Best Ways to Get Curvy Butt

Best Ways to Get Curvy Butt Easily :Tips to Give Perfect Shape to Butt

Curvy and perfect shape figure is the dream of every woman but not every woman is blessed with it naturally. Women with curvy butt are appreciated for their attractive look. If you are also among the one who is trying to shape up your buttock then your search ends here. Get yourself aware of the ways to get curvy butt easily.

Some regular exercise practices and changes in our day to day life can make our way easy by letting our goal accomplishable. Ladies with bigger buttock have enough amount of mussel in both hip and backside and this both part creates an attractive looking curve of butt.

Nothing is easy to be achieved in this world. Every beauty icon gives enough time and labor to maintain it and for keeping their charm as ever. Also, it is a fact that nothing is unachievable when you are determined to get your goal.

So start some specific exercises for getting rounder, curvy and eye catchy butt easily with little bit effort by cutting some time out of your everyday busy schedule. Also, remember one thing, keep continue these workout practices to maintain the curvy butt shape forever.

Best Exercise Practices to Get Curvy Butt

A regular exercise practice can help you to get curvy butt quite easily. Below we have mentioned top-ranked exercise practices which are especially for increasing the size and curving the shape of the buttock.

Lifting the Leg

The first exercise that you can try to shape up your buttock is leg lifting. This is an easy exercise and anyone can try it. While doing this exercise, enough amount of pressure fall on lower abdomen and butt.

For practicing this workout at first lie down on the floor and keep your leg straight towards the air. Keep your arms and hand straight on the floor and move your hips in upward motion.

Now keep your body in this position for the next five minutes and then let your hip come back to its position. Repeat this action 15 to 20 times without any break. Just after two to three weeks, you will notice some good changes in your butt shape.

The Plié Squat Workout

The pile squat exercise practice throws its full effort on buttocks, hence you will be easily able to make you butt size bigger and shaper.

At first stand with spreading feet and stretch your shoulder as much as you can. Keep the toes point outward. For maintaining the body balance in this position, keep your hand in front. Now move your body down and keep your butt position above your feet. Now press your thigh and glutes more while coming back to the initial body position.

Try this exercise practice at least 10 to 15 times every day for better and faster result.

The Glute Bridge Exercise

This glute bridge exercise practice is considered one of the most effective exercises for getting curvy butt easily. It warms up the mussels to butt. Though initially, it is tough but regular practice can make you accustomed to it.

At first, lie down on the floor by keeping your hip and feet in apart position. Now put all your weight in the pelvic area. After that lift, the pelvis up and again leave slowly down to the floor. For best result apply this exercise practice 15 to 20 times every day.

The Kneel Kickback Exercise

This exercise practice works directly on gluteus and lets you easily to get curvy buttock easily. To do this exercise first kneels on the floor in push up position by keeping knees parallel to the pelvis.

Now make sure that your palms and knees can carry your body weight. After that push your right leg knee to your chest and then let it kick back in upward position till the height you can.

Do the same action with your left leg knee. Repeat this action for 10 to 15 times every day and shape up your buttock faster.

The Single Leg Bridge Exercise

This is a form of exercise for a butt that along with warming up your buttock, will also bring it in a correct shape and size. For this you need to lie down on the floor by keeping the knee bending and foot should touch the ground.

After that keep your one foot touching the ground and lift up another one up. Then put your weight on the knee of the foot which is already placed on the ground and lift your glutes also, don’t forget to exhale while lifting your glutes.

When your foot reaches the top, flex the glutes and inhale at this moment. Repeat this action at least 10 to 15 times on daily basis for getting attractive butt shape.

The Side Lunge Exercise

Tone your buttock mussel and thigh with side lunge exercise. Keeping your leg apart stand in erecting position and point out your feet. Now bend your left knee and sit, go back to the initial position.

Repeat the same course of action with your right knee. You need to practice this exercise for at least 15 times in a day. It will surely make your butt curvy.

Lunge Exercise

Shape up your buttocks in a perfect curve with the lunge exercise practice. While practicing this exercise you need to hold some weight in hand. It (weight element) is must and should not be ignored for getting prominent output.

Keeping your feet four centimeters apart, stand in straight position. While doing this exercise you need to move forward your right leg and bend your left leg. Again move forward the left leg and bend your right leg.

Repeat this action ten to fifteen times in the very morning and avail curvy butt shape easily.

The Barbell Squat Exercise

For practicing the barbell squat exercise you need to carry barbell on your shoulder. Keep the thighs parallel to the ground likewise squatting position.

Now put your butt down, chest in the outward position and push the shoulder back. Pull out the butt above the feet by lowering the squat. Again push your thighs and glutes to get back in the initial position.

You can get a curvy butt with your dedicated effort within few months with this exercise practice on daily basis for fifteen to twenty minutes.

