Ways To Live Longer

How We Can Live Longer and Better : 76 Ways To Live Longer

Living for long and staying healthy for your entire lifespan is not something you’d want to compromise on. While there are many medical myths and misconceptions, how do you focus on what works best, when it comes to maintaining good health? For those who believe health is wealth, here’s the secret to living a long and healthy life.

How to Live Longer and Better

#1 Frozen Foods are Just as Healthy!

When it comes to the intake of fresh veggies and fruits, a lot of people talk about how getting a balanced diet is impossible because these items are seasonal. But scientists have found that frozen fruits can be just as nutritious or even better because of nutrients that extend life. UK scientists have found fresh fruits can even lose nutrition after just 3 days in the fridge, while frozen ones did not reach the same condition in the stipulated time. Yet another research study found that frozen blueberries were richer in vitamin C than fresher fruits.

#2 Don’t Have Painkillers Regularly

Regular intake of painkillers like naproxen and ibuprofen including OTC brands like Advil, Aleve, and Motrin can raise the chances of suffering a heart attack or a stroke by as much as ten percent. This is as per a review by the USFDA advisory panels in 2014. Prescription strength versions increase the risk between over 20 and 50 percent. This is after just a few weeks of use. These drugs need to be reserved for severe pain and the lowest possible dose must be used for the shortest period of time.

#3 Sleep For 6-8 Hours At Least

Consistently getting for less than a period of 6 hours of sleep per night increases the chances of heart attacks or stroke by 2x times, according to a meta-analytic review by the research based European Heart Journal. Yet piece of research found those deprived of sleep were 12% more likely to perish over a 25-year duration than those receiving 6-8 hours of sleeping each night. The National US Sleep Foundation offers these tips to make sure you get the best sleep:

  • The room should be completely dark and the thermostat should be from 60 to 67 degrees.
  • Exercising every day is important; it does not concern what time of the day one works out, much so long as it does not come in the way of rest.
  • Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule is important just as resting and getting up the identical time every day.
  • Close your electronic gadgets like smartphones or laptops, as light from certain devices stimulates the brains.
  • Use another mattress if it present one is more than a decade old.

#4 Get Married

Staying happily married is great for health and longevity. The well known Framingham offspring research revealed married men were 46 percent less likely to die than never wedded men. This is on account of the marriage’s known impact on the health of the heart. A 2014 NYU research by LMC/Langone Medical Center also found married individuals had a 5 percent lower risk of cardio type diseases.

#5 Ripened Fruit is Healthier

While you won’t die from consuming less than ripe fruits, fresh research has shown completely ripened fruit extends the lifespan. For example, green bananas are fiber-poor and higher in astringent type tannins that can lead to digestive issues. Fully ripened blackberries and pears, similarly, have been found to have a higher concentration of antioxidants. In the case of watermelon, a deepening of the red color shows the presence of more lycopene, which is an antioxidant that lowers heart disease risk as well as chronic cancer.

#6 Don’t Use Sugar

A diet high in sugar boosts blood glucose levels and messes with the heart, by raising LDL cholesterol levels while lowering HDL or heart-friendly cholesterol. This also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 3x times. The American Heart Association/AHA indicates that women only need just less than 25 grams or six teaspoons of added sugar in a day and men no greater than 36 grams or 9 teaspoons.

#7 Opt for Additional Vitamin D Type

Vitamin D is a nutrient, which results when the body is exposed to sunlight, and has different health benefits. This includes the chances of a longer life. Excessive vitamin D, however, can be just as detrimental as too less, as per a 2015 Danish research. Therefore, opting for the right percentage is important. It is crucial not to rely on your time outdoor alone to get more vitamin D. Additionally, the skin cancer rate rises as on ages. It is, therefore, important to have limited exposure or experience. The smarter plans focus on asking if the individual would benefit from extra or additional vitamin D pills. Copenhagen University researchers also discovered that optimal vitamin D levels are higher than 50 nano-moles per liter of the blood but lower than 100.

#8 Try Green Tea

If you’re not a fan of coffee, another useful beverage to increase longevity is green tea, as it contains powerful, potent antioxidants such as catechins that combat diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In a study of higher than forty thousand Japanese women and men, it was found that drinking 5 or more cups of green tea in a single day was linked with 12% decrease in mortality among males and 23% among women.

