3 Easy and Simple Steps to Prevent Bad Breath

Three Easy and Simple Steps to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, affects nearly everyone. Halitosis stems from numerous causes. This includes dryness of mouth, protein-rich food, sugar, acid or smoking, illness or tooth decay. Bad breath can be prevented by working on oral health and making a difference to lifestyle and diets. Health remedies and techniques for warding off bad breath also abound. Here’s how you can beat halitosis in 3 easy ways.

Promotion of Excellent Oral Health

#1 Brushing Teeth Correctly

Brushing the teeth properly is the key to fend off bad breath. Brushing at least twice a day is important. Even if it is for two minutes, the attempt should be to cover all the areas in the mouth. The focus should be on where the gums and the teeth join.

#2 How to Choose a Toothbrush

Using a soft bristled brush and replacing it 3-4 months is important. Brushing before dining or an hour afterward can ward off the wearing down of enamel. Brushing the tongue is important because there is plenty of buildup of bacteria leading to halitosis. Brush from the tongue’s back and get to the sides too. Don’t opt for more than 4 brushes on the tongue and ensure one does not go too far back.

#3 Flossing the Teeth

This is another component to excellent mouth health. Flossing removes bacterial build up and plaque from the middle of the teeth. This is something not even the top toothbrushes can eliminate. Flossing is essential in 24 hours. Flossing also moves away the debris and food particles. If these remain in the teeth, they are lodged in it and cause bad breath. While flossing, focus on where the tooth and the gum meet to ensure rubbing a single way and then the other against the tooth.

#4 Try Baking Soda

Baking soda also helps. Brush your teeth once in 7 days and neutralize the acids at the back of the tooth, and under the tongue.

#5 Regular Dental Check Ups

Regularly visiting the dentist is also important. Attending the dental needs is an important part of maintaining oral health. This is a prime determinant of halitosis in individuals. A thorough cleaning of mouth, teeth, and gums is important. Bad breath may be caused by other factors too. Only consulting a dentist can help you to rule out the obvious.

#6 Try Sugar-Free Foods

Trying sugar-free foods is important. Much like water, sugar-free mints or gums can accelerate saliva generation in the mouth and eliminate bad bacteria. Short periods of time during which halitosis is warded off is also the result of this trick. Gums contain a sugar-free sweetener which can be helpful for warding off bad breath. This reduces tooth decay and reverses loss of tooth enamel by replacing minerals in the teeth.

#7 Try Mouthwash

Mouthwash is another way to ward off halitosis. This provides a small relief for bad breath, but it is enough to avoid creating a bad impression. Additionally, bad bacteria are killed by antiseptic mouthwash that masks the odor. Check for mouthwashes that are rich in chlorine dioxide, cetylpyridinium chloride, zinc chloride, and triclosan as these create bacteria elimination. Don’t try for mouthwash which can stain the teeth being rich in chlorhexidine. Using mouthwash not containing alcohol is important. Alcohol based mouthwash develops cancer-related problems. Rinse and gargle with mouthwash for best results.

Lifestyle and Diet Changes

#1 Drink Plenty of Water

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A problem that leads to halitosis may cause dryness of the mouth. Water needs to be used to ward off bacteria that are lodged in the mouth. Water ingestion also cleanses the mouth and wards off the stink causing substances in food. Avoid coffee, soda or alcohol. This prevents halitosis and causes bad breath. Dehydration is a factor inducing halitosis. Drinking water to maintain hydration wards off bad breath.

#2 Eat Fiber Rich Foods

Foods high in fiber are important. These foods are crunchy and fresh helping to clean the teeth and ward off halitosis. This improves digestion and releases body toxins.

#3 Avoid Sugary Items

Sugar rich foods and drinks are another important factor that induce halitosis. If a snack is needed or some refreshments are required, this causes halitosis thereby harming oral health. This is bad for the breath and the health of the teeth as well as acidic drinks that impact the state of the teeth’s enamel.

#4 Avoid Chewing or Smoking Tobacco

There are many reasons to avoid smoking tobacco. Halitosis is one of them. Smoking causes a stale smell to emanate from the mouth. Preventing bad breath is possible if smoking is stopped. A tobacco addiction can exacerbate halitosis and stop smoking, maintaining a healthier mouth.

#5 Eat Vitamin D Rich Food

Eating foods high in Vitamin D stop the growth of mouth bacteria. Vitamin D can be had in the form of food and beverages that are fortified. This is derived from sunlight exposure. Eating sugar-free yogurt which is probiotic preventing bad breath by reducing levels of halitosis causing sulfide compounds. Fat rich fish such as tuna, mackerel or salmon and mushrooms can also avert halitosis. Vitamin D needs to be taken through supplements.

#6 Herbs and Spicy Condiments Should be Used

Herbs and spicy items can also ward off bad breath. Chewing parsley cleans the mouth and teeth and prevents halitosis. Cardamom is another beneficial spice. Fennel seeds can help spicy meals or grind them into toothbrush. Mint leaves also diminish bad breath. Steeping mint leaves in boiling water works well too. To ward off onion and garlic, use lemon wedges in salt.

#7 Drink Tea

Consume black tea or green tea. Both these beverages contain polyphenols that eliminate sulfur compounds and prevent oral bacteria. This also helps in hydration of the mouth. Hot unsweetened tea for ideal results is also important. In addition, green tea is rich in antioxidants and fends off bacteria in the mouth. Green tea can neutralize garlic breath too. Black and green teas made from the plant called Camellia sinensis works really well.

Recognize Signs of Bad Breath

#1 Check Bad Breath

Do test for halitosis. Breath may appear foul smelling and sulfur salts can easily be detected through breath analysis test.

#2 Check for Bad Taste

Assess the bad taste in the mouth. if the mouth tastes bad, the breath smells bad too. After one eats, the food continues to remain in smell. Strong tastes can result from garlic, onion or heavily spiced foods. If bad breath is associated with the food eaten, or strep throat infections, this can also be a factor that needs to be taken into account.

#3 Use a Halimeter

Another important way to ward off bad breath is to use a halimeter. This is a special machine that can assess halitosis. Like a breath analysis machine, it detects the presence of the alcohol and other factors. Halimeters can only be used for detection and diagnosis. Halitosis is caused by chemicals like methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl sulfide.Once these are located, treatment can be used to cure bad breath.

#4 Try Home Remedies

Photo By: Jakob Renpening/ CC BY

Use simple self-care techniques to lower the chance of developing halitosis. Advanced oral care products are important. These include mouthwashes and tooth pastes that fend off halitosis. Proper oral care is also important at least twice in a day. Toothbrushes with soft bristles and fluoride rich toothpaste are the best for use. Brushing and flossing removes food and plaque which can be used as a fuel source by sulfur rich bacteria at the base of the problem.

#5 Stimulating the Saliva Flow

Ward off dry mouth with chewing gum, mints or lozenges that are sugar-free. Anti cavity properties are possible through Xylitol, a non-sucrose sweetener. This also has anti cavity properties. Eating fibrous fruits and veggies is important too. This includes apples and dietary supplements. Vitamins and avoidance of drying medications are also ways to ward off halitosis.

#6 Ward off Products With Chemicals

Give products with chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate and alcohol a wide berth. Do not use products such as these as they can dry the mouth and cause bad breath. After eating a meal, you need to clean your mouth using fish or dairy products. Practicing constant and thorough oral hygiene prevents problems. Eliminating dairy products from the diet can also ward off halitosis.


More than 80 million people suffer from bad breath chronically. Malodor is a problem that has become common nowadays. These three simple steps to ward off halitosis can prove very beneficial for those struggling with foul breath.

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