Lighten Facial Spots

8 Most Effective Tips to Lighten Facial Spots: Types of Facial Spots

The skin color of a person is determined by the pigment known as melanin. People who have lighter skin tones have comparatively lower strength of melanin pigment in their skin cells with a comparison to people with darker skin color. However, the problem occurs when your skin develops uneven skin tone means darker spots in certain areas and in remaining places you have normal skin tone.

This especially happens because the affected area gets hyperpigmented due to the excessive production of melanin. It is really a spot on your facial beauty. However, the good news is that there are some effective DIY tips to lighten facial spots and to make much even tone skin color naturally.

Sun is the primary culprit considered as responsible for hyperpigmentation in certain skin areas leading to the growth of dark or uneven facial spots. Apart from excessive sun exposure other prominent reasons that also play a key role in causing facial spots issues include hormonal imbalance, aging, certain medication intake, pregnancy, acne marks, etc.

Though there are many cosmetic care treatments that are quite an invasive one but treats your skin problem from its deep root. However, it must be added here that these invasive treatments are usually associated with certain side effects risk and quite an expensive one that everyone can’t afford.

So instead of investing your money in such treatments like glycolic acid pads, chemicals peels, laser treatment, microdermabrasion, etc, it’s better that you choose non-invasive or in more precise term natural curing methods that you can try at your home without anyone’s support.

These natural dark spots treatment methods are done with natural ingredients that are loaded with potent healing properties and are in use since the ancient civilization to enhance and boost your skin health and appearance. The ingredients used in these DIY facial spots treatment can easily be availed in your kitchen itself or you can get them in grocery or pharmacy stores.

These natural techniques are very much safe and effective and you can see the improvement just with few days of consistent application of these DIY skincare methods. Within 4 to 6 weeks’ time, you will find those unwanted facial spots almost or fully invisible.

Also you can prevent the future recurrence risk of this skin problem if you follow some daily skincare routine for the protection of your beautiful skin such as avoiding the excess exposure of sun, healthy diet intakes, taking care of your skin during pregnancy, avoiding pimples bursting and have consultation with doctor if any medication is causing this issue or due to hormonal imbalance.

So whether you have developed acne spots or aging spots or a facials spot due to any other internal or external reason you will naturally get rid of it and get back your old flawless skin tone with some below mentioned proven natural tips to lighten your facial spots.

Types of Facial Spots

As per the reason or causes behind the growth of facial spots, it is divided into the following types.


This type of dark facial spot occurs due to excessive exposure to the sun. This type of dark spot on the face is very common in older adults especially people aging above 60.


Melasma is more common in pregnant women or women who are in their transition phase of menopause. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance or fluctuations in the body which is very popular in these two stages of a woman’s life.

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

This type of facial spot occurs after an inflammatory skin condition such as acne, burns, etc. These skin conditions left their stubborn scars behind during their recovery process which takes the form of ugly facial spots.

8 Most Effective Tips to Lighten Facial Spots

Lemon Juice

Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C which has natural skin toning and lightning properties. This is the reason it is the most common ingredient of many commercial skincare products. Lemon juice contains flavonoids an antioxidant which helps to lighten dark spots from your face.

For the best and faster result, it is better that you apply fresh lemon juice as a DIY ingredient to lighten and removing your facial spots in a much safer plus effective way.


  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp water
  • Cotton swabs


For preparing this DIY recipe you need to mix the lemon juice and water together. Now dip a cotton swab in this solution and directly apply on the affected area of your face.

Let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water. Apply a serum and a moisturizer on your face after rinsing the lemon juice remedy. Apply this remedy once in a day till you discover a drastic reduction in your facial spots.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel has natural moisturizing and skin tone lighting properties. Also, it is effective in the natural treatment of different inflammatory skin conditions. Hence whether your facial spot is a result of sunburn or acne spot or due to any other reason this remedy is really very effective in lightening your facial spots.

Aloe vera gel contains Aloin a compound that has melanocytic properties. Hence effective in depigmentation of dark spots existing on your face.


  • 1 tsp aloe vera gel
  • Cotton swabs


If you have aloe vera plant in the house then it’s best that you extract the fresh aloe vera gel directly from its leaf. Otherwise, you can use a good aloe vera gel readymade available in the market.

Apply the aloe vera gel with the help of a cotton swab directly on the affected areas of your skin which has dark pigmentation. Leave it as it is for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Apply this remedy two times in a day including morning and evening every day till your spots get lighten or get invisible. Apply your regular serum and moisturizer after washing your face with lukewarm water.

Orange Peel

Orange peel contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties which help in the natural treatment of acne and oily skin-related issues. It works great as a natural bleach, thus effective in lightning or removing dark pigmentation or spots existing on your face.

It contains hesperidin a flavonoid that is effective in the treatment of dark facial spots. Also, it helps in toning, lighting and adding natural glow on your face with its consistent application on your face.


  • 1/2 tsp dried orange peel powder
  • Water
  • Cotton swabs


Mix a few drops of water into a half a teaspoon of dried orange peel powder. Apply this prepared mixture on the affected areas of your skin with the help of a cotton swab.

Leave it as it is for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Apply your favorite serum or moisturizer on your clean face. Use this spot-lighting remedy once in a day till you get a drastic reduction or permanent removal of your facial dark spots.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider contains certain enzymes that boost the skin shedding process and promotes the faster growth of fresh, healthy and even skin tone like the surrounding area of the affected zone.

Hence effective in the natural treatment of hyper-pigmentation or skin discoloration issue. However, it must not be applied in undiluted form means, without mixing in water because of its acidic nature that can even burn your skin.


