antiperspirants you can avail easily over the counter at some drug store or in a supermarket. A doctor can also prescribe you for the same which you can get by showing your prescription at any medical store.

The prescribed antiperspirants are usually more irritating than over the counter antiperspirants. Initially, you can start your treatment with an over the counter antiperspirants and if it doesn’t bring any progressive result then you can ask your doctor to prescribe one for you.

These antiperspirants are not meant for use only in your underarms areas instead you can use or apply them all the affected sweaty areas of your body such as hands, feet, etc. It can also be applied in the hairline if requires.

Many antiperspirants come along with deodorants especially in the over the counter antiperspirants. You can apply deodorant as well along with antiperspirants as it will reduce the odor intensity out of your sweating.

The antiperspirants and deodorants are required to apply two to three times in a day if you have an excessive sweating problem as it will keep you dry and won’t let you embarrass in the mid of other people. Even it should be applied during nights before sleeping as it will keep you dry and won’t disturb your sleep due to the excessive sweating problem while sleeping.

Other Approaches for Treatment: Medical Procedures

If antiperspirants applications fail in eliminating the excessive sweating problem from your hands and feet or any other specific area then a doctor will recommend the below mentioned treatment methods.

Botulinum Toxin

If antiperspirants and the deodorant application don’t relieve your excessive sweating problem then your doctor may recommend for Botulinum Toxin A or Botox injection on the affected areas. This is the same treatment which is used for reducing wrinkles.

It is an FDA approved treatment method for relieving the excessive sweating problem in the underarms areas. However, some doctors use this treatment technique for treating an excessive sweating problem in palms, feet, and soles as well.

This injected medication prevents the secretion of chemicals responsible for giving signals to sweat glands for sweating. The patient may require several sitting to complete the Botox treatment course, however, the effect of this medical treatment lasts only for one year.


In this particular treatment technique, the affected person needs to sit with their hands or feet or both in a shallow tray filled with water for at least 20 to 30 minutes. During this period very low-intensity electric current flows through the water.

This procedure blocks the sweating to reach over your skin surface and the treatment process will be repeated for a few days in a week and may continue for a few weeks until you stop sweating excessively.

This procedure can even be conducted at home if you feel confident in doing this by buying its machine. Only with few visits and one-month maintenance, this procedure brings drastic improvement.

As in this treatment procedure electrical current is used so it is not recommended for pregnant women and people with a special health condition such as those who have metal implants, pacemakers, epilepsy, and cardiac health condition.

Anticholinergic Medications

The cases where other medical treatment measures don’t bring relaxation in your condition then your doctor may prescribe you certain medications such as anticholinergic etc.

These oral medications will stop the excessive sweating problem by deactivating the sweat glands in your body. However, these medications are not meant for everyone as it contains some side effects risks such as urinary issues, heart palpitations, and blurred vision.


Surgery is an invasive procedure for treating a heavy sweating health issue. However, if none of the above-mentioned treatment techniques work in your favor then this will be the last option that your doctor may recommend.

The surgery treatment process is only meant for people who are suffering from severe hyperhidrosis. During this procedure, the surgeon will cut, scrap and suction out the sweat gland from the patient’s body.

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy is another type of surgical procedure in which very small incision is required for cutting the armpit nerves which activates the sweat glands in the body.

ETS usually leaves scars behind it which can’t be reversed. Moreover, this surgical procedure develops one side effect by creating a compensatory sweating issue in which your body started sweating in a new area such as chest or face when sweating is eliminated through this process in another area of the body.

Home Remedies for Controlling Excessive Sweating

If you want to try some natural tricks and remedies to get rid of your heavy sweating or hyperhidrosis health issue before trying all those medical treatments then below-mentioned solutions can help you greatly in reducing your sweating problem.

  • In order to keep your body dry and sweat-free, it is very important that you bath every day at least two times with an antibacterial soap. This will eliminate the growth of bacteria which causes an odor when comes in the contact of your sweat or perspiration. You need to dry your body completely after the bath which is as crucial as a daily shower or bath
  • Avoid wearing heavy clothes which can prevent the normal breathing process of your skin pores and increase your sweating intensity. Instead, wear light silk and cotton clothes to reduce your sweat as in this type of clothing your skin can breathe freely and remain dry and cool naturally.
  • While going out in heat temperature or while going to the gym for practice carry an extra shirt with you as you know about your body that it sweats more than the usual quantity. Change your cloth to keep your body dry and to avoid those embarrassing situations in front of others.
  • Excessive sweating may also occur in your feet area so to avoid this issue wear breathable socks or which can resist the moisture.
  • For avoiding excessive underarms sweating you can wear an underarm liner which will absorb sweat and prevent the odor problem. Also, it will maintain the quality of your clothes by absorbing sweat which can otherwise ruin your cloth quality and appearance.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol and spicy foods or any other hot drinks which can trigger your sweating issue.

The above-mentioned home remedies, as well as treatment techniques, works very effectively in relieving hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating concern by curing the underlying causes of excessive sweating and can improve your overall lifestyle to enable you to live a normal life.

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