Diseases & Conditions

Ascites Causes and Treatment

Ascites: Causes, Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment

Ascites refers to a condition when there is increased fluid in the peritoneal cavity. So, what’s this cavity about, and where is it located? Well, the abdominal organs are contained in a sac/membrane referred to as peritoneum. This peritoneal cavity generally includes a low amount of fluid (though it varies […]

Dermoid Cyst Picture

Dermoid Cyst: Causes, Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment

Dermoid cysts are pockets or holes beneath the human skin. Such cysts have tissue generally located in external skin layers. Dermoid cysts can have oil, sweat glands, or even hair follicles. The oil and sweat buildup within them increase the cyst’s size. Dermoid cysts can occur at birth or shortly […]