#9 Go For a Holiday

Refusing to take time to relax from work can be deadly. A study conducted on men with a high chance of coronary heart disease found those who did not take yearly vacations were 32 percent more likelier to have a heart attack. In the Framingham heart research study, women who holidayed one every 6 years were 8x times more likely to suffer from coronary arterial disease or cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks than women vacationing two times a year.

#10 Eat Whole Grain Foods

On an average, an American takes a single whole grain servings in a day. But research has found that three or greater number of servings per day cut the total death rate by 20%, according to Harvard University public health researchers. Having brown or unpolished or oatmeals or opting for quinoa, farro or barley can also be a good idea.

#11 Have Spices Regularly

Consuming hot red chili pepper adds longevity to one’s life. In an analysis in 2016 of the dieting habits of more than sixteen thousand individuals over twenty-three years of age, those who ate hot peppers lowered their chance of succumbing by a whole 13%. If one is not liking the peppers, just a tiny amount of spice can have a lot of benefits for health; this is on account of the fact that the body secretes endorphins to reduce heat from pepper capsaicin. Such endorphins further reduce inflammation and pain.

#12 Drink Whole or Full Fat Milk

While nutritional advice generally focuses on how you should be drinking low fat or skimmed milk or even go for zero fat yogurts, research in 2016 in the journal Circulation found most individuals who consumed plenty of dairy fat had fifty percent lower chance of suffering from diabetes. Diabetes shortens your lifespan by as much as 8-10 years.

#13 Drink A Lot of Water

Staying well hydrated as seen in the coloration of the urine, can help increase the duration of a healthier life. How is this so? Well, the consumption of adequate amounts of water helps to lower the chance of colon and bladder cancer and keep the kidneys in excellent condition. Researchers from Illinois University also found those who had more water ate between 68 and 205 lesser calories in a single day.

#14 Drink That Coffee

Coffee can do more than just wake you; it even brings down chances of developing diabetes, stroke and certain cancers. In a 2015 Circulation research, Harvard researchers found people consuming 3-5 coffee cups in a single day had 15 percent fewer chances of premature death as against those who don’t drink coffee. A cup should be around 8 ounces.

#15 Finish Eating Your Dinner Before 9 PM

Eating dinner late is not just terrible for the waistline, it can also have a detrimental impact on the quality of sleep. It raises the heart disease risk by 55% for men aged between 45 and 82, as per a Harvard research.

#16 Eat Vegetables

A study covering 73 thousand adults, mostly in the mid to higher fifties, found that vegetarian diners were 12% less likelier to die than nonvegetarian meat eaters during a 6 year period. The 2016 Jama Internal Medicine research found mortality rates were least for pesco-vegetarians ( those eating fish sometimes)followed by vegans who ate no animal products and Lacto/ovo vegans who consume eggs and dairy.

#17 Eat a Greek Diet

A Mediterranean diet, which relies on fruits, veggies, olive oil, nuts, is one of the best diets for overall longevity and health. Harvard researchers in the British Medical Journal in 2014 also discovered that those following their diet had lengthier telomeres. Telomeres are protecting the chromosomal damage and capping the end of DNA strands. Even persons who sporadically followed diets reaped the benefits of these. Cutting the portions also helps to cut calories, which aids in weight loss.

#18 Consume Less Food

Those who eat less live longer. If you want to cross 100 years of age,putting down the fork may be a good idea. Researchers who have studied hot spots around the world for longevity like Okinawa, in Japan found that eating less plays a role in a long life. The oldest Okinawa residents ceased eating more when they felt 80% full. An NIH funded study found that cutting down on calories lowered insulin resistance, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

#19 Consume Less Alcohol

More than average consumption of alcohol leads to a shorter lifespan. More than one single drink per day for women or two for men is not right. Cornell University researchers have found white wine glasses are better for serving wine in a lower quantity, as people using red wine glasses poured 12% additional amount into the glass. Additionally, less wine is poured when the wine glass is on the tables, rather than in one’s hand.

#20 Be Thrifty

Money can help individuals to live for an extended period of time. A 2016-based Stanford research JAMA study found those where the income bracket was within the top one percent lived longer by about 15 years rather than those in lower 1 percent. This disparity is attributed to behaviors that are healthier for groups sending more. This includes those prone to fewer smoking and obesity rates.

