Beauty & Style

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23 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Considering shaving, waxing or tweezing to remove unwanted hair each come with their own set of issues, laser hair removal is the right option to choose in this context. One of the most common cosmetic procedures in the US and the rest of the world, it beams concentrated light at […]

3 Easy and Simple Steps to Prevent Bad Breath

Three Easy and Simple Steps to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, affects nearly everyone. Halitosis stems from numerous causes. This includes dryness of mouth, protein-rich food, sugar, acid or smoking, illness or tooth decay. Bad breath can be prevented by working on oral health and making a difference to lifestyle and diets. Health remedies and […]

Healthy Skin Care Tips for Older Women

Top 24 Healthy Skin Care Tips for Older Women

Most women are concerned about the onset of old age. Whether you are 50, 60 or 70, age can become just a number if you follow healthy skin care tips to ensure that you access a glowing complexion and channel your natural radiance. Environmental issues such as smoking, sun exposure, […]