Easy Recipes to Make Your Own Yogurt Face Mask

Benefits of Using a Yogurt Face Mask

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Yogurt or oatmeal? As a matter of fact, both the things constitute a healthy diet but when it comes to flaunting a salubrious skin, i would rather eat the oatmeal and save the creamy and nutritional yogurt in order to make a moisturizing and nutrifying Yogurt Face Mask.

Replete with essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, calcium and probiotics, it is absolutely undeniable that yogurt provides for requisite benefits for your body insides. But it can also does wonders for your outsides and that is your skin.

Containing a major concentration of lactic acid, yogurt helps to eliminate the dead skin cells. It gives a natural glow to your skin and prevents those ugly breakouts and any appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can apply a velvety yogurt face mask in order to essentially moisturize, prevent acne, fight premature skin ageing, remove sun tans and diminishes skin discoloration. It is simply a wide ranging beauty multitasker.

Going by the experts, Dr. Judith Hellman, a medical dermatologist at Mt. Sinai Hospital at NYC proclaims the numerous benefits of yogurt saying that it helps to soften and rejuvenate the skin. She greatly recommends the usage of a yogurt face mask after excessive sun exposure to calm down the skin. When mixed with honey, it helps in healing keratosis pilaris.

Essential Nutrients in Yogurt

The amazing yogurt helps in achieving a supple, radiant and glowing skin. This is primarily because of the amazing nutrients that are present in the yogurt. All these nutrients are extremely skin friendly and thus makes this yogurt an effective remedy.

Zinc: Zinc is one very effective mineral that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to facilitate a quick cell reproduction as well as tissue growth. It is great for people with an oily skin type as it helps in regulating sebum that is secreted by the sebaceous glands of our skin, thereby preventing pimples and acne.

Calcium: Just like the epidermis layer of our skin, yogurt too contains a high concentration of calcium. This calcium helps in renewing the skin and keeps it hydrated.

Vitamins: Yogurt is loaded with necessary vitamins such as B2, B5 and B12. Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin provides for a flawless and healthy skin. It endows numerous skin benefits such as protecting it from the free radicals, promoting cellular regeneration, manufacturing the necessary cellular fats as well as keeping the skin hydrated.

Lactic Acid: Lactic acid is a renowned skin exfoliant and a hydrating moisturizer. It is found in a number of skincare products today as it is a highly recommended anti-ageing agent that helps to reduce wrinkles and other fine lines of ageing. This lactic acid is found in a high concentration in yogurt making it extremely beneficial for your skin.

Benefits of Using Yogurt

Now that you know about the various nutrients present in yogurt, you can easily imagine the benefits that a yogurt face mask can endue to your skin. I am sure after using it, you will be amazed how your skin has become so healthy looking.

Healthy and Hydrated Skin

If you are tired of your weary and tired looking skin, then yogurt is the ideal home remedy. Just apply fresh natural yogurt on your face and gently massage in a circular motion. The lactic acid that is present in the yogurt will help to moisturize and hydrate your skin, giving you a supple look.

Brighter Skin

Sometimes due to the action of an enzyme known as tyrosinase, the melanin productions in your skin speeds up, making it appear darker. The lactic acid in yogurt inhibits the action of this enzyme which helps in giving you a brighter and fairer skin tone.


As discussed above, yogurt is a great skin exfoliant. This mild acid does not irritate the sensitive skin and helps in the removal of the dead skin cells. Also, it initiates a rapid cell renewal, making the skin healthy.

Scar Free Flawless Skin

Zinc present in the yogurt helps in controlling the excess sebum that is produced by our skin glands. This helps in preventing acne and gives you a pimple free skin. On the other hand, the probiotics in yogurt destroys the bacteria. Therefore, using a yogurt face mask daily is a great option for killing all the germs and skin bacteria and thus flaunting a flawless skin.

Prevents Dark Circles

Yogurt is perhaps the ideal remedy for getting rid of those ugly unsightly under eye dark circles. Zinc in yogurt helps to achieve a brighter skin tone and at the same time lightens up the scars and blemishes. It effectively helps to remove the stubborn dark circles under your eyes once and for all.

Youthful Skin

Owing to the action of strong antioxidants, yogurt prevents the free radicals from causing any skin damage. The lactic acid helps to reduce the visible signs of ageing, thus keeping your skin younger looking. It is a great idea to use this face mask regularly in order to delay the onset of wrinkles and ageing lines.

Infection Free Skin

In case you are facing any kind of fungal infection, you can make use of a yogurt skin mask to combat it. The antifungal properties of lactic acid helps in treating even the sensitive skin, making it healthy and fit.

Soothes Sunburns

One of the prime benefits of yogurt is that it helps to calm down the skin that has been irritated due to excessive sun exposure. The zinc present in the yogurt seeks to relieve the skin burning and the itching sensations. Simply applying fresh yogurt on the burnt skin will reduce the skin inflammation and redness and at the same time balance the skin’s natural oils. It also suppresses the melanin, reducing the intensity of sun tanning.