#21 Enjoy Beauty

Whether you’re listening to divine music or viewing a beautiful natural phenomenon, this can boost the defense systems of the body from the University of California-Berkeley. That beauty and joy present higher cytokines levels can come from from walking in nature to beholding art and losing the self in music.

#22 Get a Canine Companion

Research on the association between health and pet ownership indicate lower anxiety, blood pressure and improved risks of surviving a heart attack for those with pets. The AHA or American Heart Association has also cited a published report in Circulation which recommends that owning a four-legged friend is vital for lowering the risk of heart disease. Pet owners are also likely to be active physicially and less prone to the impact of stress.

#23 Discover Your Purpose

If you wake up in a great mood, it gives you a sense of direction and well being. In a 2014 Lancet study, researchers discovered that those with the sense of purpose that was higher were thirty percent less likely to perish during the eight and a half year studying period. Action that is socially relevant is important, as it is even correlated with additional years of life. This was found in studies where people who live in  zones of blue areas, so-called where the individuals live for the longest time period.

#24 Believe in God

Attending religious services at least one time in a week can result in increasing  life expectancy by 4-14 years. This is according to blue zone researchers.

#25 Maintain Excellent Standards of Food Purity

Close to three thousand US residents are dying on account of food poisoning on an annual basis, as per CDC. Even foods such as berries, raw tuna, sprouts, and cantaloupe can make you ill or likely to die, if impure, says the US FDA. The action plan needs to focus on keeping the kitchen pristine, washing hands plus utensils before and after food is handled, separate cooked as well as raw foods, refrigerating perishable food quickly and cooking food to an ideal temperature to kill harmful bacteria.

#26 People At Higher Altitudes Live Longer

Those living in high altitude regions tend to live for longer periods of time, as per Harvard School of Global Health and the University of Colorado research. Of the twenty healthiest nations in the US, most are in mountainous rocky regions. Researchers study lower levels of oxygen may cause the body to survive in ways that strengthen the heart as well as circulation. Eating nuts of about 250 gms at least five times a week can reduce disease risk from mortality.

#27 Eat High-Protein Nuts

In a study in the EU of adults aged between 55 and 69, those who ate ten grams of nuts every day around 6 cashews or 8 almonds reduce the death risk from health-related causes by 23%. As far as specific ailments are considered, eating 250 gms of nuts 5x times in a week reduces chances for heart diseases by 29%. Further, it reduces respiratory disease risk by 24% and cancer by 11%, as per previous US studies.

#28 Laughter is Just the Best Medicine

Laughter helps for reducing stress, boosting immunity, lowering pain and improving blood flow to the brain. It affects blood vessels just like exercise, according to University of Maryland scientists.

#29 Score on Sociability

 Research and various studies demonstrate how loneliness raises the risk of premature death by forty-five percent. It weakens immunity and raises blood pressure while raising the chance of stroke and heart attacks. In contrast, those with stronger ties and social connections have lower than 50% chance of dying. This is as per research in PLOS Medicine. Further, a 2016 study by California University, San Diego researchers found that those who use social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook also live longer.

#30 Avoid the Hospital

A 2016 Johns Hopkins University research found close to 250 thousand patients died annually in hospitals from poor practices, medical conditions, misdiagnosis to drug errors. The best and ideal way to stay safe is to give infectious hospitals a wide berth.

#31 Read More

Scientific research has revealed the longstanding benefits of reading, such as newspapers, magazines, and books. Per day, 30 minutes of of book reading has significant benefits for health, according to Yale scientists.

#32 Go For Annual Checkups

Don’t wait for yearly checkups to know what is wrong for you. A tiny problem could turn into a big illness by this time. In one study, scientists discovered less than sixty percent of those who displayed unusual symptoms in the previous 90 days had seen a doctor. Symptoms pointing to cancer include unexplained weight reduction of more than ten pounds (this could indicate cancers of stomach, lungs or esophagus), fever, excessiveor chronic fatigue, differences or changes in bladder or bowel habits, or irregular bleeding. Other symptoms indicating disease are as follows. Rough, dark patches indicate diabetes while a strange tongue color could signal acid reflux problems.