The Deadlifts

A curvy shape is possible by putting essential effort on both hip and buttock. The deadlifts exercise works on both the mussels of buttock and hip.

At first, carry the dumbbells in front of the thighs. Now push back your hips keeping the knee in the straight position. By putting down the dumbbells on the floor bend forward through the abdomen.

The repeated practice of this exercise will help in tightening the buttock and hips mussels.


Cycling is one of the best exercise practices as along with keeping you fit and healthy it also helps in keeping your body in perfect shape and size.

While cycling the mussels of the thigh, hip and calves get toned along with your legs movement on the pedal. So start cycling practice on every morning to get curvy butt easily.

The Step Aerobic Exercise

Girls who are looking for the easiest way to shape up their buttock will find this exercise practice as the best suitable one. You can practice this either in your home or in the gym by playing your favorite music.

Under the step Aerobic Exercise practice, you need to step up and step down on any above the floor surface. Repeat this exercise practice for 15 to 20 minutes every day for getting curvy and attractive butt.

Yoga Practices

There are different forms of Yoga that can tone your buttock mussels. What you need to do is ask from your Yoga trainer about a yoga practice that especially emphasizes on buttock mussels. Now practice it every day as it will not only give a better curve to your butt, also it will help in releasing your stress.

So these are some prominent and fruitful exercise practices which are hundred percent results oriented. What you actually need to do is practice any one of these as per your suitability on daily basis.

Any kind of break even for a week will disturb and you might not get your desired butt in a short span of time. The best thing about these workouts is that there are no side effects of it. You can also take help of the trainer who can guide you better, that which exercise is best for you considering your existing shape and weight.

When we can fulfill our dream with little bit effort and dedication then there is no harm in applying it to our daily life routine. Every one of us doesn’t have a God gifted figure and shape but there is no need to be depressed. Everything is possible with correct exercise practice.

Steps to Get Curvy Butt Easily:

Hello friends! Are you willing to have a curvy and charming butt for you? If yes then here are some simple tricks which will let it possible. Few simple changes in your lifestyle will give a push up to your existing butt shape and quite easily you can give them a proper curve.

Include Balanced Diet in Your Meal

All the workout practice can be proved useless in the lack of balanced diet in your food. Moreover, untimely eating habit is also harmful. Do your breakfast; lunch and dinner on time apart from this don’t take a long gap between two meals. Have small meals in between.

Food items full of protein are important for your body. If you don’t know the name of foods rich in protein then include these protein-rich foods in your everyday meal which are- fish, meat, soy protein, turkey, egg, milk, yogurt(low-fat), whey protein, hemp protein etc.

For shaping up the mussels on gluteal, you need to eat good fats food or unsaturated fats. These food products include- avocado, oily fish, rice bran oil, fish oil, canola oil, nuts, peanut butter etc.

Carbohydrates are necessary to be included in your food item as it is required while exercising practices for enabling you to perform well without any tiredness. Some rich sources of carbohydrates are corn, barley, wheat bread, apples, whole grain pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice etc.

In order to give your best while doing the workout, you need a proper amount of vitamins and mineral in your meal to give you proper strength and support. Some sources of micronutrients are nuts, pulses, veggie, and fruits. These food items are a real source of energy that you must be needed which practicing exercise.

Healthy Sleep:

The secret of a curvy physique exists in a healthy mind as if your mind is not in peace then it cannot focus on its goal and this will throw its impact on your exercise practice.

In order to move a healthy lifestyle, you require sleeping for seven hours in the night without any break. After this healthy and relaxing sleep when you wake up in the morning you will feel more energetic and enthusiastic and now you can start your daily exercise practice.

Also, a sound sleep helps to release your stress level which is very much necessary for a regular workout. Your brain needs rest and peace then only you will remain active and energetic throughout the day. So never miss your sleep in the night otherwise it can hamper your next day.

Drink Plenty Amount of Water:

Your body gets dehydrated in the lack of enough amount of water. When you practice exercise your body sweats and this way water inside your body gets released in the form of sweating.

So when you are on your workout days then drink as many glasses of water as you can. It will protect you from dehydrating your body. On every morning before breakfast drink two to three glasses of water in the empty stomach. It will keep your body healthy and fit.

Change in Your Walking Style:

Sound surprising but yes it is true that your walking style put great emphasis on your buttock curve. What you need to do is, change in your current way of walking and try to walk in catwalk style.

It will put the necessary pressure on the buttock mussels and soon you can have much more curvy and attractive butt. A perfect figure along with giving you charming look also enhance the level of your confidence. So change the way of your walking by today itself to have curvy butt easily.

Apply these healthy lifestyle habits and exercise practices as these are sure short ways to get curvy butt easily. Now don’t feel shy to wear your favorite dresses and apparels and also get your lost confidence back with big and curvy buttock.

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