  • 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp water
  • Cotton swabs


Mix both the ingredients in a bowl in the mentioned quantity and then apply it over the dark spots on your face with the help of a cotton swab.

Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Apply a serum or moisturizer after rinsing your face. Use this remedy for 2 to 3 days in a week for experiencing a reduction in your facial spots and for its permanent removal.

It is advised to do a patch test first in any other skin area of your body before applying it directly on your face to see whether is safe for your skin or causing sensitivity issue.


Cucumber contains a special component known as silica that helps in reducing and lightening dark spots on your face including dark circles as well.

Its potent hydrating and skin-nourishing properties help in treating different skin discoloration issue very effectively and helps in making even skin tone and texture.


  • 1/4 of a cucumber
  • Cotton swabs


For preparing this DIY remedy first you need to blend 1/4 of a cucumber in a blender. Now with the help of a cotton swab apply this smoother paste of cucumber on your dark spots on the face.

Let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times in a week or once every day for lightening your facial spots in a natural and easier way. Use this remedy continuously to prevent the recurrence risk of such dark facial spots in the future.


Buttermilk is a rich source of lactic acid that helps in removing dead skin cells hence help in lightning dark facial spots by accelerating the growth of light tone skin cells. Also, it develops a natural glow on your face and improves your overall facial complexion when applied all over your face area.


  • 1 teaspoon buttermilk
  • Cotton swabs


Dip the cotton swab in the buttermilk and apply it directly to your dark facial spots. Let it sit for 20 to 25 minutes and then rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Apply a serum or moisturizer after cleansing your face. Apply this remedy once in a day till you see a reduction in your facial spots. For acne-prone or oily skin people, it is advised to add lemon juice with buttermilk for a better result in lighting the facial spots.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a very popular remedy for acne spots treatment and for lightening your skin tone. It is rich with anti-bacterial properties hence, effectively kills the acne-causing bacteria in your skin cells and dry-up sebum to remove your acne completely.


  • 1 tsp hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 tsp milk
  • Cotton swabs


Mix both the ingredients in a glass bowl and then dip a cotton swab in this solution. Then directly apply this on your facial spots and let it sit for at least 15 minutes’ time.

After that rinse your face with lukewarm water and apply a serum and moisturizer on your face. Use this remedy 2 to 3 times a week until your facial spots get lighten or removed permanently.

Do a patch test before directly applying this hydrogen peroxide DIY remedy to check the sensitivity issue. If it doesn’t develop any side effects such as sensitivity etc then and only you should apply it over your facial spots.


Sandalwood contains a natural exfoliating agent that soothes sunburn and removes suntan and other facial spots with its skin tone lightening properties.

It is rich with anti-bacterial properties that fight against acne-causing bacteria and helps in maintaining toned and glowing skin by preventing the growth of aging signs.


  • 1 tsp sandalwood powder
  • 1 tsp orange zest
  • Orange juice (as per the requirement)


Mix the sandalwood powder and orange zest in a small bowl and add orange juice to make a smoother paste out of it. Apply it over your facial spots or all over the face and neck area as well, as it is safe and effective for your whole skin.

Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Apply your favorite serum and moisturizer on your clean face. Apply this DIY remedy for removing facial spots and suntan for 2 times a week until you manage to develop smoother and lighter skin tone without any spot.

 Some More Home Remedy Alternatives

If you like the natural organic route, consider the below home remedies proven to reduce dark spots. Before applying any of the below remedies, make sure your face is cleansed and washed leaving skin bare.

  • Honey Yogurt Masks are quite easy. Whisk together 1/4th cup plain yogurt with active cultures and 1 tbsp. fresh-squeezed lemon juice together until completely combined. Apply the mask carefully and avoid skin surrounding the eyes. Place a towel around your shoulders and lay back for about 15-20 minutes to allow the mask to settle in and work. Once the mask time is complete, carefully walk over to a sink to tenderly wash the mask off with a soft washcloth. Rise four to six times before applying a night cream, moisturizer or sunscreen as needed. For normal skin, applying the mask three to four times a week is safe and should produce gradual results. Oily skin individuals are encouraged to use this mask once a week.
  • Papaya is a great natural remedy as this tropical fruit contains papain, an enzyme that exfoliates the skin. Evenly rub raw papaya directly onto the skin making sure to avoid skin surrounding the eyes and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Papaya is also found in pre-packaged masks found at local drugstores if you’re not able to find the fruit or have access to papayas.

Keep in mind vitamins like vitamin C; vitamin A, and vitamin B are considered safe pigment reducers.

Professional Advice

If you find yourself struggling with home skin lightening remedies, try looking into a dermatologist recommended by your family practitioner or OBGYN. You might also consider receiving a referral for a consultation with a plastic surgeon as they can provide additional in-depth informative consultation where you can determine what you’re looking for and to review sample before and after photos as well as dive into pricing. After meeting with the two recommended professionals, seriously think about the benefits of each to decide which procedure would make most sense.

Skin lightening is becoming increasingly popular worldwide for both men and women but how you decide to take care of the issue is a personal decision. Keep in mind to do your research regarding the safety of skin lightening and never feel pressured to use products that do not sit well with you. Keep in mind this is a long process and results will not arrive overnight – stay positive and remain patient.

Try these DIY tips to lighten facial spots as these are absolutely safe and effective tricks to remove and reduce facial spots. You will surely notice the signs of improvement just within 2 to 3 weeks of application of these remedies on a consistent basis.

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One Comment

  1. Shaadidukaan

    Facial spots are problem of every other person nowadays, these tips will be surely helpful for removing them! This article is amazing as it has all the ingredients that can be found at home easily.

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