#33 Follow Safety Precautions

Just about one in three families have a fire safety plan. People judge the speed of fire incorrectly, too. Most waste time trying to take their belongings or figuring out what to do next. Getting out safely is what matters most.

#34 Resolve Family Disputes

When a lot of individuals stress about the small stuff, it is the nagging and worrying family disputes that can have the most terrible impact. It also puts longevity and long life at risk. Chronic stressors hasten cellular deterioration. This free radical damage further causes premature old age and leads to a vast number of serious or complicated diseases. This is as per the longest conducted research from California University. Cell death is among the strongest indicators of early aging and noted in several studies of earlier mortality.

#35 Choose the Stairs

University of Geneva research found that taking stairs rather than climbing the elevators reduces the risk of early death by 15 percent. Additionally, an everyday stair climb can lop off six months of brain aging, according to Concordia University, which studied between 19 and 79-year-olds. Gray matter lessens with age, but definitely lesser when people are actively exercising.

#36 Drive Carefully

Nearly 1 in 5 motor accidents and higher than 400 thousand crash-linked injuries involve a distracted and uninterested or apathetic driver. Chief distractions, according to researchers, are cell phones. A less relevant but apparent risk is the touchscreen on the dashboard of the car.

In 2015 alone, greater than 5700 American adults and 236 thousand were injured in traffic crashes. Per mile travelling, fatal crashes rose considerably starting at age seventy and are largest among drivers aged 85 years and older. Check capabilities behind the wheel before driving.

#37 Walk A Mile

What is the ideal prescription for living a lengthier  life? It is undoubtedly exercised. Doctors are mostly prescribing it instead of medication. No pill can come closer to well being. Exercise is the key. It benefits the brain, mood, metabolism, heart, and skin. Even a ten minute brisk walk helps.

The advantages of brisk walking are real. A University of Pittsburgh researcher conducted on persons aged 65 and above found those whose average walking speed was higher than one meter in a single second lived for a longer time period. While researchers suggest brisk walking is essential to increase survival, it even helps those who pick up speed over the year.

#38 Get Alert

A 2016 UK-based study found that sitting in one place for 7 or more hours raises the risk of dying by 30%. Little lifestyle changes can make a difference, but they exert an immense payoff. Consider the value of exercising for boosting up longevity. The lungs and heart of a couch potato carry 2% lower oxygen then the rest of the body in a single year post 30 years of age, while the same aged person who burns 3 thousand calories in a single week through aerobic exercise will lose only 50 percent of as little asf 1% of his heart and lung capacity annually, until 80 or 90 years of age. To stay alive and healthy, every cell in the body needs to absorb oxygen/02.

Associated with heart disease, type II diabetes and a host of other conditions, obesity reduces expectancy of life. The higher risks of dying are not limited to those technically obese. This is when individuals have a BMI/body mass index of 30 or more. Individuals with a BMI higher than 25 also have a death rate higher than people within a healthy weight range because they may indulge in non-healthy behaviors like smoking and eating excessively.

#40 Avoid Smoking

People smoking for their adult lives expose themselves to toxic chemicals and die close to ten years earlier than those who never smoked. Quit smoking and you can get most of your years back.

#41 Take More Naps

Napping or resting for around 30 minutes a day can cut heart disease risk by up to 30%, as per research from the Harvard School of Public Health. Scientists believe a daily nap reduces bodily stress hormones.

#42 Eat Nutritious Meals

Enjoy a diet rich in veggies and fruits, as well as whole grains, low-fat, skimmed milk dairy products, and protein-rich seafood. These food items deliver vitamins, fats, minerals and other nutrients that boost heart health and prevent diseases.

#43 Management of Stress

Chronic stress is the reason for a wide range of health conditions and issues. Stress exerts adverse impact by triggering inflammation in the immune system. Massage, meditation, and gentler forms of exercise such as yoga can help your body to become stronger.

#44 Floss Your Teeth

Flossing teeth every night can remove bacteria that otherwise leads to gum inflammation. The inflammation activates the body’s inflammatory reactions, raising blood pressure and increasing the risk of stroke and heart disease. This potentially damages the brain tissue and enhances the chances of developing disorders like Alzheimer’s.

#45 Staying Connected

People with stronger social networks like family, groups, clubs, and friends last longer than those not connected with others. Stress hormone cortisol lowers when there are friends and families to rely on.