Mixing Yogurt with Other Ingredients

Apart from using plain and natural yogurt on your face, you can also combine it with other healthy ingredients to proffer added benefits to your skin. Let us read about a few ingredients that can be used to augment the effectiveness of a yogurt face mask:


Even the experts state that a great way of using yogurt is in combination with the wonderful honey. Being a natural humectant, honey helps to lock the skin moisture and thus keep it deeply moisturized and hydrated. It has anti-bacterial properties that minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fights the pimples and acne. Just add a little honey to the yogurt mask and apply it to your face. You will be surprised by the gorgeous effect it has on your skin.


For all the people who have a dry skin, simply add grated carrot to your yogurt and apply this pack on your face. It will help to rejuvenate your skin giving it a natural sheen. It will give you a soft, healthy and hydrated skin.

Lime Juice

Lemon is a great ingredient that works wonders for oily skin type. You can add a little amount of lime juice to your yogurt in order to unclog all the skin pores and exfoliate them. It will also help to combat the skin blemishes making the skin look even and bright.

Important Things to Remember

No doubt, using yogurt on your skin is a great remedy for achieving a beautiful skin. However, it is always advisable to take a few precautions:

If you have a sensitive skin type, then owing to the action of lactic acid, you will experience a minor tingling sensation. But if you have an ultra-sensitive skin, the sensation may be gross and you may feel your skin burn. In such a case, wash off the yogurt face mask instantly and apply a mild hydrating skin moisturizer. Also, get an allergy test done as your skin may be allergic to probiotics or lactic acid present in yogurt.

If you have an allergy to dairy products or hydroxyl acid, then you should refrain from the usage of yogurt face mask.

Always go for a yogurt that is natural, organically produced and rich in fats. Use a full fat yogurt to make sure that your skin enjoys the necessary nutrients and gets fully moisturized and deeply nourished.

Easy Recipes to Make Your Own Yogurt Face Mask

For Dry Skin

This face mask is essentially a moisturizing and hydrating one. All of you with a dry skin should definitely try this to make your skin seem fuller, healthier and softer.


  • Plain full-fat yogurt – 2 tablespoons
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Mashed avocado – 1 tablespoon
  • Oatmeal – 1 tablespoon

Directions of Use

  • Mix all the ingredients together in order to form a thick paste.
  • Apply it on your face and neck. Keep for 12 – 15 minutes.
  • Clean it off using a damp and soft cloth.

For Irritated Skin

A yogurt face mask is a very helpful remedy for soothing out the irritated and infected skin. It seeks to reduce the skin redness, inflammation or sunburns.


  • Plain full-fat yogurt – ¼ cup
  • Chopped Cucumber – ¼ cup
  • Aloe Vera Gel/ Juice – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Chamomile Oil – Few drops

Directions of Use

  • Mix all the ingredients together and form a thick paste. If the paste is too runny, use cheesecloth and strain it.
  • Apply it on the face and neck and keep it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with tap water.

For an Acne Prone Skin

As you know, the primary reason for zits and acne is the excessive production of sebum that supports the growth of bacteria on our skin. The yogurt face mask helps to keep a check on the amount of sebum produced by our skin glands and helps to successfully get rid of all skin bacteria.


  • Yogurt – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon Juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder – 1 teaspoon

Directions of Use

  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly together in a clean bowl.
  • Apply the mask on the face and neck. Wait for 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water. Pat dry.

For a Glowing and Radiant Skin

With yogurt, it’s not hard to achieve a dazzling skin that shines with radiance. You can use this simple remedy and witness a paramount difference yourself. You can also add a little amount of honey to the face pack in case you have a dry skin.


  • Yogurt – 2 tablespoons
  • Some Split Pink Lentils
  • Orange Zest

Directions of Use

  • Finely grind the lentils with the help of a mixer grinder. Add orange zest to form a fine paste. Finally add the stated amount of yogurt.
  • Mix all the ingredients well. Apply it on the face and neck. Let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water. Your skin will immediately look fresher and much softer.

For Dull Skin

The amazing yogurt has amazing properties that can essentially rejuvenate your skin, making it look healthy and dazzling. It can help to negate the effects of pollution and stress on your skin that can leave you with a weary skin.


  • Yogurt – 4 tablespoons
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Cocoa Powder – 1 tablespoon

Directions of Use

  • Mix the ingredients together and apply it on your face.
  • Let it stay for 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Use a soft cloth to dry your face.

How Often Can You Use a Yogurt Face Mask?

Well, the benefits of using a yogurt face ask are countless. It will help you to achieve a skin that is radiant, glowing and blemish free. The frequency of using this face mask largely depends upon the type of skin that you have. Read on to find out how often can you use this face mask according to your skin type.

Oily / Acne Skin: You can use this face mask every day as yogurt helps in controlling the sebum production.

Dry Skin: For people with a dry skin, the primary aim is to keep the skin moisturized and hydrated. Therefore, you can use this mask 2 to 3 times a week to ensure optimal results.

For Any Bacterial Infection: In case you are witnessing any bacterial infection, you can possibly use the mask 3 to 4 times in a day. This will prevent all bacteria from flourishing.


To conclude, I would strongly recommend the usage of a yogurt face mask for achieving a flawless skin. However, if you have a sensitive skin, it is advisable to perform a little patch test as your skin might turn out to be allergic to yogurt. If none such reaction occurs, continue using the face pack and you will soon find a noticeable difference in your skin.

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