#46 Turn off the TV

Too much time in front of the television can seriously impact health. A 2010 research investigation showed people who watched 4 or more hours of TV in a day were 46% likely to die earlier than people watching less than 2 hours a day. Even cutting back a little can prove really beneficial. Each additional hour one watches increases the risk of dying overall by 11 percent and dying from heart disease by 18 percent.

#47 Stay Out of the Sun

Avoiding too much sun can prevent skin cancer and keep you looking young by preventing fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. It’s never too soon to add sunscreen to your everyday skin care regimen. Look for SPF of 30 or more. Don’t focus only on your face. Sun damage spots and splotches on the chest and neck also make one appear older.

#48 Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is essential and something one better does for health and lifespan. A study found that women who quit smoking by age 35 added around roughly 6-8 years to their lives. Kick the habit of quitting the cigarette can slow the disease and increase survival odds in smokers and is beneficial for those who have already received significant damage to their lungs such as COPD and early lung cancer.

#49 Go for a Jog

All the things one hears about living longer generally revolve around exercise. Aerobic exercise like running is critical for getting the blood pumping and the heart working. Recent studies have shown that a 60-minute run adds 7 hours to live and up to 4 hours per week. People who have 25 to 40 percent reduced the risk of early death and live around three years longer, according to the study. People who run are healthier in general. Running has its own health benefits. It helps to burn off or keep blood sugar at normal levels. This preserves the health of your kidneys, eyes, nerves and blood vessels. Running also regulates the blood pressure, besides increasing lung capacity, reducing stress and increasing bone density.

#50 Eat More Plant Protein

A recent Harvard study found people who ate a diet high in processed meats like hot dogs were at the risk of death more so. But those who ate protein from plant resources have a lower risk of heart-related diseases and deaths. For each 3 percent addition in calories from plant protein, there was a reduction in death risk by over 10%. Plant proteins supply 9 different types of amino acids that the body cannot make on its own. Unlike animal proteins, plant-based proteins can help to lower blood pressure, heart disease risk or even cancer.

#51 Find Ways to Shut Out the Stress

The impact of stress on overall health is massive, so reducing the stress is a way to lower the risk of different deadly diseases. A University of California study found chronically stressed women had lower levels of klotho, a hormone regulating the aging process. Another study found stress increased chances of stroke and heart attack. Stress also leads to chemical changes in the body that causes free radicals to be released. This can cause damage to organs, run blood pressure, resulting in emotional changes, and damaging genes resulting in a mutation that raises chances of cancer or psoriasis. Reducing stress can also boost sleep and interpersonal relations. It can also prevent drug and alcohol abuse. It lowers stress hormones as well.

#52 Pump iron

Aerobic exercise is all one needs to stay physically active, but adding strength training to the fitness routine to help in living a longer life, as per Harvard Med School. A recent Penn State study showed that older adults who performed strength training twice in a week had a lower chance of dying. Weight training leads to the buildup of muscle mass and increases resting metabolic rate, improving the balance, protecting the joints and strengthening the muscles and the bones. One can use weight training, or resistance training, bands, free weights, calisthenics or weight machines to reap benefits. Weight training is the key to permitting muscles to strengthen and get endurance for the body to move during daily living activities.

#53 Eat Fish

Consuming healthy fish is a critical part of a life-extending diet. Consuming fatty fish such as salmon twice a week boosts the intake of EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids. According to a national health survey, a majority of US citizens are deficient in DHA and EPA Omega-3 and this impacted longevity. A Harvard study showed those having high amount of healthy fatty acids in fish oils were 27% less likely to die and had a 35% lower risk of dying from heart diseases.

#54 Feel Young

Remember age is just a number and you’re only as old as you feel. Feeling younger may help individuals to live longer. Our attitude towards age impacts how healthily we live. If one cannot embark on a major fitness regimen, any amount of movement can serve to prolong life. Even simple things such as walking around or doing a light activity like household chores can reduce the risk of dying.

#55 Stock Up on Berries

Berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants and can prevent cell damage due to aging. Berries of different kinds have high levels of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and antioxidants. These can alter cellular function by reducing inflammatory and oxidative stressors. These bioactive properties can delay or prevent brain aging. This can also prevent age-based cognitive decline besides cancer and heart disease.

#56 Keep Your Brain in the Active States

The brain also needs exercise. Giving it a mental workout reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Studies have also demonstrated that keeping the brain stimulated leads to improved cognitive functioning. The best ways to keep the brain sharp and active is practicing activities that focus on the mind. Learning new things or expanding one’s knowledge of the profession also helps a lot. Social engagement, puzzles, and hobbies keep the brain working and ensure effective problem-solving.

#57 Stretch Occasionally

As per research, how far one stretches can be an indication of how stiff the arteries are, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. A host of health problems can be averted by adopting safe and convenient forms that include stretching. Flexibility and stretching exercises also help in alleviating joint problems, minimizing the risk of arthritis and lead to fewer chances to exercise. It is also perfect for fall prevention. Close to 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 experience a massive fall every year. This is a major cause of death. Dance and yoga can also improve the ability of the body to balance effectively.

#58 Thinking Positively

A positive outlook on life has been shown to increase longevity and the lifespan. A recent Harvard study found that levels of optimism impact different health issues and the most optimistic people had a 16% lower risk of death from cancer. Additionally, they experienced a 38 percent lower chance of suffering from heart disease or respiratory disorders. There’s also a 39 percent risk of dying from stroke. Having a positive outlook makes it more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like eating right and exercising, but it is also connected to lower inflammation levels.

#59 Being Prosocial

The health benefits of helping others also benefit individuals. Research by a University of Michigan researcher found that volunteerism predicted a longer life. Volunteerism increased life length only when it was done for altruistic reasons. The connection is being explored, but according to Harvard Med School, volunteering lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and depression.

#60 Look After Your Oral Health

The condition of the teeth could reflect overall health, so daily flossing and brushing can extend one’s life. Studies have shown a link between risk of death and poor oral health; gum disease has also been associated with heart disease, mouth cancer, and diabetes. There is a connection but it is still being explored. Healthy teeth lower the bad bacteria in the body and permit a fuller, diverse diet. This improves overall health.

#61 Avoid Soda

A Harvard research study found consuming soda and other sweetened drinks is associated with a higher chance of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes as well. When the body is fueled, it performs better; drinking sugary beverages can be a real deterrent for those who want good fuel. It also contains sodium, additives, dyes, and chemicals. Strong evidence suggests sugar-sweetened soft drinks lead to diabetes, metabolic syndromes, obesity, and heart disease. Soda can damage tooth enamel, leading to dental problems.

#62 Age Gratefully

Aging gracefully is not enough; you have to age with gratitude too. It is important to think of life in positive terms, especially if it is long. Research proves that gratitude increases a sense of well-being. Successful aging puts a positive spin on the process. This helps to prioritize what is important, and whether one thinks of a long life in positive terms to reduce stress, remain active and stay well.

#63 Find Moments You Can Revel In

If you stick around the planet earth for longer, try enjoying the beauty of the world, and savor each moment. This helps to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. One of the most important ways to reduce physical health problems is to stay happy. Perhaps the most important way to create meaning in life as one age is to keep a sense of awe. The world is a place where you can experience moments that truly touch your soul.

#65 Eat a Clean Meal

The best strategy for a long life diet is to eat cleanly, with natural foods. Clean eating can help live a long life. Eat veggies rich in orange, yellow and green hues. Lots of spices and fresh herbs including ginger, garlic, turmeric, and cinnamon are a great choice for those who want to enjoy a healthy diet. Try meat, dairy and processed meats in a small amount. Consume plenty of berries but choose fruits in moderation. Limit sugar.

#66 Play With Your Kids

Having kids can positively influence how long one lives. A recent Swedish study found men and women lived past 60 if they had children. The connection between having children and living longer was even stronger for unmarried individuals. This association was stronger for the non-married, suggesting the power of social support. Those who reap the benefits of being grandparents can live more than 10 years greater than those who don’t. Besides being active physically, grandkids also provide the elderly with the benefits of social connections. A key to living longer is to take the time to nurture all kinds of social attachments.

#67 Experience the Beauty of Nature

From taking a walk in the park to enjoying the vistas of nature, mental health is greatly benefited by going green. Research has shown exposure to nature can undo mental health issues and a Harvard study further found those who live in areas with lush verdant natural beauty and green areas have lower mortality rates by 12%. Researchers think it is essential to help clean the air and reduce the pollution to live in a green area.

#68 Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or suffering from obesity is life shortening. You can suffer from diabetes and heart disease. Having extra shape around the middle, which means a waist higher than 39.4 inches for women and 47.2 inches for men was linked to death, according to a European study. People need to reduce their chance of insulin resistance. Whenever they eat, the sugars bringing in energy need to go somewhere. Exercise and a nutritious diet can help avert it from accumulating to the midsection.

#69 Get Enough Calcium

As one gets older, bones become brittle and there are greater chances of falls and broken bones which can lead to issues like exercise, infection and excessive injury. These potential life-threatening complications need to be kept at bay by ensuring the bones are healthy with calcium. Calcium is essential for bone health, as bones store calcium for when the body requires it. Doctors recommend cheese, milk and dairy products as well as nonvegetarian sources of calcium. For vegan diners, it is important to opt for dark leafy greens, broccoli and green beans.

#70 Indulge in Dark Chocolate

Eating nutritiously has its high points and dark chocolate is one of them. Dark chocolate has anti-aging properties and protects against fatal heart attacks. Those who drank hot dark chocolate every day for over twelve weeks had better, younger looking skin texture, due to anti-inflammation. Dark chocolate helps to improve blood lipids by increasing the level of HDL cholesterol. Dark chocolate can improve blood lipids by helping to increase levels of HDL cholesterol. Elevated HDL is good for the heart and anti-cancer impact. Check for chocolate that is a minimum of 70 percent cacao.

#71 Nurture The Mind-Body link

Science is starting to understand the health benefits of mind-body connections, including the practice of meditation. A study by California University researchers found that post a three-month retreat, participants had a 30 percent increase in an enzyme that protects against aging and cell damage. A research study found that meditation which focused on kindness can reduce cellular aging. Meditation also improves the ability of the brain to concentrate and focus better,

#72 Sing

Singing is possibly one of the best ways to live a long life. Studies of cancer patients found singing could help the immune system and boost the heart rate through the deep breathing done by singers. If you sing with others, you also reap the benefits of a social connection. A study from Finland showed that singing in a chorus had a positive impact on older adults quality of living and promoted optimal functioning. Research shows listening to music lowers stress, improves cognitive function and reduces the heart rate.

#73 Connect on Social Media

While a lot of studies point to how social media benefit you, not many people realize that it can impact long-term well being and connectedness. Researchers found interacting on social media increases the feel-good hormone oxytocin and can boost longevity as long as time is spent on supportive activities.

#74 Grow Plants

If you want to reap the benefits of green living, try growing plants. A research study from Georgia University revealed over five decorative houseplants including ferns, waxy leaves as well as English ivy reduced the volatile organic compounds in indoor air. These pollutants can lead to all sorts of health issues from neurological problems to cancer and lead to over 1.6 million deaths in a year. Filling your house with plants can purify the air and boost longevity.

#75 Take Time Off For Yourself

Setting aside even minutes for what one enjoys is the mind-body strategy for lowering stress and making life more purpose oriented. Take the time out for yourself in a day and reduce stress. Read quietly, enjoy a yoga class or just watch your favorite television program.

#76 Choose Foods Wisely

Opt for at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies in a day. When filling a plate with fruits and veggies choose from a complete color palette. For more health benefits, aim for close to 9 servings in a day. Choose vegetable soups and veggies or fruit salads. Whenever possible, opt for polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Trans and saturated fats should be given a miss. If you don’t have coronary artery disease. the AHA recommends foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, like salmon, mackerel or trout twice a week. If one has documented coronary artery disease, limited amounts of EPA or DHA under medical supervision are avoidable. Choose whole grains for better digestion and longer life too.

#77 Never Overcook Meat

Don’t overcook poultry, fish or red meat as this causes the buildup of carcinogens. Cut off fats before grilling to avoid charring. Try gentle steaming, sauteing and braising foods in liquid instead. Grilling veggies are fine.


Thus, all these tips for nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits can help you on the road to a long life and prolong your lifespan. Make sure you follow the tips as per your unique body chemistry and medical history. Do take care of your health in these ways and cherish life, for it is a gift that is precious and must be taken care of.

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